BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

Republicans Slam Trump's Comments On Netanyahu and Hezbollah.

Some prominent Republicans are distancing themselves from former President Donald Trump, after the current GOP frontrunner repeatedly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and offered unexpected praise for Hezbollah militants.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the greatest state sponsor of terrorism, these are states and entities that are focused on wiping Israel off the face of the earth. That is neither smart nor good,” Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.), who represents a district that voted for President Joe Biden by double digits, told NBC News’ Kristen Welker on Thursday. “This is a fight of good versus evil.

In an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on Thursday, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said that “Donald Trump has to answer for Donald Trump’s comment,” before adding that “weakness begets conflict. Where people see an opportunity, where they’re looking at ways to harm others, where they don’t see a strong United States, they see opportunity.”

P01135809 is praising Hezbollah. P01135809 is attacking Netanyahu.

How long before the resident MAGA MAGGOTS start doing the exact same thing?
As you might expect, the UN confirms it's little more than a mouthpiece for do-nothing and equivocation.

It will be the same for the Iranian / Islamic terrorist occupation army in Lebanon; "Hizzbollocks"


What??!! “Israel’s siege”? What in the hell is he talking about ? The Muslim terrorists launched a barbaric massacre on Jewish children lying in their cribs!

Israel has given warning. HAMAS won’t let the Palestinians leave because they want them as human shields. So that’s the end of it? HAMAS launches a Holocaust-level massacre, and then holds Israel at bay?
Ironically, the Reuters journalist killed by Israel was on his way to shoot a story about the Israeli army's precision work and its total lack of involvement in war crimes.
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Hamas is doing what it has always done. Fire from a Hospital. If Israel fires at it, then they post psychological Warefare to the world....."See....We told you they were evil...."

Hamas cares nothing about the people of Gaza. They are Cannon Fodder for propoganda. The rest of the Muslim countries refuse to take them in because they want the same.
It needs to be learned right now, that people who do not want to be associated with us or wants to be assimilated with any of the groups that are representing good character in the world, have since been using us or these good group's (along with our hard work's), as a way to get ahead in life without lifting a hand. Then when they are challenged or cut off, that's when the bull shite starts.

It's way past time to call it what it is, and finally recognize the leeches for who they are, and what they do or how they perfect the art of manipulation and brainwashing not only on us, but on the children as well. This is something bad that is found in groups or individuals all over the world now.

When it involves these formed or forming hate group's, then that's when it becomes a super serious thing as it has now been realized in this Hamas situation. Hopefully lessons are learned everywhere about this stuff, because that is the ultimate outcome of the bull shite if left to it's own devices, and it needs to be recognized before it gets way to big if things are brewing in people and/or group's.

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