Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.
1) France was leaning towards helping the Palestinians gain statehood in the EU

2) Israel threatened that if they did there would be grave consequences.

3) Israeli Mossad organizes and finances attack by alleged terrorists in France.

4) French people and government after attack will now back away from helping Palestine.

5) Zionist false flag mission a success. ..... :cool:
You are posting from a mental institute obviously.
I've lived in France. Those fucking frog assholes deserve everything the sand-monkeys throw at them.
Among the taken: A mother with 6 months old baby.
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

France suspects 09 Jan 2015.jpg

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

He reportedly told police: "You know who I am and I'm going to keep these hostages until the siege in Dammartin is lifted."..

.....Just like the Kouachi brothers, who are believed to be behind the Charlie Hebdo shooting that killed 12 people, Coulibaly was part of the "Buttes-Chaumont network" that helped send would-be jihadists to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He was named along with Cherif Kouachi in connection with the 2010 prison escape plot for another Islamist, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, who bombed the Paris metro in 1995, which injured 30 people.

In 2013, Coulibaly was condemned to five years in prison for the Belkacem escape plot - but got out of jail just two months ago.

CNN reported the French policewoman was shot in the vicinity of Coulibaly's intended target - a Jewish primary school.

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.
A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

Thank you for the report, Lipush. This is very disturbing - France appears to be under siege. The people of France are going to have to demand their government do something - their nation is coming apart. The people should not be forced to live like this.
Some would say the western world is under siege. We are waiting for Obabble to figure it out. Meanwhile we withdraw and give Mohammed more room to operate.

While it appears that way - there is something else driving it - I believe - and the motive is the end justifies the means - in other words - let Islam hang itself publicly and the world won't mind when it is obliterated once and for all. There is a motive for holding back and the Communists who are working in tandem with the Vatican - know what that motive is. I would suspect that the Crusades will be revived as the Pope determines its time for his One World Religion (One - not two) to begin. What better way to make the Roman Church the one who saves the day? I believe the Muslims will have their day of jihad and that will be the very thing that will seal their fate! They have been used masterfully by the communists and have not a clue of what is in store for them. Another group who never appears to examine history before choosing their allies.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.
There is a motive for holding back and the Communists who are working in tandem with the Vatican - know what that motive is. I would suspect that the Crusades will be revived as the Pope determines its time for his One World Religion (One - not two) to begin. What better way to make the Roman Church the one who saves the day? I believe the Muslims will have their day of jihad and that will be the very thing that will seal their fate! They have been used masterfully by the communists and have not a clue of what is in store for them. Another group who never appears to examine history before choosing their allies.
........................^^^ :cuckoo: . :lol::lol:
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

View attachment 35719

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

He reportedly told police: "You know who I am and I'm going to keep these hostages until the siege in Dammartin is lifted."..

.....Just like the Kouachi brothers, who are believed to be behind the Charlie Hebdo shooting that killed 12 people, Coulibaly was part of the "Buttes-Chaumont network" that helped send would-be jihadists to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He was named along with Cherif Kouachi in connection with the 2010 prison escape plot for another Islamist, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, who bombed the Paris metro in 1995, which injured 30 people.

In 2013, Coulibaly was condemned to five years in prison for the Belkacem escape plot - but got out of jail just two months ago.

CNN reported the French policewoman was shot in the vicinity of Coulibaly's intended target - a Jewish primary school.

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.

The headlines read Muslim Bonnie and Clyde???! This is highly unusual for Europe, Stat! Highly!! The media is known for leaving out the identification of Muslims in crimes - referring to them as Immigrants or Asians or something else but Muslims? I'd say change is definitely here for France and their media! What a positive change! I wonder if American media will step up to the plate and begin to use the term Muslim terrorist attack instead of ---- work place violence incident - especially when 13 people are gunned down in cold blood as was the case at Ft. Hood muslim jihad attack. The Muslim jihadist at Ft. Hood even shouted Allah Akbar. Same with the man who beheaded the woman at the food factory here in the US. He shouted Allah Akbar but our news media refused to print it.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

They need a swat team to go in and take them out.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

You know, Stat. This is another case of conceal carry permit. I'm telling you now. If the people of France had a permit to carry a concealed firearm? This Muslim Bonnie and Clyde would have been dead before it even got started. This is why France must arm its citizens. To not do so is a grave mistake.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

They need a swat team to go in and take them out.

Like that lot in Australia recently?
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

View attachment 35719

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

He reportedly told police: "You know who I am and I'm going to keep these hostages until the siege in Dammartin is lifted."..

.....Just like the Kouachi brothers, who are believed to be behind the Charlie Hebdo shooting that killed 12 people, Coulibaly was part of the "Buttes-Chaumont network" that helped send would-be jihadists to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He was named along with Cherif Kouachi in connection with the 2010 prison escape plot for another Islamist, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, who bombed the Paris metro in 1995, which injured 30 people.

In 2013, Coulibaly was condemned to five years in prison for the Belkacem escape plot - but got out of jail just two months ago.

CNN reported the French policewoman was shot in the vicinity of Coulibaly's intended target - a Jewish primary school.

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.

His intended target was a Jewish primary school.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

They need a swat team to go in and take them out.

Like that lot in Australia recently?

Whatever it takes. The first duty of law enforcement is to save lives. They are going to have to move fast before anyone else gets hurt. The guy holding them hostage was let out of prison and had a record of Islamic terrorist activity - he should never have been released in the first place. The French need tougher laws.
1) France was leaning towards helping the Palestinians gain statehood in the EU

2) Israel threatened that if they did there would be grave consequences.

3) Israeli Mossad organizes and finances attack by alleged terrorists in France.

4) French people and government after attack will now back away from helping Palestine.

5) Zionist false flag mission a success. ..... :cool:
So AQ is now working for Israel? I'd need some proof fo dat.
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

After Toulouse, they all should have left France, IMHO.

It's amazing what's happening, though, here. In many news groups religious folks are asked and decided to keep informing on Shabbt tםo, because it's Pikuach Nefesh of brothers. A very close frind of mine is relative of one of the hostages. Needless to say, he's worried sick.,

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