BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Israel should drop leaflets into the city of GAZA, and warn of the coming storm. The leaflets should read "All women and children will be given safe passage out, and all men and women over 65 year's of age will also be allowed to leave if they choose too, along with the children and their mother's. Once that is finished, then GAZA in it's current form will be finished.
Just say it. Say you're fine bombing kids. Be honest with yourself.

Your ISIS heroes have been busy killing babies. Your ISIS heroes have called for Global Day of Gee-had™. I’ll expect you to attend. Maybe take one for the cause.
The only moral baby decapitations are performed with flying rebar from collapsing apartment buildings.
I find it interesting that you joined soon after I did, have precious few posts under your belt and are suddenly all over the place with your Jew hatred.

There seems to be a lot of that here with old accounts being resurrected.

I have long wondered about this phenomenon and the abilities of certain people within the system to bring back old accounts.
I find it interesting that you joined soon after I did, have precious few posts under your belt and are suddenly all over the place with your Jew hatred.

There seems to be a lot of that here with old accounts being resurrected.

I have long wondered about this phenomenon and the abilities of certain people within the system to bring back old accounts.
I’ve noticed that as well. Members who joined years ago and have had very little to say, suddenly becoming energized with the ability to spew Jew-hate all over.

It’s very odd. And not a good sign.
No I am not an Arab or belong to a cell, this is just your despicable prejudices projected onto others. You know nothing about me, other than that the suffering of innocents disturbs me, if you were paying attention and were able to take away the proper perspective. I've been to Israel on a couple of occasions for worship. I have Jewish friends and attended their son's brit milah. I've known a Lebanese Christian. Told me about the windshield of her car being blown out by an Israeli bomb while trying to get home. I've had a Palestinian co-worker that's raised her kids and tried to bridge the divide between the two sides. She's no jihadi simply because of where she's from or what her mother tongue. My wife got to experience Russian tanks running over citizens and cowering with her family as they fired shells through apartment buildings. I've been in the homes and personally known many who have suffered at the hands of the Iranian regime, been imprisoned and had worse done to their families. I've seen s lot sides of the depravity and haven't lost my humanity. Nor have they. Maybe some of you can regain yours.
Against the backdrop of the escalating conflict in Setor Gaza, the Israeli army is beginning to expand the range of weapons it uses. Israeli aviation began using Spice-2000 precision-guided bombs in the Gaza Strip. The Spice-2000 glide bomb was introduced to the Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense in 2003. The bomb is guided by GPS and dropped at a distance of up to 60 kilometers from the target. When gliding towards the target, at the final section, the seeker of the aerial bomb searches for the target using pre-loaded data into the memory of the SPICE computer. Thanks to this targeting, the bomb has a deviation from the target of no more than 3 meters. Images of 100 targets can be loaded into the computer's memory. It is worth noting that India and Pakistan criticized these bombs for their accuracy, but whether this is real or not is in question. Judging by the video, the bomb hits its target accurately. The mass of the bomb is 907 kilograms, the price is unknown. The video shows an Israeli air bomb "Spice-2000" hitting the Allantay Bank in Khan Yunis.


/---/ Thanks dementia Joe.

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