Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

You are a vile terrorist apologist. When was the last time you bathed and didn't wipe your ass with your hand?
You have a really weird sexual fantasy. ..... :ack-1:
Muslims would know about weird sexual perversions, given their proclivity towards rape, homosexual sodomy, bestiality, and watching degenerate amounts of porn. Your repressive religion breeds these behaviors into the people.
I have to applaud the Juden posting on this thread.

15 pages and none of them have mentioned the so called Holocaust. ...... :cool:
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

View attachment 35719

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

He reportedly told police: "You know who I am and I'm going to keep these hostages until the siege in Dammartin is lifted."..

.....Just like the Kouachi brothers, who are believed to be behind the Charlie Hebdo shooting that killed 12 people, Coulibaly was part of the "Buttes-Chaumont network" that helped send would-be jihadists to fight for al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He was named along with Cherif Kouachi in connection with the 2010 prison escape plot for another Islamist, Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, who bombed the Paris metro in 1995, which injured 30 people.

In 2013, Coulibaly was condemned to five years in prison for the Belkacem escape plot - but got out of jail just two months ago.

CNN reported the French policewoman was shot in the vicinity of Coulibaly's intended target - a Jewish primary school.

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.

The headlines read Muslim Bonnie and Clyde???! This is highly unusual for Europe, Stat! Highly!! The media is known for leaving out the identification of Muslims in crimes - referring to them as Immigrants or Asians or something else but Muslims? I'd say change is definitely here for France and their media! What a positive change! I wonder if American media will step up to the plate and begin to use the term Muslim terrorist attack instead of ---- work place violence incident - especially when 13 people are gunned down in cold blood as was the case at Ft. Hood muslim jihad attack. The Muslim jihadist at Ft. Hood even shouted Allah Akbar. Same with the man who beheaded the woman at the food factory here in the US. He shouted Allah Akbar but our news media refused to print it.

I watched it for 10 or 15 minutes on CNN and they referred to the black hostage taker in the Jewish Supermarket at least three times as an African-American. If true, Obama may have some explaining to do, but he is most probably an African-Frenchman or merely a Frenchman if he was born in France.

Wrong. Young journalist Cuomo called Amedy Koulibali a terrorist of African descent. He did not say African-American.

Are you stupid, or what?

That may be true shithead, but THREE times in 15 minutes he was referred to as African-American. I don't know which dumbass said it, but Anderson Cooper was on the screen at the time.

You are referring to Cuomo, and he said "african descent". He did not say "african american". Nice try.

Really, Hebdo and the sieges today have absolutely nothing to do with Pres. Obama.
I have to applaud the Juden posting on this thread.

15 pages and none of them have mentioned the so called Holocaust. ...... :cool:

Today was not a holocaust. Today was a terror attack by your beloved brethren and it appears that four Jews were murdered by an islamic pig. However, that is not a holocaust.

You are really not that smart, now are you....
I have to applaud the Juden posting on this thread.
15 pages and none of them have mentioned the so called Holocaust. ...... :cool:
Today was not a holocaust. Today was a terror attack by your beloved brethren and it appears that four Jews were murdered by an islamic pig. However, that is not a holocaust.

What's the minimum number of dead juden to quality as a holocaust? ...... :dunno:
Here, let's the the feral murderers a face:

View attachment 35719

He is almost 33, she is 26.

Paris Jewish supermarket siege Muslim Bonnie and Clyde Hayat Boumeddiene and Amedy Coulibaly wanted by police

So, since the sonofabitch's first target - Jewish schoolchildren, was foiled, he has now stormed a jewish deli and taken people hostage.

Allahu Fuckbar.

The headlines read Muslim Bonnie and Clyde???! This is highly unusual for Europe, Stat! Highly!! The media is known for leaving out the identification of Muslims in crimes - referring to them as Immigrants or Asians or something else but Muslims? I'd say change is definitely here for France and their media! What a positive change! I wonder if American media will step up to the plate and begin to use the term Muslim terrorist attack instead of ---- work place violence incident - especially when 13 people are gunned down in cold blood as was the case at Ft. Hood muslim jihad attack. The Muslim jihadist at Ft. Hood even shouted Allah Akbar. Same with the man who beheaded the woman at the food factory here in the US. He shouted Allah Akbar but our news media refused to print it.

