Breaking: Hillary Clinton To Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants, Who Hate Americans, In First Term


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
If the Butcher of Benghazi gets elected ; every white person in America will need (A) a copy of the Koran, a prayer rug and a Spanish /English Dictionary- or (B) a sub machine gun and a pile of ammo.


Clinton to Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants During First Term Alone
Note: Migrants. Not refugees. Interesting. Clinton's going to pull a Merkel.

Oh did you hear about the Afghan migrant in Germany today who attacked 20 people with an axe on a train?
Watching the convention....Hillary's sphincter must be vibrating 1000 beats per minute.
Oh did you hear about the Afghan migrant in Germany today who attacked 20 people with an axe on a train?
Yep. He was screaming Allah Akbar while attacking.

Democrat's -Liberals are supposed to be so much smarter then the rest of us....
Well that's what they keep telling us....

We have a situation in Germany and Sweeden where Muslim
immigrants are just totally abusing and raping women....

They had to put up signs like no smoking signs to let Muslims know
because it seems for some reason that they didn't already know
that it was in poor taste and downright tacky to grab a Swedish or German
women off the street and take them somewhere against their will and make them their little fuck toy.
Because Muslim men have very little regard for women and this is their right by Sharia law.

Because it seems like in the Muslim culture that this is just the way things are.....
So the Swedes and Germans try to help these fucks out and this is what they get.....

And the Democrat nominee for President of the US wants to have more of these types let in the country and she is praised.
And the Republican nominee for President wants this slowed down a bit to investigate who's coming into the country and he is vilified.....

What the frigging hell.
One million Muslims a year for the next 10 years, until we are unrecognizable. That is the UN directive by way of Obama and Hillary...
This election determines whether or not we turn into France.
One million Muslims a year for the next 10 years, until we are unrecognizable. That is the UN directive by way of Obama and Hillary...
This election determines whether or not we turn into France.

And if you question any of this and you are a public figure the Democrat propaganda machine like
MSNBC ,the communication arm of the WH they will bury you as racist.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton To Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants, Who Hate Americans, In First Term

probably because her and the Democrats really hate the US
Note: Migrants. Not refugees. Interesting. Clinton's going to pull a Merkel.

Oh did you hear about the Afghan migrant in Germany today who attacked 20 people with an axe on a train?
Hillary said he did not intend to do what he did.
Why is it only white nations that are expected to open their borders up to nonwhites and no other country is expected to do the same thing?

Japan has some of the tightest immigration laws in the world and they are as racist and bigoted a group of people as I have ever met to this day. But no libtards ever whine about Japan.

Could it be that antiracism is just a cover to cause the reduction of white populations? This is the equivalence of genocide by 'peaceful' means, isnt it?

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Why is it only white nations that are expected to open their borders up to nonwhites and no other country is expected to do the same thing?

Japan has some of the tightest immigration laws in the world and they are as racist and bigoted a group of people as I have ever met to this day. But no libtards ever whine about Japan.

Could it be that antiracism is just a cover to cause the reduction of white populations? This is the equivalence of genocide by 'peaceful' means, isnt it?


If you are a Moon Bat and disregard all her other failures, dishonesty, criminality, corruption and incompetency this reason by itself should be enough of a reason not to vote for Crooked Hillary.

The last thing this country needs right now is another million fucking Muslims in this country.
Breaking: Hillary Clinton To Resettle One Million Muslim Migrants, Who Hate Americans, In First Term

Official Hillary/DNC items to buy at their website
to remind our children
how good and safe Islam is ....

She wants to increase the quota by 65,000 per year. Run for the Hills.

(And the crowd goes livid)
"Burn the Witch."

"Burn her. Burn her" They chant.......

"Burnins to good for her, Hangings too good for her, She should be torn into little itsy bitty pieces and buried alive!"
(Hanover Fiste)


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