Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

The link goes to an external image on some Arab language web site. It shows hi tech night vision images of what appears to be possibly American forces attacking unidentified (terrorist?) combatants(?) on the ground from somewhere high above.

The security of the web site is not known.

there is no captioning of what is depicted, either.
Just passing on a link sent by my BIL...supposedly depicting US drone strike on ISIS. If I can verify its accuracy I will pass it on.

It sure looked like US military actions against some Islamic terrorists. Drone or not. Some of them met their maker.
Al Jazeera has just reported something interesting:

The attacks of the last days may be from two different terror cells.

This is the first time in a long time where Al J talks about terror cells.

Have you watched them lately? The first story had hardly broken and they were bringing in the political advantages of the French Right. I turned it over.

Al Jazeera? In English? Francais? Arabisch?
A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva
A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

Thank you for the report, Lipush. This is very disturbing - France appears to be under siege. The people of France are going to have to demand their government do something - their nation is coming apart. The people should not be forced to live like this.

The link goes to an external image on some Arab language web site. It shows hi tech night vision images of what appears to be possibly American forces attacking unidentified (terrorist?) combatants(?) on the ground from somewhere high above.

The security of the web site is not known.

there is no captioning of what is depicted, either.

The translations are totally insane.

I had no sound on. I saw nothing in terms of text on that linked site. I don't care to click on it again. But maybe you can just give us a summary. On that site, what is being claimed about what the video shows?

It's an american military video. Enemy combatants are being gunned down.

Again, it sure LOOKS like an American military video. And gunned down or hit with small missiles, the results are devastating to the targets. It kind of looks like the "bad guys" had just planted some kind of device before death from above rained down on them.
Al Jazeera has just reported something interesting:

The attacks of the last days may be from two different terror cells.

This is the first time in a long time where Al J talks about terror cells.

Have you watched them lately? The first story had hardly broken and they were bringing in the political advantages of the French Right. I turned it over.

Al Jazeera? In English? Francais? Arabisch?

In English. Though I've watched in Arabic years ago, before English version came out. All emotional and dramatic.
A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

Thank you for the report, Lipush. This is very disturbing - France appears to be under siege. The people of France are going to have to demand their government do something - their nation is coming apart. The people should not be forced to live like this.
Some would say the western world is under siege. We are waiting for Obabble to figure it out. Meanwhile we withdraw and give Mohammed more room to operate.
A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

Thank you for the report, Lipush. This is very disturbing - France appears to be under siege. The people of France are going to have to demand their government do something - their nation is coming apart. The people should not be forced to live like this.
I wonder where the French "TOLERANCE LEVEL" is right now... I wonder if they're all still so happy they're so HIP and PROGRESSIVE and.... *MULTICULTURAL*.... ya... bet they are.
There's an argument here to be made for isolationism.

Either that, or wipe out islam.

Make your choice.
Wonder if France will deport all those Muslims they have been letting into their country for decades.

I sure as hell would.
1) France was leaning towards helping the Palestinians gain statehood in the EU

2) Israel threatened that if they did there would be grave consequences.

3) Israeli Mossad organizes and finances attack by alleged terrorists in France.

4) French people and government after attack will now back away from helping Palestine.

5) Zionist false flag mission a success. ..... :cool:
1) France was leaning towards helping the Palestinians gain statehood in the EU

2) Israel threatened that if they did there would be grave consequences.

3) Israeli Mossad organizes and finances attack by alleged terrorists in France.

4) French people and government after attack will now back away from helping Palestine.

5) Zionist false flag mission a success. ..... :cool:

The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.
1) France was leaning towards helping the Palestinians gain statehood in the EU

2) Israel threatened that if they did there would be grave consequences.

3) Israeli Mossad organizes and finances attack by alleged terrorists in France.

4) French people and government after attack will now back away from helping Palestine.

5) Zionist false flag mission a success. ..... :cool:

The ONLY good news to come out of the terror activity in France will be the death of those Islamo-nazi shitsuckers.


Imagine the looks on their faces when they discover that the 72 virgins are actually 72 big, burly, well hung black men who haven't got none in about, say 20 years.....



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