BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated"

What besides durhams opinion can you point to.

I watched his testimony and he even can’t fall on his dick right.
Such eloquent speak from a poster that undoubtedly figures that such speak can make a difference when it comes to lifting other's out of slavery when being held by the Democrat liberal/leftist party. lol
Except Durham very clearly exposed...

Not when you can't convince a jury of that. Two Juries, two acquittals.

Didn't have to literally defund, otherwise the threat accompanied with everything else going on in connection with it all, uhhh was enough to get the law to back way off of their duties, and they did so for fear of being set up or ambushed. The whole debacle caused innocent people to die, and even the innocent cops who were cold bloodedly killed because of the narrative and brainwashing that occured were also killed.

Actually, the murder rate went up in 2020 because you had people locked in their homes for half a year. Most murders are domestic violence, and you lock people who can barely stand each other, put them under stress and reduce their economic standing, some of them are gonna get a little murdery...

Cops can't really do much about that.

The Democrats have blood on their hands big time.

They should have just let justice and the courts sort it all out, but nope they had to go with a false narrative that the cops were all racist hunting black people down to kill every day. "What do we want, pigs fried like bacon", when do we want it, now" or something to that effect. On and on it went.

Uh, guy, here's your problem.

The Courts weren't handling this.

Tamir Rice - no one went to jail
Eric Garner - no one went to jail
Philandro Castille - No one went to jail
Mike Brown - no one went to jail.
Andre Hill - no one went to jail
Aura Rosser - no one went to jail
Laquan McDonald - Officer got 7 years, only served three.
Stephon CLark - No one went to jail
Botham Jean - officer got 10 years.. will probably be out in five.
Alton Sterling - no one went to jail

You see the problem here?

Now, I will go one further that if Trump hadn't already screwed up the Covid Response and drove the economy into the ditch, the response to George Floyd's death might have just been a bit more resentment on that pile.

But thanks to his "inspired leadership", you already had a country that was like a puddle of gasoline waiting for a match.
Not when you can't convince a jury of that. Two Juries, two acquittals.

Actually, the murder rate went up in 2020 because you had people locked in their homes for half a year. Most murders are domestic violence, and you lock people who can barely stand each other, put them under stress and reduce their economic standing, some of them are gonna get a little murdery...

Cops can't really do much about that.

Uh, guy, here's your problem.

The Courts weren't handling this.

Tamir Rice - no one went to jail
Eric Garner - no one went to jail
Philandro Castille - No one went to jail
Mike Brown - no one went to jail.
Andre Hill - no one went to jail
Aura Rosser - no one went to jail
Laquan McDonald - Officer got 7 years, only served three.
Stephon CLark - No one went to jail
Botham Jean - officer got 10 years.. will probably be out in five.
Alton Sterling - no one went to jail

You see the problem here?

Now, I will go one further that if Trump hadn't already screwed up the Covid Response and drove the economy into the ditch, the response to George Floyd's death might have just been a bit more resentment on that pile.

But thanks to his "inspired leadership", you already had a country that was like a puddle of gasoline waiting for a match.
You are one brainwashed shill.... Wow.
Not when you can't convince a jury of that. Two Juries, two acquittals.

Actually, the murder rate went up in 2020 because you had people locked in their homes for half a year. Most murders are domestic violence, and you lock people who can barely stand each other, put them under stress and reduce their economic standing, some of them are gonna get a little murdery...

Cops can't really do much about that.

Uh, guy, here's your problem.

The Courts weren't handling this.

Tamir Rice - no one went to jail
Eric Garner - no one went to jail
Philandro Castille - No one went to jail
Mike Brown - no one went to jail.
Andre Hill - no one went to jail
Aura Rosser - no one went to jail
Laquan McDonald - Officer got 7 years, only served three.
Stephon CLark - No one went to jail
Botham Jean - officer got 10 years.. will probably be out in five.
Alton Sterling - no one went to jail

You see the problem here?

Now, I will go one further that if Trump hadn't already screwed up the Covid Response and drove the economy into the ditch, the response to George Floyd's death might have just been a bit more resentment on that pile.

But thanks to his "inspired leadership", you already had a country that was like a puddle of gasoline waiting for a match.
Not when the trial and evidence presented was devastating against the corrupt FBI and its leftist handlers.
Not when you can't convince a jury of that. Two Juries, two acquittals.

Actually, the murder rate went up in 2020 because you had people locked in their homes for half a year. Most murders are domestic violence, and you lock people who can barely stand each other, put them under stress and reduce their economic standing, some of them are gonna get a little murdery...

Cops can't really do much about that.

Uh, guy, here's your problem.

The Courts weren't handling this.

Tamir Rice - no one went to jail
Eric Garner - no one went to jail
Philandro Castille - No one went to jail
Mike Brown - no one went to jail.
Andre Hill - no one went to jail
Aura Rosser - no one went to jail
Laquan McDonald - Officer got 7 years, only served three.
Stephon CLark - No one went to jail
Botham Jean - officer got 10 years.. will probably be out in five.
Alton Sterling - no one went to jail

You see the problem here?

Now, I will go one further that if Trump hadn't already screwed up the Covid Response and drove the economy into the ditch, the response to George Floyd's death might have just been a bit more resentment on that pile.

