BREAKING- Iran, Bad Deal Reached- Israel to DEFCON 5


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Obama just did us in and is a grade a POS


Iran, world powers reach initial deal on reining in Tehran's nuclear program

(Reuters) - Iran and world powers reached a framework agreement on Thursday on curbing Iran's nuclear program for at least a decade, a step toward a final pact that could end 12 years of brinkmanship, threats and confrontation.

The tentative agreement, after eight days of marathon talks in Switzerland, clears the way for negotiations on a settlement aimed at allaying Western fears that Iran was seeking to build an atomic bomb and in return lift economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

The framework is contingent on reaching an agreement by June 30. All sanctions on Iran remain in place until a final deal.

Celebrations erupted in the Iranian capital Tehran. Videos and pictures posted on social media showed cars in Tehran honking horns as passengers clapped. In one video posted on Facebook, a group of women can be heard clapping and chanting "Thank you, Rouhani." in praise of President Hassan Rouhani.

Iran world powers reach initial deal on reining in Tehran s nuclear program Reuters
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....

Agreed. Netanyahu is a strong leader and will do what has to be done.

God Speed Israel

Israel, in an air war with Iran, would lose. They don't have the ability to beat Iran over Iran's home turf. That's why Bibi ran to the USA and begged us to fight.
The Bibi-worshippers aren't taking it well, the way Obama humiliated their hero. Obama is supposedly a pansy, but that pansy beat them all like a gong, which means they all must be even bigger pansies.
The Bibi-worshippers aren't taking it well, the way Obama humiliated their hero. Obama is supposedly a pansy, but that pansy beat them all like a gong, which means they all must be even bigger pansies.
Obuthole is not only an embarrassment to the U.S. but to Israel.
"BREAKING- Iran, Bad Deal Reached- Israel to DEFCON 5"

You're as much a liar and demagogue as Netanyahu.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....
And you're as much a liar and war-monger as Netanyahu.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....
And you're as much a liar and war-monger as Netanyahu.

Why don't you go tell your mommy about all these bad people

What a wad

Israel, in an air war with Iran, would lose. They don't have the ability to beat Iran over Iran's home turf. That's why Bibi ran to the USA and begged us to fight.
Israel has nukes. And you can bet that they will use them, if they are threatened.
Netanyahu calls security meeting over Iran nuclear deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will lead talks with senior security officials following the striking of a framework nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.

Local media reported that Netanyahu had called a meeting of his security cabinet, including ministers, as well as senior officials from Israel's security services on Friday.

Israel has argued relentlessly against such a deal and Netanyahu said on Thursday that an agreement would have to "significantly roll back Iran's nuclear capabilities".

In a phone conversation with Obama, Netanyahu said that a final deal based on this agreement "would threaten the survival of Israel", while the prime minister's spokesperson Mark Regev quoted the premier as saying that the emerging deal "would not block Iran's path to the bomb. It would pave it".

Netanyahu calls security meeting over Iran nuclear deal - Al Jazeera English
No, I just want to witness the day we are finally done with the Obama experiment. That is if the world survives long enough

Lots of RWnut votes for another ME war here.

Be sure to get your kids enlisted, Nuts. Don't want them to miss it!
No, I just want to witness the day we are finally done with the Obama experiment. That is if the world survives long enough

Here's what I think will happen. Social and economic collapse, followed by martial law. Or a rash of domestic terrorism, followed by martial law. I believe that either one could happen before Obama leaves office. That means that the Constitution will be suspended and Obama will be able to do whatever he wants. Are even liberals crazy enough to think that would be a good thing?

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