BREAKING: Leftists Marching on SCOTUS to Impeach Kavanaugh...

That is why republicrooks like moscow mitch and company do not uphold the laws of the nation.
I'll bet you thought that was clever.

The law (Constitution) says POTUS nominates and the Senate confirms.

Mobs of angry, unhinged Leftists unable to accept election losses aren't mentioned.

WHEN RETARDS AND REJECTS SPEW lies they believe is true WITH NNO GGAWD DAM PROOF omfg your morons beyond belief . wtf dimension have you lunatic woke up on....

Oh look all the ANNTI AMERICAN haters want to take away truth .......... just ot make themselves look good . You all nneed to STFUP get the fk out of our country!!

Simple solution MindWars
We need to call a truce between parties with contrasting political beliefs.
And agree NOT to impose these beliefs on other groups in violation of the First Amendment
(and Fourteenth and Civil Rights laws against Discrimination by Creed).

1. Agree that Socialist beliefs in health care as a right are in direct
conflict with Constitutional beliefs in Limiting Govt to just the 18 enumerated
duties spelled out in the Constitution proper, and requiring a Constitutional
Amendment before adding any more duties including health care and social programs/education for Govt to manage federally.

2. Agree to go through the Constitutional Amendment process to add
a clarification that Government cannot Discriminate by Creed including Political Beliefs
(including Beliefs about Sexuality and Gender, Social Justice, Government and Church Authority)
by either establishing or prohibiting beliefs of political parties and organizations
including funding and management of social programs
that are only mandatory for citizens who consent to participate.

I would recommend that tax policies allow for payments made for health care, education, social services
and benefits to be deducted from taxes proportional to the rate that such payments
go toward actual services (i.e., nonprofits with less than 10% operational costs means 100% tax deductible;
programs with 50% or less in operational costs mean payments or donations are 50% deductible etc.).

3. In order to protect the ability to DEVELOP democratically governed administration for social programs
on local levels, and remove this from federal govt, I would recommend an AGREEMENT between parties
to set up a system of business lending and mentoring, so that leaders who advocate for schools and health
care to be managed democratically outside of federal govt can help mentor the building and financing of
such programs. Without a source or system of setting up alternatives, that's the main reason the liberal
parties and leaders keep pushing for this to be established through federal govt. There needs to be an
agreement in place how to reclaim responsibility for schools and health care where it can be managed
locally, statewide, and nationally WITHOUT relying on federal govt. Such as going through party precincts
and setting up mentorship and development plans, including financing the business planning, and
deducting that from taxes in proportion to how much is paying for the actual programs and not added profits.
Too late for any of that. The demstains only want total control and to hell with anything else.

Dear miketx
If the D party is STILL in the business of violating Constitutional due process
and beliefs, then acting as a COLLECTIVE group with OTHER entities like Media
and financers of their actions, why shouldn't that constitute a FELONY of
"CONSPIRING TO VIOLATE CIVIL RIGHTS" by violating Constitutional beliefs
and due process of other citizens and taxpayers footing the cost for all this?

How is it "too late" if the violations are ONGOING.
There is no statute that has run if the activities and actions are CURRENT.

The problem is people like YOU condoning NOT pursuing legal action.
That gives permission to keep doing it!

You aren't alone, I've consulted with Constitutionalists and Constitutional lawyers
who are reluctant to argue for a new precedent on what constitutes a Political
Belief and abuse/discrimination, where such actions would be conspiring to
violate civil rights as a felony.

The cost of legal action is prohibitive
and that's why most people including but not limited to you
prefer to argue for correcting this by elections and "voting Democrats out of office"
which is the more established response to such abuses.

Suing or pushing the AG to press charges for "conspiracy to violate civil rights"
because of "violating Constitutional beliefs, principles and due process"
is pushing a higher standard in a legal approach not tried yet.

That's what I urge that we do - argue for this,
and demand that no more tolerance of abuses and violations
be allowed to go unchecked, claiming it's too late, too expensive
to pursue, or Democrats aren't going to respond anyway so just vote them out.

That doesn't solve the problem of teaching and establishing
that it's unlawful to violate Constitutional laws, limits and ethics.

