Breaking: It's Official--Hillary Clinton Can Be Charged With 13 Crimes

It seems to me that DEMS should be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to put all of this FAKE SCANDAL crap to bed once and for all.

Everyone of the players in the Uranium One and fake dossier scandal will cooperate fully with all Congressional investigators, I'm sure.

...or not...


Analysis | The Clinton camp and DNC funded what became the Trump-Russia dossier: Here’s what it means

"Fusion GPS executives invoked their constitutional right not to answer questions from the House Intelligence Committee. The firm’s founder, Glenn Simpson, had previously given a 10-hour interview to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Over objections from Democrats, the Republican leader of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (Calif.), subpoenaed Fusion GPS’s bank records to try to identify the mystery client."
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She could be found guilty of many crimes, with indisputable evidence, and her followers would STILL insist she is innocent.

Its amazing.
Like Trump and his followers.

I am fine with letting our judicial (not political) sysrem investigate and if there is csuse, charge her and if no cause dismiss it (same for Trump).

I wonder though if others will see it that way or keep calling for blood?
It seems to me that DEMS should be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to put all of this FAKE SCANDAL crap to bed once and for all.

Everyone of the players in the Uranium One and fake dossier scandal will cooperate fully with all Congressional investigators, I'm sure.

...or not...


Analysis | The Clinton camp and DNC funded what became the Trump-Russia dossier: Here’s what it means

"Fusion GPS executives invoked their constitutional right not to answer questions from the House Intelligence Committee. The firm’s founder, Glenn Simpson, had previously given a 10-hour interview to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Over objections from Democrats, the Republican leader of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (Calif.), subpoenaed Fusion GPS’s bank records to try to identify the mystery client."

It looks like Fusion is protecting it's data confidentiality much like other business'.
Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.

Lol, way to deflect. Thing is, History will judge the Clintons harshly. Hope Chelsea doesn't have political aspirations. Even the legacy of half black Jesus will have this attached to it forever.
She could be found guilty of many crimes, with indisputable evidence, and her followers would STILL insist she is innocent.

Its amazing.
Like Trump and his followers.

I am fine with letting our judicial (not political) sysrem investigate and if there is csuse, charge her and if no cause dismiss it (same for Trump).

I wonder though if others will see it that way or keep calling for blood?

You have no idea how ironic that comment is.
That's the dumbest bitch in American History.

Anything and everything that she touches she fucks up.

She can't keep a Husband from straying...although that is
more of a tradition for him, than just straying.

She stayed with him...proving w/o a doubt, that she only wanted
power and money...and maybe some seconds with his gals, when
he was done with them.

Her phony smile...her phony laugh...her penchant for taking lying
to a stage seldom witnessed in this country, is incredible.

This is Watergate all over again. What the Hell was Nixon thinking
when he sent those clowns to spy on McGovern? I could have beaten

First she runs a campaign where Tarzan's furry pal beats her in a
primary and then she loses in the General Election to a Businessman
who took up politics as a hobby.

There's only one item I'm not aware of that will seal the deal on her.

"Was she fucking Anthony Weiner after she finished with Huma?"
She certainly keeps you talking about her, doesn't she?
Twenty years down the road, conservatives will have forgotten about the loser trump. They will still have nightmares about Snow White Hillary

Not too many years from now it will be as hard to find a rightwinger who zealously supported Trump as it is now to find a rightwing (ex) neocon who zealously supported the Iraq War.
Remember how they were all against Don't Ask Don't Tell during the Clinton they pretend it was their idea.....and how they were against civil unions and now they pretend they had no problem with them.

I don't really remember the first part. I've never ben bothered by the civil
unions. They can do what they want. I'll tolerate it, but don't let one of
the naughty little sissy boys try to push that filth on me. It won't go over
well for him.
Lots of conjecture, hyperbole but a dirth of actual facts.
Actually, just the opposite. Lots of facts and smoking guns. A dirth of action.

"Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews."

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
She could be found guilty of many crimes, with indisputable evidence, and her followers would STILL insist she is innocent.

Its amazing.
Like Trump and his followers.

I am fine with letting our judicial (not political) sysrem investigate and if there is csuse, charge her and if no cause dismiss it (same for Trump).

I wonder though if others will see it that way or keep calling for blood?
If trump was found guilty of theft from his self proclaimed charity (clinton and haiti), was responsible for deaths (benghazi), and a multitude of other crimes...I would call for his head. Clinton is flat out evil. Trump is no picnic but he is not Hillary either. I just don't get it that so many STILL defend her.
Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.

"The first decision occurred in October 2010, when the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States unanimously approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, giving Moscow control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply."

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.
/—-/ DemocRATS whistling past the grave yard.
I'll believe it when i see it. The Clintons sit right near the top of the NWO Global Elite pyramid. They're very well-protected. They're above the law.
Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.
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oh my the irony,that is what YOU do when evidence is given to how evil and corrupt our government really is.:rolleyes:
I'll believe it when i see it. The Clintons sit right near the top of the NWO Global Elite pyramid. They're very well-protected. They're above the law.

Indeed.BECAUSE of that fact you just listed,the day that happens with the clintons is the day when this planet goes up in a ball of flames which i dont see happening anytime soon.
Any news on this Clinton indictment yet?

Any day now....any day now.....any day now......

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