BREAKING: Hamas launches attacks into Israel

It’s been shocking to see the degree of antisemitism this has revealed. We now have Australians yelling “gas the Jews!” and people gathered in NYC yelling “Kill the Jews!”
That never would be happening 20 years ago.
Can you believe that these people can come on here to spread their bull crap, and then worse do so in their foreign language ? This is an example of American weakness instead of American strength We've been sold out so bad by our politicians that it ain't even funny.
Not only a foreign language, but the language of the barbarians who hunted down and exterminated more than 1,000 Jews.
As you might expect, the UN confirms it's little more than a mouthpiece for do-nothing and equivocation.

It will be the same for the Iranian / Islamic terrorist occupation army in Lebanon; "Hizzbollocks"

The UN funds HAMAS via UNRWA. They are Hamas's largest benefactor.

And the US largely funds the UN to do so. :cuckoo:

Defund the UN and kick them out of NY.

Translation via the Google Translate app on my phone.


McDonald's Amman

Oman stands with Gaza

McDonald's Oman (Al Daoud Restaurants Company) affirms our great humanitarian sympathy for our brothers in beloved Gaza, and we do not accept compromise on our Arabism, patriotism, and commitment to our dear Omani society and its lofty principles and values. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that McDonald's Oman has donated the amount of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars) to contribute to the efforts Relief for the people of Gaza, may God help them, in coordination with the concerned official authorities.

We also confirm that McDonald's International is a listed joint stock company, owned by millions of shareholders from around the world, including Arabs and Muslims, and out of concern for its commercial interests around the world, it never interferes in politics and always adheres to absolute neutrality and does not adopt any political positions. This is to preserve its commercial interests spread in more than 120 countries around the world. Any individual decision or action of one of its agents in any country is not considered a representation of it, its policy, or its values and principles. What its representative in Israel did was an individual and private act and not with the approval or direction of the international company or any other agents, especially in our Arab world.

We also reaffirm that McDonald's Oman is a 100% Omani company, wholly owned and managed by Al Daoud Restaurants Company, and we are proud that we have more than 260 employees from the youth of Oman.

In conclusion, we stand with Gaza in these difficult times. Let us all combine our efforts and support the Gaza community with everything we can. We ask God Almighty to protect our beloved country and all Arab and Muslim countries from all evil and hate.

Hashtag for widespread dissemination #Oman_stands_with_Gaza
Translation via the Google Translate app on my phone.

McDonald's Amman
Oman stands with Gaza
McDonald's Oman (Al Daoud Restaurants Company) affirms our great humanitarian sympathy for our brothers in beloved Gaza, and we do not accept compromise on our Arabism, patriotism, and commitment to our dear Omani society and its lofty principles and values. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that McDonald's Oman has donated the amount of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars) to contribute to the efforts Relief for the people of Gaza, may God help them, in coordination with the concerned official authorities.
We also confirm that McDonald's International is a listed joint stock company, owned by millions of shareholders from around the world, including Arabs and Muslims, and out of concern for its commercial interests around the world, it never interferes in politics and always adheres to absolute neutrality and does not adopt any political positions. This is to preserve its commercial interests spread in more than 120 countries around the world. Any individual decision or action of one of its agents in any country is not considered a representation of it, its policy, or its values and principles. What its representative in Israel did was an individual and private act and not with the approval or direction of the international company or any other agents, especially in our Arab world.
We also reaffirm that McDonald's Oman is a 100% Omani company, wholly owned and managed by Al Daoud Restaurants Company, and we are proud that we have more than 260 employees from the youth of Oman.
In conclusion, we stand with Gaza in these difficult times. Let us all combine our efforts and support the Gaza community with everything we can. We ask God Almighty to protect our beloved country and all Arab and Muslim countries from all evil and hate.
Hashtag for widespread dissemination #Oman_stands_with_Gaza
The stand with GAZA I guess, can be interpreted as standing with the citizen's who have been caught in the crossfire I'm hoping, but if it means they stand ideologically with the death to ISRAEL cult, then shame on them.
That never would be happening 20 years ago.
And it won't help a twit to use dopiness to find a cure.
Like maybe it's due to the water.
How about years of radicalized Public Education.
because we know that the Liberals of the late 60's were
hellbent on a different United States.
Don't take my word for it.
Take a Jewish scholar and former Radical of the 60's.
David Horowitz.
Mr. Horowitz grew up in a confirmed Communist
Household.His parents were all but card-carrying Commies.
David started out as a Liberal and then Radical during the
Vietnam period of the late 60's.Sometime later he saw the light
and reversed course.He has spent the better part of 4-5 decades
writing and lecturing on college campuses' about the evils
of Not Liberalism but Radicalism.Or extreme Liberalism.
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