BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

Dude goes batshit crazy, dude murders people. The Left recoils in horror, the Right blames it on Liberals and shit like that. How quaint.[/QUOTE]

jonbeserk said:
<he had been batshit crazy for a long time[/QUOTE]>

(pausing to explain--'Learn how to use the quote feature --etc.' I've been told--only wish to respond to this.)

Santa Barbara Spree Killer Treated by "Multiple Therapists." Police, Social Workers Aware. | The Truth About Guns

That didn't have much fyi. The last thing I happened to hear was 'personality disorder'. Here's a link--I chose Psychology Today to give 'basic' examples. So complex that even when the most qualified experts discuss it----it almost defies description. Susan Smith---don't feel like trying to think of others --not even sure now what her diagnosis was--drowned her children.

<Today DSM-IV defines a personality disorder as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from cultural expectations, is inflexible and pervasive, has its onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. DSM-IV lists ten personality disorders, and allocates each one to one of three groups or &#8216;clusters&#8217;: A, B, or C.>

a little bit about the DSM-IV---very complicated.

<The Multiaxial System of Diagnosis in DSM IV Criteria

The DSM uses a "multiaxial" system for assessment. This assessment model is designed to provide a comprehensive diagnosis that includes a complete picture of not just acute symptoms but of the entire scope of factors that comprise mental health.

There are five axes in the DSM diagnostic system, each relating to a different aspect of a mental disorder:
Axis I:This is the top-level diagnosis that usually represents the acute symptoms that need treatment; Axis 1 diagnoses are the most familiar and widely recognized (e.g., major depressive episode, schizophrenic episode, panic attack). Axis I terms are classified according to V-codes by the medical industry (primarily for billing and insurance purposes). Read more.

Axis II:Axis II is the assessment of personality disorders and intellectual disabilities. These disorders are usually life-long problems that first arise in childhood. Read more.

Axis III:Axis III is for medical or neurological conditions that may influence a psychiatric problem. For example, diabetes might cause extreme fatigue which may lead to a depressive episode. Read more.

Axis IV:Axis IV identifies recent psychosocial stressors - a death of a loved one, divorce, losing a job, etc. - that may affect the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of mental disorders. Read more.

Psychosocial and Environmental ProblemsAxis V:Axis V identifies the patient's level of function on a scale of 0-100, (100 is top-level functioning). Known as the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale, it attempts to quantify a patient's ability to function in daily life. Read more.>
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One person I knew had bipolar 1 from adolescence. She shared some of her experiences. Her family had a mixture of mental disorders. Very brilliant woman, funny, kind and she tried as hard as she could. The medications are so difficult to regulate. Her family was able to afford excellent care ==fwiw. Whatever it is?--would just start--cyclical and she was pretty much powerless. At one point had electric shock treatments.

The right combinations were finally found and she has to be very very careful to have some semblance of a normal life. Science and Art were her two strengths--wanted to become a doctor--could have. People 'were afraid of her', of course. Very pretty. Junior League type of individual.

I really cannot imagine how this man's disorder could have been treated. Of course 'he didn't care' and would have made any effort close to impossible.

How to feel? My thoughts go to the families of the victims. All I've got right now.
Thank you for proving my point. Carry on.

Interesting, I'd like to see where Pogo's promoting the far left "gun grabbing" agenda? So far the only point proven here is your unwillingness to actually (and honestly) discuss the points of current discussion. The only one who looks like a demagogic ass here is you.
I'll now wait for your claim that I'm a uninformed gun-grabbing liberal..........

Pogo does not reasonably discuss anything. He will ask you questions, then ignore your answers and repeat the question, and he will always ignore your questions unless he thinks he has a slam dunk.

The dude is a troll, so any flippant response is more time than he deserves, just my opinion.

Then your experience and mine have been diametrically polar. I think I know why.
So where's the focus on him killing this three asian roommates with a knife? No useful agenda could be accomplished there, right?

Excuse me? :eusa_eh:

true story


Elliot Rodger’s Roommates Identified
On May 23, Elliot stabbed Cheng Yuan Hong, 20; George Chen, 19; and Weihan Wang, 20. They were all his roommates who were found dead with multiple stab wounds when police arrived.

but here is the really odd part

how did this guy legally purchase firearms

when he was living in a mental care facility

The 22-year-0ld was living with them at the Independent Living Institute in Santa Barbara, according to CBS. According to the site, it “serves handicapped, developmentally delayed, and under-educated individuals in the areas of independent living, academics and vocational skills.”

