Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

A second hostage crisis is unfolding in Paris Friday, French police announced to the media Friday afternoon: an armed man has taken a hostage in a kosher grocery store in the French capital.

1-2 people have been shot and wounded by a gunman with a Kalashnikov-type rifle, according to French media, who has taken the hostage at the Hypercasher supermarket in Vincennes.

French media has now begun to report that there are 5 hostages there, including women and children, but this has not been officially confirmed.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed and with riot gear, are making their way toward the supermarket now (update: 2:45 pm IST), and were joined shortly thereafter by negotiating teams (3:00 pm IST).

Paris Hostage Crisis in Kosher Store - Global Agenda - News - Arutz Sheva

Thank you for the report, Lipush. This is very disturbing - France appears to be under siege. The people of France are going to have to demand their government do something - their nation is coming apart. The people should not be forced to live like this.
I wonder where the French "TOLERANCE LEVEL" is right now... I wonder if they're all still so happy they're so HIP and PROGRESSIVE and.... *MULTICULTURAL*.... ya... bet they are.

I wonder if they are going to start kicking those Muslim bastards out of their country.

Seems these terrorists have no problem murdering eleven unarmed people in an office but have one big assed problem with the police force firing back.

From the report I saw three of them are dead along with four hostages they killed before the shooting started.

To bad. The Police should have killed them all.
The more you respond to Sunni Stalker trolls posts, the more he responds. Just ignore him, and he will eventually find another thread to troll .
Toastyman the Stalker obsessively follows me around from thread to thread calling me a troll and never debates the OP.

Very bizarre behavior........ :cuckoo:
I will bring this up at the next Cabal meeting. The motion will also be made to replace and enlarge your buttplug. Promise.

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The more you respond to Sunni Stalker trolls posts, the more he responds. Just ignore him, and he will eventually find another thread to troll .
Toastyman the Stalker obsessively follows me around from thread to thread calling me a troll and never debates the OP.

Very bizarre behavior........ :cuckoo:

There is no reason any rational poster would debate the silliness you post, Princess. If you want to debate with the adults you'll have to grow the fuck up.
The more you respond to Sunni Stalker trolls posts, the more he responds. Just ignore him, and he will eventually find another thread to troll .
Toastyman the Stalker obsessively follows me around from thread to thread calling me a troll and never debates the OP.

Very bizarre behavior........ :cuckoo:
Don't flatter yourself Sunni Stalker Troll. I wasn't even responding to your posts. Not too bright, are you? :lol: :lol:

Speaking of stalking, how many times did you stalk Sally in the ME forum today?? Talk about bizarre behavior :cuckoo:
They don't call you Sunni Troll for nothing :cool:
Now put this:

The more you respond to Sunni Stalker trolls posts, the more he responds. Just ignore him, and he will eventually find another thread to troll .
Toastyman the Stalker obsessively follows me around from thread to thread calling me a troll and never debates the OP.

Very bizarre behavior........ :cuckoo:

There is no reason any rational poster would debate the silliness you post, Princess. If you want to debate with the adults you'll have to grow the fuck up.
Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that even mentally ill deranged people like Sunni Stalker Troll have access to the internet. :cool:
The more you respond to Sunni Stalker trolls posts, the more he responds. Just ignore him, and he will eventually find another thread to troll .
Toastyman the Stalker obsessively follows me around from thread to thread calling me a troll and never debates the OP.

Very bizarre behavior........ :cuckoo:

There is no reason any rational poster would debate the silliness you post, Princess. If you want to debate with the adults you'll have to grow the fuck up.
Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that even mentally ill deranged people like Sunni Stalker Troll have access to the internet.

No need to remind ourselves ... Sunni Boy will remind all. :cool-45:
I am just glad that the attack had nothing to do with anti-semitism.

Otherwise the juden here would go on and on about it. ..... :cool:
Glad the rest of the innocent hostages in the kosher market are ok and the black muslim savage was blown to pieces. He belongs in Africa like you belong in Mecca.
I am just glad that the attack had nothing to do with anti-semitism.
Otherwise the juden here would go on and on about it. ..... :cool:
Glad the rest of the innocent hostages in the kosher market are ok and the black muslim savage was blown to pieces. He belongs in Africa like you belong in Mecca.
There is no reason to include racism into the discussion. ... :cool:
I am just glad that the attack had nothing to do with anti-semitism.
Otherwise the juden here would go on and on about it. ..... :cool:
Glad the rest of the innocent hostages in the kosher market are ok and the black muslim savage was blown to pieces. He belongs in Africa like you belong in Mecca.
There is no reason to include racism into the discussion. ... :cool:
You don't belong in the West. Get out of here you disgusting savage.
I am just glad that the attack had nothing to do with anti-semitism.
Otherwise the juden here would go on and on about it. ..... :cool:
Glad the rest of the innocent hostages in the kosher market are ok and the black muslim savage was blown to pieces. He belongs in Africa like you belong in Mecca.
There is no reason to include racism into the discussion. ... :cool:
You don't belong in the West. Get out of here you disgusting savage.
What did I do?? ...... :dunno:
You are a vile terrorist apologist. When was the last time you bathed and didn't wipe your ass with your hand?
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

View attachment 35719

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

He reportedly told police: "You know who I am and I'm going to keep these hostages until the siege in Dammartin is lifted."..

.....Just like the Kouachi brothers, who are believed to be behind the Charlie Hebdo shooting that killed 12 people, Coulibaly was part of the "Buttes-Chaumont network" that helped send would-be jihadists to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He was named along with Cherif Kouachi in connection with the 2010 prison escape plot for another Islamist, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, who bombed the Paris metro in 1995, which injured 30 people.

In 2013, Coulibaly was condemned to five years in prison for the Belkacem escape plot - but got out of jail just two months ago.

CNN reported the French policewoman was shot in the vicinity of Coulibaly's intended target - a Jewish primary school.

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.

The headlines read Muslim Bonnie and Clyde???! This is highly unusual for Europe, Stat! Highly!! The media is known for leaving out the identification of Muslims in crimes - referring to them as Immigrants or Asians or something else but Muslims? I'd say change is definitely here for France and their media! What a positive change! I wonder if American media will step up to the plate and begin to use the term Muslim terrorist attack instead of ---- work place violence incident - especially when 13 people are gunned down in cold blood as was the case at Ft. Hood muslim jihad attack. The Muslim jihadist at Ft. Hood even shouted Allah Akbar. Same with the man who beheaded the woman at the food factory here in the US. He shouted Allah Akbar but our news media refused to print it.

I watched it for 10 or 15 minutes on CNN and they referred to the black hostage taker in the Jewish Supermarket at least three times as an African-American. If true, Obama may have some explaining to do, but he is most probably an African-Frenchman or merely a Frenchman if he was born in France.

Wrong. Young journalist Cuomo called Amedy Koulibali a terrorist of African descent. He did not say African-American.

Are you stupid, or what?

That may be true shithead, but THREE times in 15 minutes he was referred to as African-American. I don't know which dumbass said it, but Anderson Cooper was on the screen at the time.
I recorded it on my DVR and just double checked it. One of them said it three times.
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