Breaking! MSNBC Now Self-Fluffing...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Astute followers of cable news rankings know that Fox is the dominant player, the competition locked in a battle for the proverbial hind ratings teat. Recent stories have noted the dramatic viewer losses - overall audience and the 25-54 demo - by both MSNBC and CNN as viewers' rejection of their lefty programming continues to escalate.

But the suits at MSNBC are desperately trying to make lemonade out of their pile of and rotting fetid lemons, for which I guess they at least deserve an "atta boy!"

Tuned in Morning Joe this a.m. to hear the dims' talking points about Barry's announcement later today, and saw an interesting self-promo. There was Joe and Mika in one of those cheesey photos they usually show pre or post commercial breaks, but with an accompanying voiceover touting their show's success vs. whatever the hell's on CNN opposite them. They're bragging about beating those losers in a recent rating, twice actually, so the spot goes on to refer to it as a "winning streak."

And for their meager regular following of low information viewers that probably sounds like quite the accomplishment because they're not smart enough to read betweeen the lines of the message: No one watches CNN, but almost no one is watching us!

No wonder the "reverend" Al's got a gig at that loony bin.
I watched Chris Matthews coverage of the republican landslide in the House in 2012 and it was so disgraceful that Matthews should have been fired. Either he was drunk or otherwise demented somehow. I understand that he was equally incoherent the last time around. Either MSNBC doesn't care anymore or they are incompetent. Both MSNBC and CNN have resorted to sniping at Fox with out of context stuff supplied by Media Matters and that's about it for their alleged news coverage.
It's all in how you look at it. If MSNBC and Fox had a 2 car race and Fox won they would report differently. Fox would say we won and they were second. MSNBC would say we were second and Fox was next to last.
Astute followers of cable news rankings know that Fox is the dominant player, the competition locked in a battle for the proverbial hind ratings teat. Recent stories have noted the dramatic viewer losses - overall audience and the 25-54 demo - by both MSNBC and CNN as viewers' rejection of their lefty programming continues to escalate.

But the suits at MSNBC are desperately trying to make lemonade out of their pile of and rotting fetid lemons, for which I guess they at least deserve an "atta boy!"

Tuned in Morning Joe this a.m. to hear the dims' talking points about Barry's announcement later today, and saw an interesting self-promo. There was Joe and Mika in one of those cheesey photos they usually show pre or post commercial breaks, but with an accompanying voiceover touting their show's success vs. whatever the hell's on CNN opposite them. They're bragging about beating those losers in a recent rating, twice actually, so the spot goes on to refer to it as a "winning streak."

And for their meager regular following of low information viewers that probably sounds like quite the accomplishment because they're not smart enough to read betweeen the lines of the message: No one watches CNN, but almost no one is watching us!

No wonder the "reverend" Al's got a gig at that loony bin.

They have a bunch of those phoney.fake,staged "candid" shots made to show Joe and Mika as rock stars.
MSNBC Morning Joe beating CNN...Who doesn't?
Astute followers of cable news rankings know that Fox is the dominant player, the competition locked in a battle for the proverbial hind ratings teat. Recent stories have noted the dramatic viewer losses - overall audience and the 25-54 demo - by both MSNBC and CNN as viewers' rejection of their lefty programming continues to escalate.

But the suits at MSNBC are desperately trying to make lemonade out of their pile of and rotting fetid lemons, for which I guess they at least deserve an "atta boy!"

Tuned in Morning Joe this a.m. to hear the dims' talking points about Barry's announcement later today, and saw an interesting self-promo. There was Joe and Mika in one of those cheesey photos they usually show pre or post commercial breaks, but with an accompanying voiceover touting their show's success vs. whatever the hell's on CNN opposite them. They're bragging about beating those losers in a recent rating, twice actually, so the spot goes on to refer to it as a "winning streak."

And for their meager regular following of low information viewers that probably sounds like quite the accomplishment because they're not smart enough to read betweeen the lines of the message: No one watches CNN, but almost no one is watching us!

No wonder the "reverend" Al's got a gig at that loony bin.

They have a bunch of those phoney.fake,staged "candid" shots made to show Joe and Mika as rock stars.
MSNBC Morning Joe beating CNN...Who doesn't?
Mika threw her baby down the stairs.

A dead woman was found in Joe's office.

Scum, both of them.
I can only take MSNBC in small doses so I haven't tuned in enough other shows yet to see if they're 'advertising' Morning Joe with the Joey/Mika fluff-o-rama pieces. My instinct tells me they're not, which would mean their mental midget producer had self-promos created to only run on their own show. What a great way to build audience, huh? You've got a show on your hands that virtually no one watches, so you advertise it only to them.
Tuned in Morning Joe this a.m. to hear the dims' talking points about Barry's announcement later today, and saw an interesting self-promo. There was Joe and Mika in one of those cheesey photos they usually show pre or post commercial breaks, but with an accompanying voiceover touting their show's success vs. whatever the hell's on CNN opposite them. They're bragging about beating those losers in a recent rating, twice actually, so the spot goes on to refer to it as a "winning streak."

Yeah, I've seen that ad, too funny.

The minds of hardcore partisan ideologues are just distorted. I'll guarantee you there are people watching that thinking, "yeah, good job on the winning streak".

And, of course, whomever wrote the ad knew it would fly. I would love to see the schematic of that thought process.

Absolutely fascinating.

I'm waiting for the Fox & Friends morning show to play the Joey & Mika promo for their audience and mock the hell out of its stupidity. Which is exactly what MSNBC would do if things were reversed.

I would be too embarrassed to publicly brag about not being in last place knowing the 1st place guy totally crushes their combined audiences. It's reminiscent of the dims claiming their ass kicking in the election wasn't really an ass kicking, knowing their low info types will swallow anything they spew.
Can't argue the ugly lesbians point, but don't forget the racist alleged reverend Al, he of IRS fame and advisor to our White House administration. Birds of a feather fluffing together.

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