Breaking: Idaho GOP has voted to abolish the FBI and ban them from the state

Fine. YOU pay for them. They can protect YOU (not).
They only pretend to solve murder and theft. So he will have to wait until he is either robbed or killed. Then they will get around to it whenever…
I would bet that the FBI will be closed down during our lifetime and replaced with federal Marshals.... they did it to themselves... the FBI polls below congress today... what a shame... whatever dems touch the fuck up beyond repair....

I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “Everything Donald Trump Touches Dies”.

The FBI has been used by Republicans to go after leftists since it’s inception. The FBI went after the unions and the Communists in the 1950’s. They investigated MLK and the leaders of the Yippies, the Black Panthers and the Minute Men in the 1970’s.

But since Nixon was President, the FBI has been called in increasingly to conduct political investigations.

The Trump administration couldn’t get the FBI to give security clearances to more than 90 staffers, so Trump just issued them anyway.

Now that the FBI is investigating and the DOJ is charging and prosecuting the criminal you elected President, you want them disbanded.

That’s quite the double standard you’ve got going on there. Why don’t you get rid of the criminal that you elected president instead of the FBI?
I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “Everything Donald Trump Touches Dies”.
The FBI has been used by Republicans to go after leftists since it’s inception. The FBI went after the unions and the Communists in the 1950’s. They investigated MLK and the leaders of the Yippies, the Black Panthers and the Minute Men in the 1970’s.
But since Nixon was President, the FBI has been called in increasingly to conduct political investigations.
The Trump administration couldn’t get the FBI to give security clearances to more than 90 staffers, so Trump just issued them anyway.
Now that the FBI is investigating and the DOJ is charging and prosecuting the criminal you elected President, you want them disbanded.
That’s quite the double standard you’ve got going on there. Why don’t you get rid of the criminal that you elected president instead of the FBI?
Typing more lies without any proof, as always.
Typing more lies without any proof, as always.

I’m not posting links to every historical fact that we bring up here. Especially given that you haven’t posted a single credible link for anything you’ve ever posted.

Read the history of the FBI. Read the history of every leftist rights movement since the 1930’s, and then look at which political party keeps calling in the FBI to investigate.

Every single Director of the FBI, since it’s inception, has been a card-carrying Republican. That includes James Comey and Christopher Wray.
A county sheriff is suppose to be THE law of the land and has the authority to direct FBI and federal Marshals when they are operating in his county.... sad that so many Sherriff's don't know this....
Yea, let's have Sheriff Jim Bob from Dogpatch County, Alabamy fighting off an attack by some overseas terrorist organization, IF he can get off his fat ass in time.

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Every single Director of the FBI, since it’s inception, has been a card-carrying Republican. That includes James Comey and Christopher Wray.
Yea, let's have Sheriff Jim Bob from Dogpath County, Alabamy fighting off an attack by some overseas terrorist organization, IF he can get off his fat ass in time.
The GQP is doing everything it possibly can to eliminate any group that can hold it accountable.
Yea, let's have Sheriff Jim Bob from Dogpath County, Alabamy fighting off an attack by some overseas terrorist organization, IF he can get off his fat ass in time.

Federal marshals can take over the duties of the FBI... they train together anyway... and we have a little thing called homeland security... and they are as large and bloated as the FBI... basically the FBI does the bidding of a political party in America and we all pay for them to do so... so before you get smug jackass maybe you should do your homework on just what the FBI does do... just how big of a federal law enforcement army do liberals want today?... because they used to want their budgets cut....
I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “Everything Donald Trump Touches Dies”.

The FBI has been used by Republicans to go after leftists since it’s inception. The FBI went after the unions and the Communists in the 1950’s. They investigated MLK and the leaders of the Yippies, the Black Panthers and the Minute Men in the 1970’s.

But since Nixon was President, the FBI has been called in increasingly to conduct political investigations.

The Trump administration couldn’t get the FBI to give security clearances to more than 90 staffers, so Trump just issued them anyway.

Now that the FBI is investigating and the DOJ is charging and prosecuting the criminal you elected President, you want them disbanded.

