BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.

You are not saying the left is not committed to pushing race division or that they yell about gun control and yell how things like this are the fault of right wingers or the NRA every time there is a tragedy like this are you?

No, you are not. From both sides? Me or anyone else pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is not being political. That, is actually pointing out one side making politics out of something in order to push an obvious agenda.

Me pointing that out with this post is an example.....

And then having pogo give me a neg with this comment......

Bring something to the table or fuck off, troll

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

This may well be the longest neg whine I've ever seen. What is it -- three days now?

I negged you because you brought absolutely nothing to the discussion. I invited you to show anything and you declined. No substance whatsoever; all you came to do was stir the shit with blanket ad hominem-- as some clown describes it, "only able to argue from ignorance, dishonesty or emotion". Nothing gets done that way.

Consider it negative reinforcement and get the fuck over it already. And when you come to a thread bring something with some thought and substance behind it instead of a simplistic troll drive by.

I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.
You are not saying the left is not committed to pushing race division or that they yell about gun control and yell how things like this are the fault of right wingers or the NRA every time there is a tragedy like this are you?

No, you are not. From both sides? Me or anyone else pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is not being political. That, is actually pointing out one side making politics out of something in order to push an obvious agenda.

Me pointing that out with this post is an example.....

And then having pogo give me a neg with this comment......

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

This may well be the longest neg whine I've ever seen. What is it -- three days now?

I negged you because you brought absolutely nothing to the discussion. I invited you to show anything and you declined. No substance whatsoever; all you came to do was stir the shit with blanket ad hominem-- as some clown describes it, "only able to argue from ignorance, dishonesty or emotion". Nothing gets done that way.

Consider it negative reinforcement and get the fuck over it already. And when you come to a thread bring something with some thought and substance behind it instead of a simplistic troll drive by.

I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

See what I mean? You just did the same thing all over again.

Nah, you prolly don't....
What I find most amusing in this situation is that the liberals are trying to push a feminist agenda, as opposed to their typical gun-grabbing one. Go to Twitter. #YesAllWomen is one of the top trending hashtags.

You've got Tweets like "Oh, this guy in class grabbed my butt once! All men suck! #YesAllWomen"

Oh, well. It's pretty annoying, and quite vain and self-centered, for these women to hijack this tragedy for their personal gain and attention.

But if it means we aren't going to hear about Dems conspiring to take our guns...let the feminists attention whore all they want!

What’s actually amusing is that anyone would buy into such a ridiculous lie, as ‘liberals’ are neither pushing any ‘agenda’ nor do they seek to ‘grab guns.’

Both notions are hasty generalization fallacies and fundamentally ignorant.
Well, you have to admit that #YesAllWomen is pretty stupid.
And there's dozens of people who like to eat their own shit out there.
'Guns' have nothing to do with the fact that with a population of over 300 million there are going to be be nut-bars out there.
LIBs are always looking for any excuse to take away people's freedom.
It's in their genes.
Yet the first time they need some one to come help them the first thing they say is: "I hope you have a gun?"
Fucking pansies.
And there's dozens of people who like to eat their own shit out there.
'Guns' have nothing to do with the fact that with a population of over 300 million there are going to be be nut-bars out there.
LIBs are always looking for any excuse to take away people's freedom.
It's in their genes.
Yet the first time they need some one to come help them the first thing they say is: "I hope you have a gun?"
Fucking pansies.

Too bad for your argument that Liberals are the ones who wrote the Second Amendment...

Sorry, did I say "argument"? Force of habit.
And there's dozens of people who like to eat their own shit out there.
'Guns' have nothing to do with the fact that with a population of over 300 million there are going to be be nut-bars out there.
LIBs are always looking for any excuse to take away people's freedom.
It's in their genes.
Yet the first time they need some one to come help them the first thing they say is: "I hope you have a gun?"
Fucking pansies.

Too bad for your argument that Liberals are the ones who wrote the Second Amendment...

Sorry, did I say "argument"? Force of habit.

Yet, your socialist/commie in chief hates the constitution. You motherfucker. All liberals do, is rail against the 2nd amendment, and here you are attempting to take credit for yet another thing that has nothing to do with the commie liberal mindset today. A mindset that you belong to. Your fucking little jedi mind trick won't work with me, pussy.

