Breaking: It's Official--Hillary Clinton Can Be Charged With 13 Crimes

Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.

Keep licking that skank's snatch just like you fellated Barry for 8 years.
She couldn’t if she wanted to. You trumpettes are all up in there sucking her ass and drinking her piss that there’s no room for anyone else.

The woman lost the election 11 months ago, and you still talk about her every fucking day.

What’s the matter? Mr Orange isn’t doing anything worthy of debate? He is a heck of a tweeter though, right? :lol:

We're talking about it now because you fucking indigents wanted a probe into alleged Russian collusion which gave us these latest revelations, dumbass.
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If all the Liberal Pukes here are so positive about The Witch's innocence, will they all go to Congress to present their evidence during the hearings? Or will they slither back under their rocks with their head up their buttocks?

After all, they get their evidence from a trusted source.


any day now - this is the last nail - 13 criminal counts ---- yada fucking yada fucking yada FUCKING Y-A-D-A !!!!!!!!

You twats were gung-ho for a Russia investigation and now your vagina hurts because the truth is coming out. Lol!
That's the dumbest bitch in American History.

Anything and everything that she touches she fucks up.

She can't keep a Husband from straying...although that is
more of a tradition for him, than just straying.

She stayed with him...proving w/o a doubt, that she only wanted
power and money...and maybe some seconds with his gals, when
he was done with them.

Her phony smile...her phony laugh...her penchant for taking lying
to a stage seldom witnessed in this country, is incredible.

This is Watergate all over again. What the Hell was Nixon thinking
when he sent those clowns to spy on McGovern? I could have beaten

First she runs a campaign where Tarzan's furry pal beats her in a
primary and then she loses in the General Election to a Businessman
who took up politics as a hobby.

There's only one item I'm not aware of that will seal the deal on her.

"Was she fucking Anthony Weiner after she finished with Huma?"
She certainly keeps you talking about her, doesn't she?
Twenty years down the road, conservatives will have forgotten about the loser trump. They will still have nightmares about Snow White Hillary

20 years from now she will have just lost her bid to be President for the
6th time.
That's the dumbest bitch in American History.

Anything and everything that she touches she fucks up.

She can't keep a Husband from straying...although that is
more of a tradition for him, than just straying.

She stayed with him...proving w/o a doubt, that she only wanted
power and money...and maybe some seconds with his gals, when
he was done with them.

Her phony smile...her phony laugh...her penchant for taking lying
to a stage seldom witnessed in this country, is incredible.

This is Watergate all over again. What the Hell was Nixon thinking
when he sent those clowns to spy on McGovern? I could have beaten

First she runs a campaign where Tarzan's furry pal beats her in a
primary and then she loses in the General Election to a Businessman
who took up politics as a hobby.

There's only one item I'm not aware of that will seal the deal on her.

"Was she fucking Anthony Weiner after she finished with Huma?"
She certainly keeps you talking about her, doesn't she?
Twenty years down the road, conservatives will have forgotten about the loser trump. They will still have nightmares about Snow White Hillary

20 years from now she will have just lost her bid to be President for the
6th time.

I doubt she'll last another 5.

any day now - this is the last nail - 13 criminal counts ---- yada fucking yada fucking yada FUCKING Y-A-D-A !!!!!!!!

You twats were gung-ho for a Russia investigation and now your vagina hurts because the truth is coming out. Lol![/QUOTE

gfy idiot, I didnt vote for her..

if you can send her to jail DO IT.. BUT YOU CANT SO STFU.

gfy idiot, I didnt vote for her..

if you can send her to jail DO IT.. BUT YOU CANT SO STFU.[/QUOTE]

any day now - this is the last nail - 13 criminal counts ---- yada fucking yada fucking yada FUCKING Y-A-D-A !!!!!!!!

You twats were gung-ho for a Russia investigation and now your vagina hurts because the truth is coming out. Lol![/QUOTE

gfy idiot, I didnt vote for her..

if you can send her to jail DO IT.. BUT YOU CANT SO STFU.

gfy idiot, I didnt vote for her..

if you can send her to jail DO IT.. BUT YOU CANT SO STFU.
Yeah sure you didn't...
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Keep licking that skank's snatch just like you fellated Barry for 8 years.
As I said, she sure scares the trumpanzees.....or is it just women in general that scare them.

She doesn't scare anyone. She's a moron, as well as a serial liar and career criminal - and you idiots wanted her to the fucking president. Congratulations. You're the dumbest mother fuckers in world history. Lmao!
Sure. I can certainly see that she doesn't scare trumpanzees.....they keep talking about her because she doesn't scare. They keep calling her misogynist names because she doesn't scare. They keep going on about imminent indictments because she doesn't scare.


Why would you want a leader your fellow citizens fear anyway? And is it fear that drives people to want justice done?

