BREAKING- Iran, Bad Deal Reached- Israel to DEFCON 5

I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....

Gee, we got Iran to give up its nuke program without a shot being fired.

Most people would consider this a good thing.
Here's what I think will happen. Social and economic collapse, followed by martial law. Or a rash of domestic terrorism, followed by martial law. I believe that either one could happen before Obama leaves office. That means that the Constitution will be suspended and Obama will be able to do whatever he wants. Are even liberals crazy enough to think that would be a good thing?
They can already do that now and you have George Bush to thank for that. Because of the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts, the government can pluck anyone off the street and lock them up indefinitely without charges for the rest of their lives. Those two pieces of legislation have nullified the Bill of Rights.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....

Gee, we got Iran to give up its nuke program without a shot being fired.

Most people would consider this a good thing.

The deranged are just staying in character.

Notice that they don't have a single better idea.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....

Gee, we got Iran to give up its nuke program without a shot being fired.

Most people would consider this a good thing.

They gave up something? really?


So, the big deal has Iran going from 3-4 months to the bomb to now 12 months



Iran would see 75 per cent of the centrifuges at its main uranium enrichment site removed while much of its existing stockpile of enriched material would be neutralised. A planned reactor would be reconstructed so it would no longer be capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium. The goal of these arrangements is to extend to at least one year the time Iran would need to produce a nuclear bomb with the technology it has, from the estimated three to four months it would need today.

Iran nuclear talks Sceptics sound note of caution amid jubilation over deal - World - News - The Independent
God Speed Israel


Isn't that cute. Goforit sends Israel some god speed. Oh that is so fucking cute. Do it again. Ok? Send em some luv while you are at it. Or hell, better yet, go join the Israeli Defense Force. They would love to have you.

Good speed on your trip dude.
Don't worry. Some of us still raise proud patriots so the weak can sleep tight

Maybe. But you ain't one of them are ya. You didn't have the balls to join our Army and go Iraq. Why was that again? Weren't you raised to be a "proud patriot"?

Or were you raised as a chicken hawk? SQUAWK.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! ....
For what, you war-mongering piece of shit?

Iran hasn't done anything wrong.
Why wait for Iran to do what their leaders have declared as their goal, specifically, the destruction of Israel? Do you always have to wait for a nuke to drop before you respond? Fuck, NO! I nice preemptive strike would certainly be in order.
I hope to hell that the Israelis perform as spectacularly as they have in the past when threatened and take these MFs out...NOW!!! With luck, we may be able to change our own leadership next year, because obviously what we have now is populated by cowards, hacks, and bullshit artists totally incapable of growing the balls needed to impeach the traitor who has done this to us, and to our (formerly) staunchest ally in a troubled region. 'Scuse me while I go vomit my dinner....

Gee, we got Iran to give up its nuke program without a shot being fired.

Most people would consider this a good thing.

They gave up something? really?

That's not what they are saying. As a matter of fact, they're calling Obama, liars.
They gave up something? really?

Yes, they did. Read the details of the deal. Iran gave up quite a lot and the Sanctions don't even get lifted until they comply.
Read what? According to all available information, there's nothing in writing, it's a "gentlemen's agreement". What did Iran give up exactly? I'm more than interested in the details and would appreciate a link to said information. Thanks.
Why wait for Iran to do what their leaders have declared as their goal, specifically, the destruction of Israel? Do you always have to wait for a nuke to drop before you respond? Fuck, NO! I nice preemptive strike would certainly be in order.

Why? Frankly, you really haven't demonstrated the Iranians are even trying to get a nuke, much less that they would use it on the Zionists.
Read what? According to all available information, there's nothing in writing, it's a "gentlemen's agreement". What did Iran give up exactly? I'm more than interested in the details and would appreciate a link to said information. Thanks.

They gave up their centrifuges, promised to close facilities, promised to allow inspections, limited the amount of uranium they could keep.
Read what? According to all available information, there's nothing in writing, it's a "gentlemen's agreement". What did Iran give up exactly? I'm more than interested in the details and would appreciate a link to said information. Thanks.

They gave up their centrifuges, promised to close facilities, promised to allow inspections, limited the amount of uranium they could keep.
Easy to do when there's no written, signed contract, isn't it? Not that such animals would honor any contract with infidels...
Easy to do when there's no written, signed contract, isn't it? Not that such animals would honor any contract with infidels...

If they don't live up to their end of it, we don't lift sanctions. Seems pretty easy.

You see, the real breakthrough is not necessarily what Iran agreed to, it's what we got Russia and China to agree to. We got them to agree to continue an inspections and sanctions regime that they really were inclined to stop following.

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