UK to suspend all weapons to Israel

Would you object then, if the Knesset one day in the future met and reworded that law as follows:

The realization of the right to national self determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Arab People ?
Let the dozen Arab countries do that. They’ve already ethnically cleansed their land of Jews anyway.

Your double standards as applied to the Jew Country reveal your deep-seated Jew-hatred (as if we needed any more proof).

Do you live here in America? Did you immigrate? Are you a Muslim?
Would you object then, if the Knesset one day met and reworded that law as follows:

The realization of the right to national self determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Arab People ?
OMG. Are you deliberately being this obtuse?

The foundational principles of ISRAEL: The realization of the right to national self-determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Jewish people.

The foundational principles of PALESTINE: The realization of the right to national self-determination in the State of Palestine is exclusive to the Arab Palestinian people.

Everyone gets a 🍪.
OMG. Are you deliberately being this obtuse?

The foundational principles of ISRAEL: The realization of the right to national self-determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Jewish people.
So you'd object to the suggested change? A Jew would not want to live under such a law would they?
Let the dozen Arab countries do that. They’ve already ethnically cleansed their land of Jews anyway.

Your double standards as applied to the Jew Country reveal your deep-seated Jew-hatred (as if we needed any more proof).

Do you live here in America? Did you immigrate? Are you a Muslim?
The question was would you approve of such a change in the wording.
This is ridiculous now, the law itself says

The realization of the right to national self determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Jewish People

There it is the "right" is EXCLUSIVE to the Jewish people, it is not granted to NON-Jews, they are EXCLUDED.
Excluded from what? As individuals Arab citizens of Israel have the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel.
So you'd object to the suggested change? A Jew would not want to live under such a law would they?
I have a whole bag of cookies. Everyone gets one. Everyone gets a cookie. Cookies for everyone!

I object when you claim "no cookies for Jews".
I have a whole bag of cookies. Everyone gets one. Everyone gets a cookie. Cookies for everyone!

I object when you claim "no cookies for Jews".
You're evading, you were asked So you'd object to the suggested change? A Jew would not want to live under such a law would they?

No "yes" or "no" just idle talk of cookies.

I ask for honesty nothing more, you are dishonest, it seems to permeate the Zionist mind just as South Africans once could not see ANYTHING wrong with the way their White privileged society was structured, I'd argue with such people back then and for the life of me they simply could not see (or they just refused to admit) their own bigotry, many Zionists are the same, it's the same kind of mental disease.

You're evading, you were asked So you'd object to the suggested change? A Jew would not want to live under such a law would they?
Now you are just getting silly.

I'm of Irish and Scots descent. I am neither a citizen of Ireland nor of Scotland. I am perfectly happy to live here where the founding principles acknowledge there can be no realization of self-determination for the Irish (or Scots) people in this place.
I'm done with the racist losers hanging out here, I'm gonna get in my pool and relax, if any settlers come trying enter my house and taking it from me, I'll do what the poor Palestinians can't do:

Now you are just getting silly.

I'm of Irish and Scots descent. I am neither a citizen of Ireland nor of Scotland. I am perfectly happy to live here where the founding principles acknowledge there can be no realization of self-determination for the Irish (or Scots) people in this place.
Calling my question "silly" is dishonest, the question is easy enough to comprehend man, so it has a yes or no answer, today it says "Jew" and you're fine with that, but tomorrow if it said "Arab" you'd kick up a fuss, stop being a ****.
Sherlock Holmes

You are British, no? You live in the US, yes? You live in a place where there can be no realization of British self-determination. (Depending on your loyalty you either lost or won that war). Does this upset you, to live under this law?
Sherlock Holmes

You are British, no? You live in the US, yes? You live in a place where there can be no realization of British self-determination. (Depending on your loyalty you either lost or won that war). Does this upset you, to live under this law?
He’s British? That explains it. Either he’s a Muslim, or has been indoctrinated by the Muslims to hate Jews. Britain is a 6-month advance look as to what we can expect in America.