But thanks to his "inspired leadership", you already had a country that was like a puddle of gasoline waiting for a match.
Pretty darn funny.

Theses are the losers and social misfits you’re defending. Those poor, oppressed who were allowed to riot under the Dem / Marxist mayors and governors.

You are one brainwashed shill.... Wow.
Your concession is duly noted.
Not when the trial and evidence presented was devastating against the corrupt FBI and its leftist handlers.

It wasn't that devastating, as the jury acquitted both men who were actually ON trial. If the argument was that they deceived the FBI, then the fact the Jury didn't agree makes the FBI's actions of looking into that pretty legitimate.

Pretty darn funny.

Theses are the losers and social misfits you’re defending. Those poor, oppressed who were allowed to riot under the Dem / Marxist mayors and governors.
Well, if there are mug shots, they weren't allowed to "riot", they were arrested.

More to the point, Chatbot, they were protesting the murder of innocent people by the police. As opposed to these clowns, who were upset the lost an election.

Your concession is duly noted.

It wasn't that devastating, as the jury acquitted both men who were actually ON trial. If the argument was that they deceived the FBI, then the fact the Jury didn't agree makes the FBI's actions of looking into that pretty legitimate.

Well, if there are mug shots, they weren't allowed to "riot", they were arrested.

More to the point, Chatbot, they were protesting the murder of innocent people by the police. As opposed to these clowns, who were upset the lost an election.

View attachment 799128
They were allowed to riot and ultimately released without charges.

It's really a laughable joke, in a mordant sort of way, that leftist misfits were allowed to inflict billions of dollars in property damage without consequence. That nonsense "summer of love" festival of fires, property destruction and assaults was just one big left-fest of criminal free-for-all.
They were allowed to riot and ultimately released without charges.

It's really a laughable joke, in a mordant sort of way, that leftist misfits were allowed to inflict billions of dollars in property damage without consequence. That nonsense "summer of love" festival of fires, property destruction and assaults was just one big left-fest of criminal free-for-all.

Durham admitted Russia helped Trump win the election :abgg2q.jpg:
OP doesn't want to acknowledge this fact.... :rolleyes:



boy those dc jurors have no political motivation...nawwww....lolololol

anyone who believed that hoax tha hurt this country so bad should be beaten to an inch of their mother fucking lives
They were allowed to riot and ultimately released without charges.

It's really a laughable joke, in a mordant sort of way, that leftist misfits were allowed to inflict billions of dollars in property damage without consequence. That nonsense "summer of love" festival of fires, property destruction and assaults was just one big left-fest of criminal free-for-all.

Most cases of this sort are dismissed without charges. Your beloved January 6 riot, the majority of people were released without charges..

9% were prosecuted... sounds about right.
Most cases of this sort are dismissed without charges. Your beloved January 6 riot, the majority of people were released without charges..

9% were prosecuted... sounds about right.
Most cases of this sort in leftist run Hell holes are not prosecuted. That's why the Portland riots continued and entire city blocks were off limits, occupied by your retrograde heroes.

Most crimes not being prosecuted is why places such as San Francisco, among dozens of other leftist Hell holes, are becoming unliveable and crime-ridden.

The interesting news is that the leftist knuckleheads who voted in the leftist knuckleheads making their lives miserable are left to wallow in their self-created pig styes.
In short, "I couldn't win a single court case, couldn't get my grand jury to indict most of the people I accused of stuff, and my only accomplishment after spending 6 Million dollars was to get one guy to cop to changing wording on a warrant application, and that was detected by IG Horowitz, not me. But I'm going to get up here in front of Congress and try to justify my expenditures."
In short, it's a stacked deck winning in DC. Notice they tried to change the venue for General Flynn's lawsuit??
They failed.
Most cases of this sort in leftist run Hell holes are not prosecuted. That's why the Portland riots continued and entire city blocks were off limits, occupied by your retrograde heroes.

Most of these crimes were "disorderly conduct", but never mind.

Just remember, people protesting police brutality- bad. People protesting that they lost an election, good.
Most of these crimes were "disorderly conduct", but never mind.

Just remember, people protesting police brutality- bad. People protesting that they lost an election, good.
Just remember that leftist prosecutors are a criminals best friend. Charges ranging from assault, rioting, arson, property damage among others are being dismissed or pleaded down. The vast majority of your misfit heroes will face no charges at all.

Just remember, leftist misfits burning down cities - good.

Leftist misfits held accountable for crimes - bad.
Just remember that leftist prosecutors are a criminals best friend. Charges ranging from assault, rioting, arson, property damage among others are being dismissed or pleaded down. The vast majority of your misfit heroes will face no charges at all.

Just remember, leftist misfits burning down cities - good.

When those cities let the cops murder their, yeah, they should expect that.

People asked nicely for 10 years to fix police misconduct...

And it didn't happen until people started burning stuff.
When those cities let the cops murder their, yeah, they should expect that.

People asked nicely for 10 years to fix police misconduct...

And it didn't happen until people started burning stuff.
The city never let cops murder any children. You have a propensity for floating these silly conspiracy theories.

I understand you want to flail your Pom Poms for the antifa misfit heroes you idolize but what does it say about you when your heroes are these epic losers?


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