BREAKING: Israel airstrikes pound Gaza AGAIN!

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The Israelis do not control the Palestinians they left years ago.
"Israel" is IN PALESTINE, you effin moron. The world wishes they would leave, that's the point.
Israel is in Israel a legal and recognized Country. The Arabs had a chance to do the same and chose to raise armies and invade instead, they lost and have continued to lose since 1948. Sucks to be you doesn't it?
Not this again. I'm not talking to you OP but Israel pounding on Gaza. What disgusting people, lock them up in a fenced in tiny piece of land and drop bombs on them.

What's stopping them from leaving over the Egyptian border?
What's stopping them from leaving over the Egyptian border?
What does that have to do with the OP?

They lock them in a cage and bomb them regularly, as I keep explaining. Hitler never even did that to the Jews that he kept caged.

The zionist way = claim a missile landed in an empty field and then bomb defenseless men, women and children as they sleep.

What's stopping them from leaving over the Egyptian border?
What does that have to do with the OP?

They lock them in a cage and bomb them regularly, as I keep explaining. Hitler never even did that to the Jews that he kept caged.

The zionist way = claim a missile landed in an empty field and then bomb defenseless men, women and children as they sleep.

They are not locked anywhere they could leave any time they want. And they only bomb them AFTER the Arabs bomb the Israelis.
What's stopping them from leaving over the Egyptian border?
What does that have to do with the OP?

They lock them in a cage and bomb them regularly, as I keep explaining. Hitler never even did that to the Jews that he kept caged.

The zionist way = claim a missile landed in an empty field and then bomb defenseless men, women and children as they sleep.


A cage has to be all 4 sides, or the people can just walk away.

The Israelis do not control the western border.
So your own source is lying, Louie?
They have to present the israeli side. It is called impartial journalism, something you know nothing about.

It does not change the fact that it is a claim from known liars, who use these very lies to murder anyone they want and whenever they want.

It is long past time to see proof!
So you don't even agree with your own source then? Ha ha ha.
No, illiterate, they have to present the israeli side. It is called impartial journalism, something you know nothing about.

It does not change the fact that it is a claim from known liars, who use these very lies to murder anyone they want and whenever they want.

It is long past time to see proof!
Is that the best you got? You know the murderous terroristic Palestinians are infamous for lying and making so much shit up, that it's an industry which the international community calls it Pallywood.
The proof is within the source
A claim is not proof of anything.

It is a claim from known liars, who use these very lies to murder anyone they want and whenever they want.

It is long past time to see proof!

What proof are you seeking? and Israeli knocking at your door with a missile remain in hand?

It doesn't really matter what anyone says, you always will say we're liars. That's bad tongue. If what you always say about you being Jewish is even true, you should know bad tongue is a sin.
Come on...if he's Jewish then I'm Queen Elizabeth.
When were our neighbors kind to us? When they kicked the Jews out of their states?
They all had their reasons, but to you it was irrational hatred for no reason at all.

Kindness is something you earn. Not demand.

So there is always a reason to hate the Jews but the Jews are never allowed to hate back.

so that what you're saying?

your vocabulary isn't very rich now is it?

I simply echoing the message conveyed from your posts
He has a habit of calling others what best applies to him....ILLITERATE. I would add IGNORANT and MENTALLY UNSTABLE as well.
Attacks on the civilian population by the Israelis will continue as long as a Jewish state exists in the Middle East.

And the Jewish people will keep defending themselves as long as people like you call for their destruction.
I have never called for the destruction of the Jewish people.
Israel, on the other hand, is poison in the Middle East.
Calling for the destruction is IN FACT calling for the destruction of Jewish people dumb ass.
And the Jewish people will keep defending themselves
Oh, I see...
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