It is just one in a long line of things you are hypocritical about. You take on every side of every issue, that way you can never be wrong. Which essentially means you stand for nothing, as I have maintained and continue to maintain.

Go ahead and take credit for freeing the slaves, while it was a republican who was called a war monger. Go ahead and take credit for desegregating the schools even though it was republicans that did that. (Oh I know Eisenhower and Nixon were such liberals) Go ahead and take credit for doing things for the environment while you think hippies shitting, fucking and sleeping in a field during Earth week getting high on whatever is doing something for the planet. Why don't you tell us how many carbon credits you have purchased, since you pieces of shit defend that fat fuck southern asshole, whose father was a big racist. Meanwhile it has been conservatives that has done more for conservation, more cleaning the air and water than any dickhead democrat.

In the mean time, I find it fucking hilarious how you deny liberals push for stronger gun control and use these tragedies to exploit their agenda.

Like I said, your fucking double talk is not going to work on me. I am actually pretty shocked it has worked on Ringel.
You are not saying the left is not committed to pushing race division or that they yell about gun control and yell how things like this are the fault of right wingers or the NRA every time there is a tragedy like this are you?

No, you are not. From both sides? Me or anyone else pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is not being political. That, is actually pointing out one side making politics out of something in order to push an obvious agenda.

Me pointing that out with this post is an example.....

And then having pogo give me a neg with this comment......

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

This may well be the longest neg whine I've ever seen. What is it -- three days now?

I negged you because you brought absolutely nothing to the discussion. I invited you to show anything and you declined. No substance whatsoever; all you came to do was stir the shit with blanket ad hominem-- as some clown describes it, "only able to argue from ignorance, dishonesty or emotion". Nothing gets done that way.

Consider it negative reinforcement and get the fuck over it already. And when you come to a thread bring something with some thought and substance behind it instead of a simplistic troll drive by.

I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T.......... regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.
And there's dozens of people who like to eat their own shit out there.
'Guns' have nothing to do with the fact that with a population of over 300 million there are going to be be nut-bars out there.
LIBs are always looking for any excuse to take away people's freedom.
It's in their genes.
Yet the first time they need some one to come help them the first thing they say is: "I hope you have a gun?"
Fucking pansies.

Too bad for your argument that Liberals are the ones who wrote the Second Amendment...

Sorry, did I say "argument"? Force of habit.

Yet, your socialist/commie in chief hates the constitution. You motherfucker. All liberals do, is rail against the 2nd amendment, and here you are attempting to take credit for yet another thing that has nothing to do with the commie liberal mindset today. A mindset that you belong to. Your fucking little jedi mind trick won't work with me, pussy.

It is just one in a long line of things you are hypocritical about. You take on every side of every issue, that way you can never be wrong. Which essentially means you stand for nothing, as I have maintained and continue to maintain.

Go ahead and take credit for freeing the slaves, while it was a republican who was called a war monger. Go ahead and take credit for desegregating the schools even though it was republicans that did that. (Oh I know Eisenhower and Nixon were such liberals) Go ahead and take credit for doing things for the environment while you think hippies shitting, fucking and sleeping in a field during Earth week getting high on whatever is doing something for the planet. Why don't you tell us how many carbon credits you have purchased, since you pieces of shit defend that fat fuck southern asshole, whose father was a big racist. Meanwhile it has been conservatives that has done more for conservation, more cleaning the air and water than any dickhead democrat.

In the mean time, I find it fucking hilarious how you deny liberals push for stronger gun control and use these tragedies to exploit their agenda.

Like I said, your fucking double talk is not going to work on me. I am actually pretty shocked it has worked on Ringel.

Ringel's a lot smarter than you. And no slight to him but the average telephone pole is too. You didn't even notice in your diaper rash that -- that's not even your post I responded to.

"Ignorance, emotion or dishonesty". Sometimes you get all three. Just to take maybe the only element of actual thread content here though:
I find it fucking hilarious how you deny liberals push for stronger gun control and use these tragedies to exploit their agenda.

Liberals never push for gun control; leftists might, but trying to explain the difference to you would be like pissing in the wind. As for 'using a tragedy to exploit an agenda' -- go look at the threads going on right now blasting the distraught father of one of the shooting victims. I guarantee you that's neither Liberals nor leftists doing the exploiting.