I watched it for 10 or 15 minutes on CNN and they referred to the black hostage taker in the Jewish Supermarket at least three times as an African-American. If true, Obama may have some explaining to do, but he is most probably an African-Frenchman or merely a Frenchman if he was born in France.

Wrong. Young journalist Cuomo called Amedy Koulibali a terrorist of African descent. He did not say African-American.

Are you stupid, or what?

That may be true shithead, but THREE times in 15 minutes he was referred to as African-American. I don't know which dumbass said it, but Anderson Cooper was on the screen at the time.

You are referring to Cuomo, and he said "african descent". He did not say "african american". Nice try.

Really, Hebdo and the sieges today have absolutely nothing to do with Pres. Obama.

Go to post #128 and hear him say it for yourself. At least we now know who the stupid one is.
I have to applaud the Juden posting on this thread.

15 pages and none of them have mentioned the so called Holocaust. ...... :cool:
That's because they don't want the truth exposed.

With the utter and terrifying state of denial in France where few people have the courage to face the truth that Islam is behind the attacks and anti semitism is rife, it was inevitable that the jews would also be affected.

The situation is out of control and drastic measures must be taken against the Muslims to regain control of the over 700 plus no go zones, where the potential terrorists Islamists and sympathizers are mercy can be shown!

These events should signal the beginning of a war by France and the rest of the world against militant Islam!
With the utter and terrifying state of denial in France where few people have the courage to face the truth that Islam is behind the attacks and anti semitism is rife, it was inevitable that the jews would also be affected.

The situation is out of control and drastic measures must be taken against the Muslims to regain control of the over 700 plus no go zones, where the potential terrorists Islamists and sympathizers are mercy can be shown!

These events should signal the beginning of a war by France and the rest of the world against militant Islam!
700 plus....that number is sure growing, post by post.
With the utter and terrifying state of denial in France where few people have the courage to face the truth that Islam is behind the attacks and anti semitism is rife, it was inevitable that the jews would also be affected.

The situation is out of control and drastic measures must be taken against the Muslims to regain control of the over 700 plus no go zones, where the potential terrorists Islamists and sympathizers are mercy can be shown!

These events should signal the beginning of a war by France and the rest of the world against militant Islam!
700 plus....that number is sure growing, post by post.

With the utter and terrifying state of denial in France where few people have the courage to face the truth that Islam is behind the attacks and anti semitism is rife, it was inevitable that the jews would also be affected.

With the utter and terrifying state of denial in France where few people have the courage to face the truth that Islam is behind the attacks and anti semitism is rife, it was inevitable that the jews would also be affected.

The situation is out of control and drastic measures must be taken against the Muslims to regain control of the over 700 plus no go zones, where the potential terrorists Islamists and sympathizers are mercy can be shown!

These events should signal the beginning of a war by France and the rest of the world against militant Islam!
700 plus....that number is sure growing, post by post.

Firstly it is incredible that at a tragic time like this you are quibbling about figures!

Who's side are you on?

Check out the French Government site of Atlas des Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS)

If you download the spread sheet you will see that approximately 761 areas are considered no go zones!

Firstly it is incredible that at a tragic time like this you are quibbling about figures!

Who's side are you on?

Check out the French Government site of Atlas des Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS)

If you download the spread sheet you will see that approximately 761 areas are considered no go zones!

Thank you. Chris Cuomo misspoke. When I heard him, he said "man of african descent".

So, he had a stupid moment.

You meant to say "So, I had a stupid moment."

No. Cuomo had a stupid moment. Nice try.

You are the only one who heard what he wanted to hear rather than what Cuomo actually said. Cuomo had a PC moment thinking every black person he sees is an African-American. I will admit that is rather stupid, but he can't offend the PC crowd and call a Black man a Black man.

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