Breaking! Merrick Garland informs Trump he will be indicted next week.

The lunatic leftard just don't get it

But they will, when it gets shoved up their keesters.

Which is starting to happen even now

And, read this forum. They know it and they're very worried.

They're even trotting out their highly paid intellectuals. lol :p
Who's very worried? 😄 You clowns mind you dont cosplay yourself into doing something stupid. Just sit there like the passive cucks that you are as we prosecute your boy. :itsok:
At least you're honest you crave a one party government, but in the end, you'll be the same slave to it we are. At least that's a happy ending

And bodecea the racist gets upset, bam! It's so true, my ear. You're a nobody, which means when the Democrats don't need your support anymore, you'll be a slave like the rest of us. I realize now you like sliming anyone who disagrees with your Gods, but if you had a brain in your head you'd be very afraid of what they are going to do to you when you get your way
Write whatever story you want.

Send it to a federal prosecutor.


When it comes to stupid, you're the real thing. Duh, dar, drool, tell a Democrat the Democrats are corrupt, duh, duh, duh.

You're a racist and an air head
Yesterday I was a RACIST and now I am a slave. Someone get me a ghost gun

Good news, you were a racist and a slave yesterday and today. Call Tim Scott names again because he doesn't believe what you're telling him to and you believe blacks are your property, racist bitch. It's the Democrat Party way and always was. You're in the party the slave owners were in, as well as the KKK
It always racks me up when people tag me out of the blue to get attention

kaz = Look at me know :smoochEE:

Again, you're just flat out stupid. I didn't tag you out of the blue, I was responding to your tag of my post.

Man, you're fucking stupid as well as racist

By "rabbit hole," you mean posting facts to make a complete fool of you.

You claimed Obama took classified documents after leaving office -- I proved he didn't.

You claimed the NARA didn't move his records to the Hoffman Estates -- I proved they did.

You claimed Obama moved his records to the Hoffman Estates -- I proved he didn't.

You claimed Obama had access to his records after leaving office -- I proved he didn't.

You think you're not a dumbfuck -- I proved you are.

What is the Hoffman estates ? What documents were moved there, and was the Hoffman estates secure ? If so, how so ? What make the estates different from Mara-Lago ???
What is the Hoffman estates ? What documents were moved there, and was the Hoffman estates secure ? If so, how so ? What make the estates different from Mara-Lago ???

How sad. Even after ALL the conversation about this, you STILL don't know the answers to those questions.
Good news, you were a racist and a slave yesterday and today. Call Tim Scott names again because he doesn't believe what you're telling him to and you believe blacks are your property, racist bitch. It's the Democrat Party way and always was. You're in the party the slave owners were in, as well as the KKK
Someone tell this DUMBASS I have never voted Democrat.
Again, you're just flat out stupid. I didn't tag you out of the blue, I was responding to your tag of my post.

Man, you're fucking stupid as well as racist

End your misery punk ass bitch :p

Yeah Trump got indicted and I am anxiously waiting for the trial :abgg2q.jpg:

Someone tell this DUMBASS I have never voted Democrat.

Don't give a shit. You spend all day on message boards arguing for them and making excuses for them and parroting their bigotry and lies. That you were too lazy to go vote for handouts rather than just beg for them on message boards doesn't change anything. If you weren't so fucking lazy and racist, maybe you wouldn't be too lazy to earn your own money either
End your misery punk ass bitch :p

Yeah Trump got indicted and I am anxiously waiting for the trial :abgg2q.jpg:

Good for you. I'm voting for DeSantis in the primaries and if Trump still gets the nomination I'll probably vote Libertarian. As for you, stop arguing like fucking Gavin Newsome if you want to have any credibility you're not a Democrat. Saying you're not a Democrat then being indistinguishable from a Democrat means nothing
Good for you. I'm voting for DeSantis in the primaries and if Trump still gets the nomination I'll probably vote Libertarian. As for you, stop arguing like fucking Gavin Newsome if you want to have any credibility you're not a Democrat. Saying you're not a Democrat then being indistinguishable from a Democrat means nothing
read my signature ASS FACE :abgg2q.jpg:

True Libertarian here. Will not vote for Trump or Biden
I want to go on record as saying that I do not support Trump, nor do I support Biden.
I will ridicule each equally. So far, I have seen SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Trump. Therefore I will BASH Trump
Show me SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Biden, and I will BASH him equally.
Don't give a shit. You spend all day on message boards arguing for them and making excuses for them and parroting their bigotry and lies. That you were too lazy to go vote for handouts rather than just beg for them on message boards doesn't change anything. If you weren't so fucking lazy and racist, maybe you wouldn't be too lazy to earn your own money either
see post above this one you douche bag :ahole-1:
read my signature ASS FACE :abgg2q.jpg:

True Libertarian here. Will not vote for Trump or Biden
I want to go on record as saying that I do not support Trump, nor do I support Biden.
I will ridicule each equally. So far, I have seen SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Trump. Therefore I will BASH Trump
Show me SOLID evidence and an Indictment against Biden, and I will BASH him equally.

More whining, crying and screaming and still no content showing you're not the leftist douche you keep saying you are when arguing points. An often repeated template by people like you who aren't leftist but somehow can't come up with anything you think that isn't leftist. When you come up with some content showing that, let me know. In the meantime, I got it, you have insults, not backed up by examples. My answer to that is yawn ...
More whining, crying and screaming and still no content showing you're not the leftist douche you keep saying you are when arguing points. An often repeated template by people like you who aren't leftist but somehow can't come up with anything you think that isn't leftist. When you come up with some content showing that, let me know. In the meantime, I got it, you have insults, not backed up by examples. My answer to that is yawn ...
A stage yawn ^ - one of the oldest "bottom gay" signals at the truck stop. :abgg2q.jpg:

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