Well this is exactly what I meant that there isn't enough listening in this place and it's too polluted with those who come with prefab demagogue scripts.
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This may well be the longest neg whine I've ever seen. What is it -- three days now?

I negged you because you brought absolutely nothing to the discussion. I invited you to show anything and you declined. No substance whatsoever; all you came to do was stir the shit with blanket ad hominem-- as some clown describes it, "only able to argue from ignorance, dishonesty or emotion". Nothing gets done that way.

Consider it negative reinforcement and get the fuck over it already. And when you come to a thread bring something with some thought and substance behind it instead of a simplistic troll drive by.

I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T.......... regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Tea Party puppet masters? I have no fucking clue what that means. You are not going to convince me that liberals are all pro gun, and I really do not give a shit how many "proud gun owning liberals" you know or are friends with. There is another word for most of them, if not all of them. Hypocrites. Then again saying liberals, is the same thing as saying hypocrites.

You fucking kidding me? Now that you have resorted to nanny nanny boo boo retorts, my respect for you has slid greatly.
Too bad for your argument that Liberals are the ones who wrote the Second Amendment...

Sorry, did I say "argument"? Force of habit.

Yet, your socialist/commie in chief hates the constitution. You motherfucker. All liberals do, is rail against the 2nd amendment, and here you are attempting to take credit for yet another thing that has nothing to do with the commie liberal mindset today. A mindset that you belong to. Your fucking little jedi mind trick won't work with me, pussy.

It is just one in a long line of things you are hypocritical about. You take on every side of every issue, that way you can never be wrong. Which essentially means you stand for nothing, as I have maintained and continue to maintain.

Go ahead and take credit for freeing the slaves, while it was a republican who was called a war monger. Go ahead and take credit for desegregating the schools even though it was republicans that did that. (Oh I know Eisenhower and Nixon were such liberals) Go ahead and take credit for doing things for the environment while you think hippies shitting, fucking and sleeping in a field during Earth week getting high on whatever is doing something for the planet. Why don't you tell us how many carbon credits you have purchased, since you pieces of shit defend that fat fuck southern asshole, whose father was a big racist. Meanwhile it has been conservatives that has done more for conservation, more cleaning the air and water than any dickhead democrat.

In the mean time, I find it fucking hilarious how you deny liberals push for stronger gun control and use these tragedies to exploit their agenda.

Like I said, your fucking double talk is not going to work on me. I am actually pretty shocked it has worked on Ringel.

Ringel's a lot smarter than you. And no slight to him but the average telephone pole is too. You didn't even notice in your diaper rash that -- that's not your post I responded to.

"Ignorance, emotion or dishonesty". Sometimes you get all three.

Well this is exactly what I meant that there isn't enough listening in this place and it's too polluted with those who come with prefab demagogue scripts.

Demagogue scripts eh?

[...]Yet, your socialist/commie in chief hates the constitution.[...]
You think Obama is a socialist/communist? Obama is the most useful tool the Wall Street and banking industry king-makers ever bought and paid for. He is so deep in the pocket of the One Percent the only thing showing are his heels.

If you want to see a real socialist, one who will restore the American Middle Class to its former strength, support Bernie Sanders and do yourself a surprisingly big favor. America desperately needs some socialist regulations to impose controls over the runaway capitalism which is turning America into a plutocracy and Sanders knows how to do it. And he will!
I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T.......... regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Tea Party puppet masters? I have no fucking clue what that means. You are not going to convince me that liberals are all pro gun, and I really do not give a shit how many "proud gun owning liberals" you know or are friends with. There is another word for most of them, if not all of them. Hypocrites. Then again saying liberals, is the same thing as saying hypocrites.

You fucking kidding me? Now that you have resorted to nanny nanny boo boo retorts, my respect for you has slid greatly.

Considering your last couple of ignorant rants I could care less what you think of me. Your far right wing wacko ravings are no different then the far left wing wacko ravings. You want to see hypocrite? Look in the closest mirror, you're no different than those you rail against. You and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution and the only nanny-nanny, boo-boo crap I see is coming from you.
Yet, your socialist/commie in chief hates the constitution. You motherfucker. All liberals do, is rail against the 2nd amendment, and here you are attempting to take credit for yet another thing that has nothing to do with the commie liberal mindset today. A mindset that you belong to. Your fucking little jedi mind trick won't work with me, pussy.