You know if democrats had let the Clintons face justice back in the 90s instead of covering for their corruption, Obama would have had fewer scandals and Trump wouldn't likely be president. You'd have someone like Sanders. Who while infinitely worse for the world would have made you happy.
All of your made up scandals about the Clinton’s in the 90’s were thoroughly investigated and debunked.
Obama had scandals?
Where do you get your hallucinations, bro?

I don't use any. I like life as it is. I love having the freedom to be accountable for my actions. Helps keep bad things from happening.

Ironically you've proven mu point. You are still covering for them. So much so that you are denying the truth when we are literally discussing another Clinton scandal that occurred during the Obama admin.

What scandals indeed
Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.

Keep licking that skank's snatch just like you fellated Barry for 8 years.
She couldn’t if she wanted to. You trumpettes are all up in there sucking her ass and drinking her piss that there’s no room for anyone else.

The woman lost the election 11 months ago, and you still talk about her every fucking day.

What’s the matter? Mr Orange isn’t doing anything worthy of debate? He is a heck of a tweeter though, right? :lol:

We're talking about it now because you fucking indigents wanted a probe into alleged Russian collusion which gave us these latest revelations, dumbass.
So, what’s your excuse for talking about her imminent arrest for the last 25 years? Dipshit?
That's the dumbest bitch in American History.

Anything and everything that she touches she fucks up.

She can't keep a Husband from straying...although that is
more of a tradition for him, than just straying.

She stayed with him...proving w/o a doubt, that she only wanted
power and money...and maybe some seconds with his gals, when
he was done with them.

Her phony smile...her phony laugh...her penchant for taking lying
to a stage seldom witnessed in this country, is incredible.

This is Watergate all over again. What the Hell was Nixon thinking
when he sent those clowns to spy on McGovern? I could have beaten

First she runs a campaign where Tarzan's furry pal beats her in a
primary and then she loses in the General Election to a Businessman
who took up politics as a hobby.

There's only one item I'm not aware of that will seal the deal on her.

"Was she fucking Anthony Weiner after she finished with Huma?"
She certainly keeps you talking about her, doesn't she?
Twenty years down the road, conservatives will have forgotten about the loser trump. They will still have nightmares about Snow White Hillary

Not too many years from now it will be as hard to find a rightwinger who zealously supported Trump as it is now to find a rightwing (ex) neocon who zealously supported the Iraq War.
Remember how they were all against Don't Ask Don't Tell during the Clinton they pretend it was their idea.....and how they were against civil unions and now they pretend they had no problem with them.
Any day now.....any day now....any day now....any day now.

We can measure how invested trumpanzees are in their made-up fear of H. Clinton by how many threads and posts they make about her even tho she lost the election and is just another private citizen.

Keep licking that skank's snatch just like you fellated Barry for 8 years.
She couldn’t if she wanted to. You trumpettes are all up in there sucking her ass and drinking her piss that there’s no room for anyone else.

The woman lost the election 11 months ago, and you still talk about her every fucking day.

What’s the matter? Mr Orange isn’t doing anything worthy of debate? He is a heck of a tweeter though, right? :lol:

We're talking about it now because you fucking indigents wanted a probe into alleged Russian collusion which gave us these latest revelations, dumbass.
And? You think we find that to be a problem?
If all the Liberal Pukes here are so positive about The Witch's innocence, will they all go to Congress to present their evidence during the hearings? Or will they slither back under their rocks with their head up their buttocks?

After all, they get their evidence from a trusted source.

This from a Trumpette who believes Trump & Bannon & Limbaugh.

How dare any Trump supporter bitch about any source.
If all the Liberal Pukes here are so positive about The Witch's innocence, will they all go to Congress to present their evidence during the hearings? Or will they slither back under their rocks with their head up their buttocks?

After all, they get their evidence from a trusted source.

This from a Trumpette who believes Trump & Bannon & Limbaugh.

How dare any Trump supporter bitch about any source.

Wow! What a brilliant response! Pulitzer worthy! See you at the hearings.

Obama Praises 'Scandal' Free Administration


You asswipes masterbating over investigations for years & they found NOTHING.

Meanwhile you vote for a business cheat, fraud, liar and a man whop insulted our veterans to be Commander in Chief

If all the Liberal Pukes here are so positive about The Witch's innocence, will they all go to Congress to present their evidence during the hearings? Or will they slither back under their rocks with their head up their buttocks?

After all, they get their evidence from a trusted source.

This from a Trumpette who believes Trump & Bannon & Limbaugh.

How dare any Trump supporter bitch about any source.

Wow! What a brilliant response! Pulitzer worthy! See you at the hearings.

I went back & read your post to which I replied.

That was such a great piece of literature. You packed it full of facts & presented references.

You listed all the proof you had. And those Just wow. The best minds in America. You know you are right when Trump agrees with you. His record is just untouchable.

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