That’s quite the double standard you’ve got going on there. Why don’t you get rid of the criminal that you elected president instead of the FBI?
The FBI came after Trump and they still are.... that is not who we are...
Federal marshals can take over the duties of the FBI... they train together anyway... and we have a little thing called homeland security... and they are as large and bloated as the FBI... basically the FBI does the bidding of a political party in America and we all pay for them to do so... so before you get smug jackass maybe you should do your homework on just what the FBI does do... just how big of a federal law enforcement army do liberals want today?... because they used to want their budgets cut....
You MAGA fanatics never had a problem with the FBI until your boy Trump came along, so who do you think you're bullshitting? The FBI conducted a search warrant on Trump's crime scene/compound MAL so you cultists have a bug up your ass over your criminal gangster hero.

Fuck off. The FBI will never be defunded & if it did you retards would be the first to blame others when the first terrorist attack from overseas cost the lives of U.S. citizens.
Somebody’s certainly triggered on a Sunday morning.

Calling me a quote, liar“ in capital letters doesn’t make anything you posted true.

You call anybody who posts facts and box them up with links “a liar”. Federal law is over all. The County Sherriff is low man on the totem pole.

No First Amendment rights for voters in Idaho. Might makes right.

Thanks for proving right wing fascism yet again.
You leftards are TOTALLY full of shit.
I’m not posting links to every historical fact that we bring up here. Especially given that you haven’t posted a single credible link for anything you’ve ever posted.

Read the history of the FBI. Read the history of every leftist rights movement since the 1930’s, and then look at which political party keeps calling in the FBI to investigate.

Every single Director of the FBI, since it’s inception, has been a card-carrying Republican. That includes James Comey and Christopher Wray.
You stupid partisan fucktard, WHO CARES ???

Who cares what party they're from ?

Fucking peasant.
The FBI is nothing more than the strong arm thugs of the DNC. They've proven it time and again. I'd like to see the Secret Service arrest the leaders of the FBI for a myriad of crimes.
Except the bit about been proven...

BTW Could you list these crimes with some evidence...

Come on, show us some actual evidence..
You MAGA fanatics never had a problem with the FBI until your boy Trump came along, so who do you think you're bullshitting? The FBI conducted a search warrant on Trump's crime scene/compound MAL so you cultists have a bug up your ass over your criminal gangster hero.

Fuck off. The FBI will never be defunded & if it did you retards would be the first to blame others when the first terrorist attack from overseas cost the lives of U.S. citizens.
They may survive defunding but they have been exposed.... and that doesn't help your side one bit....
Except the bit about been proven...

BTW Could you list these crimes with some evidence...

Come on, show us some actual evidence..
Learn to read, please. I didn't say “crimes.” I called them strong-arm thugs. I can list a number of prominent conservatives whose homes were raided while Dems of equal status were left unmolested.

James O'Keefe

Donald Trump

Rudy Giuliani

35 Trump Supporters

People who's homes were NOT raided:

Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton
All the Russia Hoaxers

Actually, they helped to expose Trump but you MAGA halftards want revenge for what they did.

Nice try.
But they didn't help to expose Biden... and that's the problem....
But people know what has happened and the dems won't be able to cheat enough to keep the white house and the senate....
Only 45% of Trump voters made it to the ballot box in 2020... that won't be the case next year...
But they didn't help to expose Biden... and that's the problem....
But people know what has happened and the dems won't be able to cheat enough to keep the white house and the senate....
Only 45% of Trump voters made it to the ballot box in 2020... that won't be the case next year...

Democrats aren’t being exposed because there’s nothing to be exposed. If Democrats aren’t committing crimes, how can those crimes be exposed?

You persist in believing the liars in the Republican party who are committing crimes and getting caught doing it. They claim Democrats are committing crimes, but they have yet to produce a shred of evidence that they are
Democrats aren’t being exposed because there’s nothing to be exposed. If Democrats aren’t committing crimes, how can those crimes be exposed?

What an idiot

You expect us to buy this bullshit?

Go away. Go hug a moose or something.

You persist in believing the liars in the Republican party who are committing crimes and getting caught doing it. They claim Democrats are committing crimes, but they have yet to produce a shred of evidence that they are
Only... no reasonable prosecutor...

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