At this point, that's why I'm thinking we need a form Constitutional
Amendment establishing protections of Constitutional laws, limits,
beliefs and due process from this kind of abuse at taxpayers' expense.

WHEN RETARDS AND REJECTS SPEW lies they believe is true WITH NNO GGAWD DAM PROOF omfg your morons beyond belief . wtf dimension have you lunatic woke up on....

Oh look all the ANNTI AMERICAN haters want to take away truth .......... just ot make themselves look good . You all nneed to STFUP get the fk out of our country!!

Simple solution MindWars
We need to call a truce between parties with contrasting political beliefs.
And agree NOT to impose these beliefs on other groups in violation of the First Amendment
(and Fourteenth and Civil Rights laws against Discrimination by Creed).

1. Agree that Socialist beliefs in health care as a right are in direct
conflict with Constitutional beliefs in Limiting Govt to just the 18 enumerated
duties spelled out in the Constitution proper, and requiring a Constitutional
Amendment before adding any more duties including health care and social programs/education for Govt to manage federally.

2. Agree to go through the Constitutional Amendment process to add
a clarification that Government cannot Discriminate by Creed including Political Beliefs
(including Beliefs about Sexuality and Gender, Social Justice, Government and Church Authority)
by either establishing or prohibiting beliefs of political parties and organizations
including funding and management of social programs
that are only mandatory for citizens who consent to participate.

I would recommend that tax policies allow for payments made for health care, education, social services
and benefits to be deducted from taxes proportional to the rate that such payments
go toward actual services (i.e., nonprofits with less than 10% operational costs means 100% tax deductible;
programs with 50% or less in operational costs mean payments or donations are 50% deductible etc.).

3. In order to protect the ability to DEVELOP democratically governed administration for social programs
on local levels, and remove this from federal govt, I would recommend an AGREEMENT between parties
to set up a system of business lending and mentoring, so that leaders who advocate for schools and health
care to be managed democratically outside of federal govt can help mentor the building and financing of
such programs. Without a source or system of setting up alternatives, that's the main reason the liberal
parties and leaders keep pushing for this to be established through federal govt. There needs to be an
agreement in place how to reclaim responsibility for schools and health care where it can be managed
locally, statewide, and nationally WITHOUT relying on federal govt. Such as going through party precincts
and setting up mentorship and development plans, including financing the business planning, and
deducting that from taxes in proportion to how much is paying for the actual programs and not added profits.
Too late for any of that. The demstains only want total control and to hell with anything else.

Dear miketx
If the D party is STILL in the business of violating Constitutional due process
and beliefs, then acting as a COLLECTIVE group with OTHER entities like Media
and financers of their actions, why shouldn't that constitute a FELONY of
"CONSPIRING TO VIOLATE CIVIL RIGHTS" by violating Constitutional beliefs
and due process of other citizens and taxpayers footing the cost for all this?

How is it "too late" if the violations are ONGOING.
There is no statute that has run if the activities and actions are CURRENT.

The problem is people like YOU condoning NOT pursuing legal action.
That gives permission to keep doing it!

You aren't alone, I've consulted with Constitutionalists and Constitutional lawyers
who are reluctant to argue for a new precedent on what constitutes a Political
Belief and abuse/discrimination, where such actions would be conspiring to
violate civil rights as a felony.

The cost of legal action is prohibitive
and that's why most people including but not limited to you
prefer to argue for correcting this by elections and "voting Democrats out of office"
which is the more established response to such abuses.

Suing or pushing the AG to press charges for "conspiracy to violate civil rights"
because of "violating Constitutional beliefs, principles and due process"
is pushing a higher standard in a legal approach not tried yet.

That's what I urge that we do - argue for this,
and demand that no more tolerance of abuses and violations
be allowed to go unchecked, claiming it's too late, too expensive
to pursue, or Democrats aren't going to respond anyway so just vote them out.

That doesn't solve the problem of teaching and establishing
that it's unlawful to violate Constitutional laws, limits and ethics.

At this point, that's why I'm thinking we need a form Constitutional
Amendment establishing protections of Constitutional laws, limits,
beliefs and due process from this kind of abuse at taxpayers' expense.
No, I disagree. Since it's clear the democrats do not worry about breaking any laws, what good does more law do? If you said "None" you are correct.

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