Breaking: Idaho GOP has voted to abolish the FBI and ban them from the state

Sorry bout that,

1. The FBI will find a way to be needed.
2. Those guys sit around thinking, always thinking.....
3. Planning there next target.
4. Those in Idaho will wish they never abandoned them.
5. But hold strong, ignore the FBI, let them pound sand in a way they will know you people of Idaho are very resilient
6. Never let the FBI operate on Idahoian soil, again.

Not my fault that SCOTUS in 1865 couldn't understand the Constitution.

Article VI

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It's right there in plain language. Laws not made in pursuance of the Constitution are not supreme.
Funny you should stop at the 10th. There have been others and relevant ruling expanding on the understanding of them. Perhaps more research is in order? Get back to us on that k, eh.
Funny you should stop at the 10th. There have been others and relevant ruling expanding on the understanding of them. Perhaps more research is in order? Get back to us on that k, eh.
Other Amendments may give the government more powers (e.g. the 16th) but they don't cancel out the 10th Amendment. Perhaps the most egregious SCOTUS ruling is Wickard v. Filburn which has been used to interpret the Interstate Commerce Clause as giving the federal government virtually unlimited power. It's a precedence that badly needs to be overturned.
It's a start.
Most extensive VOTER FRAUD organization’ in history
“...well sob, they fired the prosecutor”
“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things...”
Honesty stemming from his dementia?

That sound you hear, are all of the FBI agents on n Idaho laughing their asses off.
Their authority must be cut back along with their funding by Congress.
What we should do is assign the FBI to track down Illegal aliens like the sonofabitches tracked down the Patriots that protested against a stolen election. It would be productive.

After that we make them go after all the Negro and ANTIFA insurrectionists that did so much damage in 2020.

Then disband them
Other Amendments may give the government more powers (e.g. the 16th) but they don't cancel out the 10th Amendment. Perhaps the most egregious SCOTUS ruling is Wickard v. Filburn which has been used to interpret the Interstate Commerce Clause as giving the federal government virtually unlimited power. It's a precedence that badly needs to be overturned.
Later amendndmeents can cancel or modify earlier ones or even the main body of the Constitution, itself. The 18th and 21st are the easiest examples, but hardly the only ones.
No, we are for defunding CORRUPT agencies.

There's no law enforcement in anything they do.
Who told you the FBI is corrupt? Oh that orange haired guy that is currently under indictment? They've got Trump on tape pretty much saying he knows he's breaking the law. Every time you falsely say the FBI is corrupt, you are undermining democracy. You're in a cult. You need an intervention.
The FBI is nothing more than the strong arm thugs of the DNC. They've proven it time and again. I'd like to see the Secret Service arrest the leaders of the FBI for a myriad of crimes.


Who told you the FBI is corrupt? Oh that orange haired guy that is currently under indictment? They've got Trump on tape pretty much saying he knows he's breaking the law. Every time you falsely say the FBI is corrupt, you are undermining democracy. You're in a cult. You need an intervention.

I have seen it with my own eyes. They were caught lying to the FISA Court. They lied about Trump, they lied about Jan 6.

You have to be a moron to ignore that.

Hello moron.

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