Breaking: Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By J. Christian Adams

Today the Department of Justice inspector general released a report on potential Labor secretary nominee Tom Perez’s DOJ Civil Rights Division. The timing of the release to coincide with his nomination was certainly accidental, because the report paints a damning portrait of the DOJ unit he managed.

The full report is here.

The 250-page report offers an inside glimpse of systemic racialist dysfunction inside one of the most powerful federal government agencies.

The report was prepared in response to Representative Frank Wolf’s (R-VA) outrage over the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal. In response to the report, Rep. Wolf said today, the “report makes clear that the division has become a rat’s nest of unacceptable and unprofessional actions, and even outright threats against career attorneys and systemic mismanagement.”

Former Voting Section Chief Chris Coates and I both testified about the hostility towards race-neutral law enforcement by the Justice Department.

Today’s report paints a disgusting portrait, confirming our accounts.


Read more:
Rule of Law » Breaking: Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ
You honestly think this report will be openly reported by the Obama Press? That proper stories will appear? That Holder will do anything about this report? Hell I suspect Obama, Holder and company to accuse the IG of lying.
You honestly think this report will be openly reported by the Obama Press? That proper stories will appear? That Holder will do anything about this report? Hell I suspect Obama, Holder and company to accuse the IG of lying.

Rather than bury this report as actively proposed by our W.H. and Attorney General, shouldn't we as Americans advertise the facts regarding the rotteness of this administration.
You honestly think this report will be openly reported by the Obama Press? That proper stories will appear? That Holder will do anything about this report? Hell I suspect Obama, Holder and company to accuse the IG of lying.

Rather than bury this report as actively proposed by our W.H. and Attorney General, shouldn't we as Americans advertise the facts regarding the rotteness of this administration.

If the press ignores it, exactly how do you think YOU will think you can advertise it? The left on this board will either ignore the story, claim it is a lie or claim it is unimportant.
Everyone knew the score when the voter intimidation charges were dropped against the Black Panthers, after they confessed.

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