BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene SWATTED at Home Early Wednesday Morning

This needs some more background.

Did she comply w/the authorities?

If this is accurate there does need to be prosecution.

As big an asshole as this woman is… swatting is a dangerous and dispicable thing

While I know that a lot of conservatives on here hate CNN, it does help to get more of the story than what the OP's link provided. Yes, she was SWATted, and yes, the police did show up, but didn't go full gung ho as they realized it was her house when they showed up. They knocked on the door, asked if everything was allright, and then left. An investigation is being pursued, and the idiot caller who did the initial call decided to call back and say that it was because of her views on transgender youth.

Was this an assassination attempt? Calling it that is being overly hyperbolic, as the police realized whose house it was and didn't end up going into full SWAT mode. And, they are investigating.

That being said, even though it is MTG and I think of her as a very despicable person as well as a poor excuse as a politician, I don't think that ANYONE should have this happen to them, as we have seen in previous instances where it can go very bad very quickly. But at least the police recognized whose house it was before going into standoff mode.

And, I'm hoping that the coward who made the initial call (who also used a voice disguiser), is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent for making a prank call to 911.
Another hysterical far rightwing thread bites the dust.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericansIsCultureWarBS
Lol, one of the benefits of never being at home. I could probably get swatted and not know till someone told me. Well it could not have happened to a nicer person. Hope they catch the person who did it because it is dangerous but ya a little bit of a snicker.
Whoever did this needs to be prosecuted to the fullest.
I think the GP needs to squeeze in more ads so you have to scroll down at least 6 pages before you get the gist of whatever they're trying to get their readers to feel aggrieved about. Oh...wait....they already have.
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No one likes a snitch. They rat you out for something that you have done. A swatter rats you out for something that you haven't done. Can there be a more despicable person?
No one likes a snitch. They rat you out for something that you have done. A swatter rats you out for something that you haven't done. Can there be a more despicable person?
It’s not even that.

It’s done with the intent of having a hyper violent response by police
It’s not even that.

It’s done with the intent of having a hyper violent response by police
Which is pretty much the only response that you'll get from the fuzz these days.

Police uniforms2.jpg

old Cop.jpg

Bitches head and jaw structure definitely neandrathal viking chromosome

WTF are you talking about? Neanderthals and Vikings look nothing alike, and I'm pretty sure their gene structure is a bit different from one another.

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