It is just one in a long line of things you are hypocritical about. You take on every side of every issue, that way you can never be wrong. Which essentially means you stand for nothing, as I have maintained and continue to maintain.

Go ahead and take credit for freeing the slaves, while it was a republican who was called a war monger. Go ahead and take credit for desegregating the schools even though it was republicans that did that. (Oh I know Eisenhower and Nixon were such liberals) Go ahead and take credit for doing things for the environment while you think hippies shitting, fucking and sleeping in a field during Earth week getting high on whatever is doing something for the planet. Why don't you tell us how many carbon credits you have purchased, since you pieces of shit defend that fat fuck southern asshole, whose father was a big racist. Meanwhile it has been conservatives that has done more for conservation, more cleaning the air and water than any dickhead democrat.

In the mean time, I find it fucking hilarious how you deny liberals push for stronger gun control and use these tragedies to exploit their agenda.

Like I said, your fucking double talk is not going to work on me. I am actually pretty shocked it has worked on Ringel.

Ringel's a lot smarter than you. And no slight to him but the average telephone pole is too. You didn't even notice in your diaper rash that -- that's not your post I responded to.

"Ignorance, emotion or dishonesty". Sometimes you get all three.

Well this is exactly what I meant that there isn't enough listening in this place and it's too polluted with those who come with prefab demagogue scripts.

Demagogue scripts eh?


Christ dude, you're so lost in your own blind paradigm you don't even know how correct you are about yourself!!!!!
Projection obviously suits you to a T!!!!!!!
Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T.......... regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Tea Party puppet masters? I have no fucking clue what that means. You are not going to convince me that liberals are all pro gun, and I really do not give a shit how many "proud gun owning liberals" you know or are friends with. There is another word for most of them, if not all of them. Hypocrites. Then again saying liberals, is the same thing as saying hypocrites.

You fucking kidding me? Now that you have resorted to nanny nanny boo boo retorts, my respect for you has slid greatly.

Considering your last couple of ignorant rants I could care less what you think of me. Your far right wing wacko ravings are no different then the far left wing wacko ravings. You want to see hypocrite? Look in the closest mirror, you're no different than those you rail against. You and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution and the only nanny-nanny, boo-boo crap I see is coming from you.

I asked you to show me an example of what you mean precisely other than all of us showing the hypocrisy on the left wing taking advantage of any tragedy that involves a shooting. Especially if it is done by a white boy.

I love how you keep using your favorite word paradigm as though that is suppose to impress anyone. Stop it man. If anything you need a paradigm shift. Meaning, you need to re-adjust your thinking. Also, your denial that the left wing pushes for gun control and uses these situations to push their agenda is absurd.

The fact that a moron like pogo would thank you does not make you look good at all.
Tea Party puppet masters? I have no fucking clue what that means. You are not going to convince me that liberals are all pro gun, and I really do not give a shit how many "proud gun owning liberals" you know or are friends with. There is another word for most of them, if not all of them. Hypocrites. Then again saying liberals, is the same thing as saying hypocrites.

You fucking kidding me? Now that you have resorted to nanny nanny boo boo retorts, my respect for you has slid greatly.

Considering your last couple of ignorant rants I could care less what you think of me. Your far right wing wacko ravings are no different then the far left wing wacko ravings. You want to see hypocrite? Look in the closest mirror, you're no different than those you rail against. You and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution and the only nanny-nanny, boo-boo crap I see is coming from you.

I asked you to show me an example of what you mean precisely other than all of us showing the hypocrisy on the left wing taking advantage of any tragedy that involves a shooting. Especially if it is done by a white boy.

I love how you keep using your favorite word paradigm as though that is suppose to impress anyone. Stop it man. If anything you need a paradigm shift. Meaning, you need to re-adjust your thinking. Also, your denial that the left wing pushes for gun control and uses these situations to push their agenda is absurd.

The fact that a moron like pogo would thank you does not make you look good at all.

Ya know you still don't get it, not surprising. I've seen the left and right attack each other over which political affiliation this shooter or that shooter is/was for years on this board. I've also seen the black and white racists doing the same.
You asked me nothing, you ranted and accused. If you had/have a question then present it in such form.
Your "approach" to those who disagree with you is the same demeaning, dismissive approach the far left uses and accuses the others side of doing. hence hypocrisy. You think you far right wing wackos don't use emotive fear? "Obama and the liberals are going to take all of our guns and enslave us". Sound familiar? In reality that will not happen, oh maybe in 50, 100, 200 hundred years from now but not now.