Elliot Rodger?s Roommates? Names ? Police Identify 3 Stabbed In Isla Vista - Hollywood Life

I know he murdered his three room mates with a knife but white trash's "question" (even the quotes are stretching it) came out of the blue and his last "sentence" ???????????????
What the fuck was that about????????
BBC News - California drive-by gunman kills six in Santa Barbara

Just one more pointless idiot, made dangerous because he had a gun.

and a knife and a car. but gun grabbing liberals gloss right over that.

perhaps libs can explain how in California, with it tough restrictive gun laws and mandatory background checks this happened? now don't go giving me your usual spin he could have gotten the gun in another state with no laws or the gun show loophole bullshit. he bought it under your save the world gun control laws. which don't work. because, guns are not the problem.
BBC News - California drive-by gunman kills six in Santa Barbara

Just one more pointless idiot, made dangerous because he had a gun.

and a knife and a car. but gun grabbing liberals gloss right over that.

perhaps libs can explain how in California, with it tough restrictive gun laws and mandatory background checks this happened? now don't go giving me your usual spin he could have gotten the gun in another state with no laws or the gun show loophole bullshit. he bought it under your save the world gun control laws. which don't work. because, guns are not the problem.

plus the shooter was under psychiatric care and lived in a care facility
Excuse me? :eusa_eh:

true story


Elliot Rodger’s Roommates Identified
On May 23, Elliot stabbed Cheng Yuan Hong, 20; George Chen, 19; and Weihan Wang, 20. They were all his roommates who were found dead with multiple stab wounds when police arrived.

but here is the really odd part

how did this guy legally purchase firearms

when he was living in a mental care facility

The 22-year-0ld was living with them at the Independent Living Institute in Santa Barbara, according to CBS. According to the site, it “serves handicapped, developmentally delayed, and under-educated individuals in the areas of independent living, academics and vocational skills.”

Elliot Rodger?s Roommates? Names ? Police Identify 3 Stabbed In Isla Vista - Hollywood Life

I know he murdered his three room mates with a knife but white trash's "question" (even the quotes are stretching it) came out of the blue and his last "sentence" ???????????????
What the fuck was that about????????

the media likes to leave details out

and at other times add their own details
true story


Elliot Rodger’s Roommates Identified
On May 23, Elliot stabbed Cheng Yuan Hong, 20; George Chen, 19; and Weihan Wang, 20. They were all his roommates who were found dead with multiple stab wounds when police arrived.

but here is the really odd part

how did this guy legally purchase firearms

when he was living in a mental care facility

The 22-year-0ld was living with them at the Independent Living Institute in Santa Barbara, according to CBS. According to the site, it “serves handicapped, developmentally delayed, and under-educated individuals in the areas of independent living, academics and vocational skills.”

Elliot Rodger?s Roommates? Names ? Police Identify 3 Stabbed In Isla Vista - Hollywood Life

I know he murdered his three room mates with a knife but white trash's "question" (even the quotes are stretching it) came out of the blue and his last "sentence" ???????????????
What the fuck was that about????????

the media likes to leave details out

and at other times add their own details

Ummmm, that's nothing new, been going on for centuries. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
It's just sad all around, the guy was bonkers and no one should be trying to find a political or racial agenda in this. The dude was nuts.

I am wondering who exactly is doing that.

Interesting though how we can look at the factors and ignore certain statistical realities. Which of course is rather ironic, isn't it Stats?

Lets look at the numbers and specific incidents of MASS shootings committed by someone on anti-depressants.

Sparks, Nevada &#8211; October 21, 2013: 12-year-old Jose Reyes opened fire at Sparks Middle School, killing a teacher and wounding two classmates before committing suicide. The investgation revealed that he had been seeing a psychiatrist and had a generic version of Prozac (fluoxetine) in his system at the time of death.

.St. Louis, Missouri &#8211; January 15, 2013: 34-year-old Sean Johnson walked onto the Stevens Institute of Business & Arts campus and shot the school&#8217;s financial aid director once in the chest, then shot himself in the torso. Johnson had been taking prescribed drugs for an undisclosed mental illness.

Snohomish County, Washington &#8211; October 24, 2011: A 15-year-old girl went to Snohomish High School where police alleged that she stabbed a girl as many as 25 times just before the start of school, and then stabbed another girl who tried to help her injured friend. Prior to the attack the girl had been taking &#8220;medication&#8221; and seeing a psychiatrist. Court documents said the girl was being treated for depression.

Planoise, France &#8211; December 13, 2010: A 17-year-old youth held twenty pre-school children and their teacher hostage for hours at Charles Fourier preschool. The teen was reported to be on &#8220;medication for depression&#8221;. He took a classroom hostage with two swords. Eventually, all the children and the teacher were released safely.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina &#8211; September 21, 2011: 14-year-old Christian Helms had two pipe bombs in his backpack, when he shot and wounded Socastee High School&#8217;s &#8220;resource&#8221; (police) officer. However the officer was able to stop the student before he could do anything further. Helms had been taking drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression.

Huntsville, Alabama &#8211; February 5, 2010: 15-year-old Hammad Memon shot and killed another Discover Middle School student Todd Brown. Memon had a history for being treated for ADHD and depression. He was taking the antidepressant Zoloft and &#8220;other drugs for the conditions.&#8221; He had been seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist.