I also think he’s a new sock puppet (joined this month) of Gipper.
Unlike the reports from the past, in which the UK was listed in the top 10, it was placed 12th with a manufacturing output worth €239 billion. Succeeded by Mexico in the 7th place and Russia in the 8th due to its increased defence production, the UK was also behind Taiwan, which has been developing a global dominance in semiconductor manufacturing.

It is plain English, non-Jews are EXCLUDED from the realization of the right to national self determination in the State of Israel.
Which is a nonsense statement since there is no right of self determination within the borders of any state, and none of this addresses the fact that Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel have equal rights under the law, which makes Israel a liberal democracy and an egalitarian society.

Which is a nonsense statement since there is no right of self determination within the borders of any state, and none of this addresses the fact that Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel have equal rights under the law, which makes Israel a liberal democracy and an egalitarian society.

Re:......Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel have equal rights under the law,

If you really think that Palestinians are treated the same as Jews, try to get a building permit:

"Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C"

Additionally, Israel's "Nationality Law" made its blatantly racist nature official.

- "Israel approves controversial Jewish nationality law"

EXCERPTS "The Bill, pushed through by the right-wing and religious coalition, definesIsrael as the nation-state of the Jewish people. The measure sets “the development of Jewish settlements nationwide as a national priority” and downgrades the status of Arabic from an official language to one with “special status”.

“The result of this legislation will be to perpetuate the inferior status of the Arabs in Israel.”CONTINUED

- "Knesset disqualifies bill seeking equal status for Jews and Arabs"
Israeli Knesset stops bill seeking equality for all

EXCERPT "Israel's Knesset disqualified a bill that called for all citizens to be treated equally, rejecting the argument it must recognise the rights of its Arab minority as equal to the Jewish majority.

Under the current Israeli political and legal system, Jewish citizens are accorded preferential treatment and privileges."CONTINUED

If you really think that Palestinians are treated the same as Jews, try to get a building permit:

"Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C"

Additionally, Israel's "Nationality Law" made its blatantly racist nature official.

- "Israel approves controversial Jewish nationality law"

EXCERPTS "The Bill, pushed through by the right-wing and religious coalition, definesIsrael as the nation-state of the Jewish people. The measure sets “the development of Jewish settlements nationwide as a national priority” and downgrades the status of Arabic from an official language to one with “special status”.

“The result of this legislation will be to perpetuate the inferior status of the Arabs in Israel.”CONTINUED

- "Knesset disqualifies bill seeking equal status for Jews and Arabs"
Israeli Knesset stops bill seeking equality for all

EXCERPT "Israel's Knesset disqualified a bill that called for all citizens to be treated equally, rejecting the argument it must recognise the rights of its Arab minority as equal to the Jewish majority.

Under the current Israeli political and legal system, Jewish citizens are accorded preferential treatment and privileges."CONTINUED
Not a good reader? I said Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel have equal rights under the law, and your post is not responsive to that.
If you really think that Palestinians are treated the same as Jews, try to get a building permit:

"Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C"

And Palestine rejects 100% of Jewish building permit requests (and calls for ethnic cleansing of all existing Jewish residents).

As toomuchtime_ already pointed out the difference is citizenship, not ethnicity. Denying building permit requests, as a matter of law, to Arab Israeli citizens in Area C would represent an inequality which violates humanitarian law and ethics.

But denying building permits to citizens of another state within territory under your legal control which is to be negotiated in a permanent peace treaty, is a whole different perspective.

And if Israel applied Israeli citizenship and Israeli law to Arabs living in Area C, by definition, Israel would be annexing that territory and those Palestinian villages would become Israeli villages.

The question is what to do in Area C until a peace treaty is negotiated between the relevant parties. Should both Israel and Palestine be allowed to build there with impunity? Should neither be allowed to build there? If individual Palestinians and individual Israelis choose to claim a chunk of property and build an outpost there, what should be done about it? If the EU or Arab states decide to build outposts for Israelis or for Palestinians, what should be done about it? Should there be a master plan where natural growth is permitted, with building permits as necessary, but no new outposts or villages should be created?

These are FAR more complicated questions than this simple reduction of "Arabs aren't being treated fairly" suggests. And those with an interest in honest discussion, rather than just painting Israel as evil would be willing and able to address these complexities.

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