Also I'd like you to show me where I even inferred any denial of "the left wing pushes for gun control" out side of your own imagined inference.
Paradigm is an appropriate descriptor for all of us to some degree in some area so why you take issue with it is beyond me and please, show me where Pogo has promoted the anti-gun agenda. Hell if you go back a few pages you'll see where he specifically said it was an impossibility and really wouldn't make any difference anyway.

Drop the demeaning, combative approach that is indicative of demagogs learn to have honest discourse, then I'll learn to have some respect for you and your opinions. I may disagree with Pogo on a lot of issues but at least he and I can honestly discuss our differences, I have more respect for that type of person than the type who uses your method of "communicating" though I'm not above utilizing that tact if properly provoked..........
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Considering your last couple of ignorant rants I could care less what you think of me. Your far right wing wacko ravings are no different then the far left wing wacko ravings. You want to see hypocrite? Look in the closest mirror, you're no different than those you rail against. You and they are part of the problem, not part of the solution and the only nanny-nanny, boo-boo crap I see is coming from you.

I asked you to show me an example of what you mean precisely other than all of us showing the hypocrisy on the left wing taking advantage of any tragedy that involves a shooting. Especially if it is done by a white boy.

I love how you keep using your favorite word paradigm as though that is suppose to impress anyone. Stop it man. If anything you need a paradigm shift. Meaning, you need to re-adjust your thinking. Also, your denial that the left wing pushes for gun control and uses these situations to push their agenda is absurd.

The fact that a moron like pogo would thank you does not make you look good at all.

Ya know you still don't get it, not surprising. I've seen the left and right attack each other over which political affiliation this shooter or that shooter is/was for years on this board. I've also seen the black and white racists doing the same.
You asked me nothing, you ranted and accused. If you had/have a question then present it in such form.
Your "approach" to those who disagree with you is the same demeaning, dismissive approach the far left uses and accuses the others side of doing. hence hypocrisy. You think you far right wing wackos don't use emotive fear? "Obama and the liberals are going to take all of our guns and enslave us". Sound familiar? In reality that will not happen, oh maybe in 50, 100, 200 hundred years from now but not now.

Also I'd like you to show me where I even inferred any denial of "the left wing pushes for gun control" out side of your own imagined inference.
Paradigm is an appropriate descriptor for all of us to some degree in some area so why you take issue with it is beyond me and please, show me where Pogo has promoted the anti-gun agenda. Hell if you go back a few pages you'll see where he specifically said it was an impossibility and really wouldn't make any difference anyway.

Drop the demeaning, combative approach that is indicative of demagogs learn to have honest discourse, then I'll learn to have some respect for you and your opinions. I may disagree with Pogo on a lot of issues but at least he and I can honestly discuss our differences, I have more respect for that type of person than the type who uses your method of "communicating" though I'm not above utilizing that tact if properly provoked..........

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

Remember, you already said you see it from both sides. What specifically are you referring to when you say from both sides? What is the right pushing, other than pointing out the hypocrisy from the left? Sticking up for the 2nd amendment?

Hey, remember when ABC quickly referred that James Holmes was a Tea Party member. I mean they were so excited about that, that they did not even take a moment to make sure that he was. No, they saw a name in Colorado (Jim Holmes) belonging to the Tea Party and they quickly reported the mass shooter was a Tea Party member.

I asked you this question here, in bold faced. Post #278. I asked where it was that I or any other conservative was doing anything other pointing out the typical, predictable, gun control cries from the left whenever some tragedy happens like this.

You do not deny that happens. That is all we were doing.

My orginal post was this in this thread.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

That is three sentences that pretty much describes this typical left wing response to these tragedies. Sometimes adding more than needs to be said does nothing.

Then pogo negged me and left me his fucking little message. Normally, I do not give a shit about being negged. Who the hell cares. It is a message board. However, the asshole set me off. He still does, and I am sorry but his double talk is not going to sway me.

Now you say paradigms, and yes we all fall into paradigms. There are all sorts of paradigm, and as you know paradigms always start at ZERO. So, any shift will involve humility. True humility does not disassociate itself with pain.

