BREAKING: Judicial Watch Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit against U.S. Government on Behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s Husband and Estate

Reagan got snookered on that, fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice shame on me.

Illegal immigration is criminal, plain and simple.
Hahaha Raygun the Humanitarian would be a liberal nemesis of the TrumpenFührer.
Then you support using deadly force in all these cases. I'm with you on that. It sure would have drastically reduced any future riots. Right?


Immediately, he was on the FBIkl Most Wanted list. Then he instantly was not, and then he disappeared!




Just more nonsense from right wing fascists.
We want contributors and not those fleeing from 3rd worldism to get on the US government dole paid for by contributors
That's not it. Data shows that immigrants contribute a ton to the economy. Perhaps you see dark skinned people and assume they’re all on welfare.
Massive uncontrolled immigration, forcing the shutdown of fossil fuel use before the grid or tech is ready for it. Inflationary policies, softness on crime. I can go on. The structural integrity of the US is based on it's institutions, and the left is currently gutting them as they see fit.

Let the Anti-fa/BLM idiots do what they want and things get burned to the ground.

To the stifled applause from the left.

The US is producing more fossil fuels than ever before. The only inflation is businesses fattening their profits. Red states lead the nation in crime. The Republicans want to militarize our institutions against the country.
And how many cops were injured during the BLM/Anti-fa riots?

And what was the only direct death during the Capitol riot?

Oh yea, the unarmed woman shot by a dipshit cop.

The issue isn't being nonchalant, it's about blue local governments not even trying to prosecute the lefties because deep down they agree with them.

If someone beat up a cop, arrest them for that, not parading, or trespassing, or "disrupting" a proceeding that happened only 8 hours later and didn't delay the transfer of power one fucking second.

The officer was protecting the capitol from a dangerous mob. The sheer number of people made it a dangerous situation.
That's not it. Data shows that immigrants contribute a ton to the economy. Perhaps you see dark skinned people and assume they’re all on welfare.
Learn the distinction between historical immigrants who followed the procedures vs modern illegals who walk in and start taking assets.
When you comprehend that very elementary differentiation, then you can quibble about dark skinned babble.
The officer was protecting the capitol from a dangerous mob. The sheer number of people made it a dangerous situation.
Don’t get to murder an individual because you are afraid of or trying to ward off more people behind her.
Learn the distinction between historical immigrants who followed the procedures vs modern illegals who walk in and start taking assets.
When you comprehend that very elementary differentiation, then you can quibble about dark skinned babble.
Distinction without a difference. They are both contributors to the economy. I have a hard time looking down on people who are fleeing violence and poverty.
Distinction without a difference. They are both contributors to the economy. I have a hard time looking down on people who are fleeing violence and poverty.
Christ what deflection
Do you believe there is a difference in historical immigration vs now?
Don't feed the troll, that's all that one is.
Nowdays they don’t event try to approach sensibility. Everything is trash Trump or kiss and embrace every minority no matter what the actions. If you don’t-Racist
It took decades for them to assimilate. Same with the Czechs, the Germans, the Chinese and everyone else who has immigrated.

I grew up around a large illegal Hispanic community. They valued hard work, family support and religiosity. They were also shunned by the white community.

The Venezuelans who come here aren’t coming to spread socialism. They’re coming to flee from it.

But funny to hear you talk about our values given you’re willing to abandon them in order to keep out the others.

Many of the other cultures have been here for more than decades, and all they are assimilating to is government handouts by short sighted dem idiots.

I value legal immigration, not rewarding illegal immigration or other lawbreaking.

Actual lawbreaking, not the political crimes your side makes up.

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