Breaking: Jews taken hostages in French Kosher restaurant

Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I am not familiar with what kind of training the police in France receive, Stat. If it isn't on the level of a highly trained SWAT Team - I'd say they need to bring in their special forces - military - green beret types - to clean up and put things back in order - they need to really take a look at who they have in their country and get busy deporting Muslims from restricted nations - the crimes taking place now warrant them taking some extreme measures and it's going to have to begin with taking back control of France - they should send the same special forces into the No Go Zones - begin deportation and get those areas emptied out - they are going to have to come down hard - to get this mess cleaned up.
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

Families among the hostages. Father and 4 year old son, mother with baby.
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I've often been to the Marais.

What a tragedy. Will the City of Lights ever be the same again?
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

After Toulouse, they all should have left France, IMHO.

It's amazing what's happening, though, here. In many news groups religious folks are asked and decided to keep informing on Shabbt tםo, because it's Pikuach Nefesh of brothers. A very close frind of mine is relative of one of the hostages. Needless to say, he's worried sick.,

Pikuach Nefesh is always the right way, imo. I am sorry to hear of your deep connection to this.
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I am not familiar with what kind of training the police in France receive, Stat. If it isn't on the level of a highly trained SWAT Team - I'd say they need to bring in their special forces - military - green beret types - to clean up and put things back in order - they need to really take a look at who they have in their country and get busy deporting Muslims from restricted nations - the crimes taking place now warrant them taking some extreme measures and it's going to have to begin with taking back control of France - they should send the same special forces into the No Go Zones - begin deportation and get those areas emptied out - they are going to have to come down hard - to get this mess cleaned up.

The French Special forces and the German KSK are absolutely on par with our best SWAT teams. Actually, our Navy Seals sometimes train with the KSK because they are so tough.
The Media says the terrorists hold 5 or 6 hostages, but Israeli sources published their names for prayer, and the number currently stands on 16.

It's strange.

Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

After Toulouse, they all should have left France, IMHO.

It's amazing what's happening, though, here. In many news groups religious folks are asked and decided to keep informing on Shabbt tםo, because it's Pikuach Nefesh of brothers. A very close frind of mine is relative of one of the hostages. Needless to say, he's worried sick.,

Pikuach Nefesh is always the right way, imo. I am sorry to hear of your deep connection to this.

We're all connected to this, when the face is familiar, though, it's just bad luck.
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I am not familiar with what kind of training the police in France receive, Stat. If it isn't on the level of a highly trained SWAT Team - I'd say they need to bring in their special forces - military - green beret types - to clean up and put things back in order - they need to really take a look at who they have in their country and get busy deporting Muslims from restricted nations - the crimes taking place now warrant them taking some extreme measures and it's going to have to begin with taking back control of France - they should send the same special forces into the No Go Zones - begin deportation and get those areas emptied out - they are going to have to come down hard - to get this mess cleaned up.

The French Special forces and the German KSK are absolutely on par with our best SWAT teams. Actually, our Navy Seals sometimes train with the KSK because they are so tough.

They should be patrolling the streets of France. Give the police officers a boot camp and get them up to speed for when things are put in order - but keep the Special Forces on the streets and ask the Germans to send over their KSK to assist. France has got to clean house now. There is no more time to waste. They are losing their best citizens. Do you realize that French Jews made Aliyah to Israel over ever other nation? IT's true. 7,000 French Jews left France for good in one year (one way trip to Israel). Imagine the devastating results this is going to have on France economy if it continues? Your best and your brightest leaving the country? What kind of future can they expect other than the one Spain is now stuck with.
Immigration to Israel hits 10-year high with record French influx The Times of Israel
Immigration to Israel hits 10-year high with record French influx
France tops aliyah chart for first time with 7,000 newcomers; Ukrainian numbers triple as civil war rages
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF December 31, 2014, 3:51 pm

Read more: Immigration to Israel hits 10-year high with record French influx | The Times of Israel Immigration to Israel hits 10-year high with record French influx The Times of Israel
I must admit to you that I believe it is time for Aliyah to Israel for all Jews and perhaps G-d does allow certain events (although He is not the author of evil) to take place to bring His people home - I do not believe WWIII can begin until first the Jews make aliyah to Israel and 2nd that the USA has already fallen - but by the Prophets own description the House of Esau will perish - the entire House will be destroyed - not one left - read Obadiah - and according to Rev. 6:8 a fourth part of the earth will perish in that day which must be WWIII - so that would be perhaps 2 - 3 billion people that will die? Perhaps that is also the House of Esau Obadiah refers to? That would be the end of Islam. It would also set the stage for the anti - Christ.
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Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I've often been to the Marais.

What a tragedy. Will the City of Lights ever be the same again?

I don't know. Place de la Concorde, Tuililiere, Marais, Eiffel, Moulin Rouge....
Breaking: the police in Paris have completely shut-down the Marais-Quarter and closed all jewish businesses there to protect them. No one gets in, no one gets out.

I spent my honeymoon in Paris in 2002 and spent an entire day in the Marais-Quarter. Wonderful place.

I've often been to the Marais.

What a tragedy. Will the City of Lights ever be the same again?

I don't know. Place de la Concorde, Tuililiere, Marais, Eiffel, Moulin Rouge....

Don't know. It's sort of tainted now.
Cross posting of mine:

Another member made a very good observation and I have been researching it.

Why has not even one single Imam, one single Islamic institution, one single Islamic figure with a big name gone public to tell these four perps (the Koachi brothers and the two killers who are now holding hostages in a Jewish deli) to turn themselves into the authorities?

I mean, if muslims are so for the rule of law and so abhor these horrible terrorist attacks and if they are so on the trip of "but they are a small minority, they don't speak for us", then why are they not directly telling those terrorists to give up and turn themselves in? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?


I have been looking all over and cannot find even one single instance.

I mean, shouldn't that be common sense?
Oh, dear Lord, this is terrible. The chances that more people die is very high.

This breaks my heart.

Do you have a link to the Israeli sources?

From what unofficial sources say, the numbers of hustages is at least 16 (witnesses say nearly 30) and for some reason they hide the real number.

The list of names gives at least 10 names. I'm not sure how many of them are really there, but it doesn't sound good at all.

This could end up being a bloodbath. This is horrible.

After Toulouse, they all should have left France, IMHO.

It's amazing what's happening, though, here. In many news groups religious folks are asked and decided to keep informing on Shabbt tםo, because it's Pikuach Nefesh of brothers. A very close frind of mine is relative of one of the hostages. Needless to say, he's worried sick.,

Pikuach Nefesh is always the right way, imo. I am sorry to hear of your deep connection to this.

We're all connected to this, when the face is familiar, though, it's just bad luck.

It sucks.
Well, at least gun control works......we can see that because not one innocent, law abiding French citizen in the deli had a gun for protection...another mark in the win column for gun control....

Of course,as has been pointed out.....when criminals want or need guns......they can get this second case from France this week shows.....hmmmm....another military grade Russian rifle? How do these guys get them in a country with strict gun control....especially military rifles..... least no law abiding French citizens own know...the ones who don't kill innocent strangers in Kosher Delis

Boy, just loving that gun control.....
Just recieved:

Well, at least gun control works......we can see that because not one innocent, law abiding French citizen in the deli had a gun for protection...another mark in the win column for gun control....

Of course,as has been pointed out.....when criminals want or need guns......they can get this second case from France this week shows.....

Boy, just loving that gun control.....
Same thing in Australia not long ago.

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