The point is this is a political debate board, and the liberal double talk or them exploiting these tragedies needs to be stood up to. It is not always admirable to sit on the fence and watch everything. Sometimes, if not most times you need to pick a side and fight for the cause you believe in.

Those that perpetually claim they are all neutral, I think are kidding themselves. If you see liberals exploiting situations or blaming the NRA or the TEA PARTY for the actions of a deranged loser, you should point it out.

That, is perhaps the paradigm shift you need to consider. Sometimes that causes a kind of cognitive dissonance which prevents us from making a stand. I know I usually avoid such confrontations in public for instance.
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I asked you to show me an example of what you mean precisely other than all of us showing the hypocrisy on the left wing taking advantage of any tragedy that involves a shooting. Especially if it is done by a white boy.

I love how you keep using your favorite word paradigm as though that is suppose to impress anyone. Stop it man. If anything you need a paradigm shift. Meaning, you need to re-adjust your thinking. Also, your denial that the left wing pushes for gun control and uses these situations to push their agenda is absurd.

The fact that a moron like pogo would thank you does not make you look good at all.

Ya know you still don't get it, not surprising. I've seen the left and right attack each other over which political affiliation this shooter or that shooter is/was for years on this board. I've also seen the black and white racists doing the same.
You asked me nothing, you ranted and accused. If you had/have a question then present it in such form.
Your "approach" to those who disagree with you is the same demeaning, dismissive approach the far left uses and accuses the others side of doing. hence hypocrisy. You think you far right wing wackos don't use emotive fear? "Obama and the liberals are going to take all of our guns and enslave us". Sound familiar? In reality that will not happen, oh maybe in 50, 100, 200 hundred years from now but not now.

Also I'd like you to show me where I even inferred any denial of "the left wing pushes for gun control" out side of your own imagined inference.
Paradigm is an appropriate descriptor for all of us to some degree in some area so why you take issue with it is beyond me and please, show me where Pogo has promoted the anti-gun agenda. Hell if you go back a few pages you'll see where he specifically said it was an impossibility and really wouldn't make any difference anyway.

Drop the demeaning, combative approach that is indicative of demagogs learn to have honest discourse, then I'll learn to have some respect for you and your opinions. I may disagree with Pogo on a lot of issues but at least he and I can honestly discuss our differences, I have more respect for that type of person than the type who uses your method of "communicating" though I'm not above utilizing that tact if properly provoked..........

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

Remember, you already said you see it from both sides. What specifically are you referring to when you say from both sides? What is the right pushing, other than pointing out the hypocrisy from the left? Sticking up for the 2nd amendment?

Hey, remember when ABC quickly referred that James Holmes was a Tea Party member. I mean they were so excited about that, that they did not even take a moment to make sure that he was. No, they saw a name in Colorado (Jim Holmes) belonging to the Tea Party and they quickly reported the mass shooter was a Tea Party member.

I asked you this question here, in bold faced. Post #278. I asked where it was that I or any other conservative was doing anything other pointing out the typical, predictable, gun control cries from the left whenever some tragedy happens like this.

You do not deny that happens. That is all we were doing.

My orginal post was this in this thread.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

That is three sentences that pretty much describes this typical left wing response to these tragedies. Sometimes adding more than needs to be said does nothing.

Then pogo negged me and left me his fucking little message. Normally, I do not give a shit about being negged. Who the hell cares. It is a message board. However, the asshole set me off. He still does, and I am sorry but his double talk is not going to sway me.

Now you say paradigms, and yes we all fall into paradigms. There are all sorts of paradigm, and as you know paradigms always start at ZERO. So, any shift will involve humility. True humility does not disassociate itself with pain.

The point is this is a political debate board, and the liberal double talk or them exploiting these tragedies needs to be stood up to. It is not always admirable to sit on the fence and watch everything. Sometimes, if not most times you need to pick a side and fight for the cause you believe in.

Those that perpetually claim they are all neutral, I think are kidding themselves. If you see liberals exploiting situations or blaming the NRA or the TEA PARTY for the actions of a deranged loser, you should point it out.

That, is perhaps the paradigm shift you need to consider. Sometimes that causes a kind of cognitive dissonance which prevents us from making a stand. I know I usually avoid such confrontations in public for instance.

You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".
Besides, I'm here to have fun and occasionally let off a little steam.
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You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".


What channel is it on?


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