Breaking: Idaho GOP has voted to abolish the FBI and ban them from the state

I have seen it with my own eyes. They were caught lying to the FISA Court. They lied about Trump, they lied about Jan 6.

You have to be a moron to ignore that.

Hello moron.
Just another leftard troll.

Yes, they're morons. They're also full of themselves. They're also full of shit.
Please explain.
---Democrats celebrate Supreme Court state election law ruling---

---The 6-3 decision, which saw Chief Justice John Roberts and conservative Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh join the three liberal justices on the court, prompted immediate reaction from Democratic officials across the country---

---Democrats celebrate Supreme Court state election law ruling---

---The 6-3 decision, which saw Chief Justice John Roberts and conservative Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh join the three liberal justices on the court, prompted immediate reaction from Democratic officials across the country---
The Roberts Court will be doing "make up calls" forever because they axed RvW.
Republicans will be paying in blood for their stupid abortion policies.
So that means that dems will be making abortion policies as well as many other Leftist policies into Law.
So, kidnap a young girl for nefarious purposes, then cross the state line into Idaho, and you're home free.
The FBI is nothing more than the strong arm thugs of the DNC. They've proven it time and again. I'd like to see the Secret Service arrest the leaders of the FBI for a myriad of crimes.

The GOP has officially lost its mind. Or what passed for intelligent thought amongst the racists and con artists that have been running the GOP since Reagan was in power.

How very fascist of them.
The GOP has officially lost its mind. Or what passed for intelligent thought amongst the racists and con artists that have been running the GOP since Reagan was in power.

How very fascist of them.
True, the GOP has begun to follow the Demwits down the road of insanity. They aren't quite as nuts yet but gettin' there.
So, kidnap a young girl for nefarious purposes, then cross the state line into Idaho, and you're home free.
That's not funny.

Do you know how many of those "asylum seekers" end up as sex slaves?

This is the kind of stuff the FBI is SUPPOSED to be looking at, but they're too goddamn busy trying to nail Trump.
True, the GOP has begun to follow the Demwits down the road of insanity. They aren't quite as nuts yet but gettin' there.

You elected a con artist and lifelong criminal as President.

Now you’re preparing to run him again.

The Democrats have been the law abiding party of sanity since Nixon. They’re not the ones going to jail.
That's not funny.

Do you know how many of those "asylum seekers" end up as sex slaves?

This is the kind of stuff the FBI is SUPPOSED to be looking at, but they're too goddamn busy trying to nail Trump.

Give Trump credit. He’s worked really fucking hard to get himself arrested and he still doing it.

Trump loves playing victim. And you’re still falling for it.
You elected a con artist and lifelong criminal as President.

So what? You have a professional pansy.

Now you’re preparing to run him again.

We just want to see Turdeaus's head explode.

The Democrats have been the law abiding party of sanity since Nixon. They’re not the ones going to jail.



Blue dress? FISA courts? Bleachbit?

Oh let's see, piss tapes, Russian collusion, and the evidence that Schiff never had.

Give Trump credit. He’s worked really fucking hard to get himself arrested and he still doing it.

He's laughing at you.

The concerted might of the entire US government can't pull him down.

Trump loves playing victim. And you’re still falling for it.

Trump is a winner. He's walking around free, and you're complaining about it.


Leftards are butt stupid. :p
You elected a con artist and lifelong criminal as President.

Now you’re preparing to run him again.

The Democrats have been the law abiding party of sanity since Nixon. They’re not the ones going to jail.
No ... you and Dominion elected Biden.
So what? You have a professional pansy.

We just want to see Turdeaus's head explode.


Blue dress? FISA courts? Bleachbit?

Oh let's see, piss tapes, Russian collusion, and the evidence that Schiff never had.


Cackling maniacally, and posting provable lies it’s all you ever have.

Russian collusion has been proven over and over again, and nine of Trump’s staffers went to jail for lying about all of it.

Manafort confessed to handing over Republican polling data to a Russian agent, and you still pretend it never happened.

Donald Trump is a lifelong fraud artist and liar, and you’re still parroting his lies.
A county sheriff is suppose to be THE law of the land and has the authority to direct FBI and federal Marshals when they are operating in his county.... sad that so many Sherriff's don't know this....

There's a handy little tool on the internet called "Google". You can ask it anything, and it will provide links to give you the facts of any given subject (there's also a lot of bullshit mixed in, but that's another subject).

I suggest you use it before spouting off with demonstrably false crap like what you just did.
Cackling maniacally, and posting provable lies it’s all you ever have.

Exactly the response I'd expect from a leftard liar.

Russian collusion has been proven over and over again



and nine of Trump’s staffers went to jail for lying about all of it.

BULLSHIT. You just keep lying. One lie after another. I hope they're paying you well for your soul.

Manafort confessed to handing over Republican polling data to a Russian agent, and you still pretend it never happened.

That's not COLLUSION, shit for brains.

Goddammit you're fucking stupid.

Donald Trump is a lifelong fraud artist and liar, and you’re still parroting his lies.

I didn't parrot a fucking thing you lying asswipe.

Shut the fuck up and stop meddling in our politics, you goddamn FOREIGNER.

Stay on your side of the border, you're not welcome here.

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