Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

So AQ is now working for Israel? I'd need some proof fo dat.
Why is that hard to believe?

AQ used to work for America. ..... :cool:
Another reason not to trust the muslims. If they don't try to kill you, they will be happy to lie to you.

Truth be known they were not working for America..they were working for their own interests in Afghanistan...with a view toward actions beyond that 911.
Cross posting of mine:

Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Maybe they are still under the misapprehension that bin laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run. Someone of great authority told them that...and the suckers believed him.
What a bunch of drivel.

I knew far too many people like that back in the early seventies. They lacked the intelligence necessary to express themselves in original ways, so simply strung together a bunch of catch phrases and de rigueur jargon that never varied one iota or came close to addressing the actual issues.

It was as if one stupid spiel repeated over and over again sufficed.

Actually, I found the article to be pretty sane. He says to wait for another day to debate the Pegida stuff.
The Kouachi brothers are dead.


May their sorry asses rot in Hell forever.

Their hostage survived.

Le Monde is reporting.

Good job, Froggies.

Hostages being released at the Jewish Deli. Casualties not yet reported.

What a nightmare! Thank God it is over! The nightmare for the Koachi brothers is just beginning however. The hell they are now in will never end. Their suffering and torment will go on throughout eternity - never again will they see a sunset or sunrise, never again will they sleep, never again will they be able eat, to drink even one drop of water........... never again. All they have to look forward to now is hearing the eternal cries of the damned (and they are now in that number themselves), the smell of sulphur, the heat of hell which is unbearable, and demons ripping them apart again and again. They will live in sheer terror and agony for all eternity now. There is no escape for them. There is no hope for them. It is too late. Too late.

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