Kauhajoki, Finland &#8211; September 23, 2008: 22-year-old culinary student Matti Saari shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine. He was also seeing a psychologist.

Fresno, California &#8211; April 24, 2008: 17-year-old Jesus &#8220;Jesse&#8221; Carrizales attacked the Fresno high school&#8217;s officer, hitting him in the head with a baseball bat. After knocking the officer down, the officer shot Carrizales in self-defense, killing him. Carrizales had been prescribed Lexapro and Geodon, and his autopsy showed that he had a high dose of the antidepressant Lexapro in his blood that could have caused him to be paranoid, according to the coroner.

Dekalb, Illinois &#8211; February 14, 2008: 27-year-old Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amount of Xanax in his system. He had been seeing a psychiatrist.

Jokela, Finland &#8211; November 7, 2007: 18-year-old Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School in southern Finland, then committed suicide.

Texas &#8211; November 7, 2007: 17-year-old Felicia McMillan returned to her former Robert E. Lee High School campus and stabbed a male student and wounded the principle with a knife. McMillan had been on drugs for depression, and had just taken them the night before the incident.

Cleveland, Ohio &#8211; October 10, 2007: 14-year-old Asa Coon stormed through his school with a gun in each hand, shooting and wounding four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon had been placed on the antidepressant Trazodone.

Sudbury, Massachusetts &#8211; January 19, 2007: 16-year-old John Odgren stabbed another student with a large kitchen knife in a boy&#8217;s bathroom at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. In court his father testified that Odgren was prescribed the drug Ritalin.

North Vernon, Indiana &#8211; December 4, 2006: 16-year-old Travis Roberson stabbed another Jennings County High School student in the neck, nearly severing an artery. Roberson was in withdrawal from Wellbutrin, which he had stopped taking days before the attack.

Hillsborough, North Carolina &#8211; August 30, 2006: 19-year-old Alvaro Rafael Castillo shot and killed his father, then drove to Orange High School where he opened fire. Two students were injured in the shooting, which ended when school personnel tackled him. His mother said he was on drugs for depression.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina &#8211; April 2006: 17-year-old William Barrett Foster took a shotgun to school and took a teacher and a fellow student hostage at East Chapel Hill High School. After being talked out of shooting the hostages, Foster fired two shots through a classroom window before fleeing the school on foot. Foster&#8217;s father testified that his son had stopped taking his antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs without telling him.

Red Lake, Minnesota &#8211; March 21, 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise, on Prozac, shot and killed his grandparents, then went to his school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation where he shot dead 5 students, a security guard, and a teacher, and wounded 7 before killing himself.

Greenbush, New York &#8211; February 2004: 16-year-old Jon Romano strolled into his high school in east Greenbush and opened fire with a shotgun. Special education teacher Michael Bennett was hit in the leg. Romano had been taking &#8220;medication for depression&#8221;. He had previously seen a psychiatrist.

Red Lion, Pennsylvania &#8211; February 2, 2001: 56-year-old William Michael Stankewicz entered North Hopewell-Winterstown Elementary School with a machete, leaving three adults and 11 children injured. Stankewicz was taking four different drugs for depression and anxiety weeks before the attacks.

Ikeda, Japan &#8211; June 8, 2001: 37-year-old Mamoru Takuma, wielding a 6-inch knife, slipped into an elementary school and stabbed eight first- and second-graders to death while wounding at least 15 other pupils and teachers. He then turned the knife on himself but suffered only superficial wounds. He later told interrogators that before the attack he had taken 10 times his normal dose of antidepressants.

Wahluke, Washington &#8211; April 10, 2001: Sixteen-year-old Cory Baadsgaard took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates and a teacher hostage. He had been taking the antidepressant Effexor.

El Cajon, California &#8211; March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School. He had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.

Williamsport, Pennsylvania &#8211; March 7, 2001: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was taking the antidepressant Prozac when she shot at fellow students, wounding one.

Oxnard, California &#8211; January 2001: 17-year-old Richard Lopez went to Hueneme High School with a gun and shot twice at a car in the school&#8217;s parking lot before taking a female student hostage. Lopez was eventually killed by a SWAT officer. He had been prescribed Prozac, Paxil and &#8220;drugs that helped him go to sleep.&#8221;

Conyers, Georgia &#8211; May 20, 1999: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with the stimulant Ritalin when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.

Columbine, Colorado &#8211; April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his accomplice, Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold&#8217;s medical records remain sealed. Both shooters had been in anger-management classes and had undergone counseling. Harris had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.

Notus, Idaho &#8211; April 16, 1999: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school, narrowly missing students. He was taking a prescribed antidepressant and Ritalin.

Springfield, Oregon &#8211; May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. Kinkel had been attending &#8220;anger control classes&#8221; and was under the care of a psychologist.

Blackville, South Carolina &#8211; October 12, 1995: 15-year-old Toby R. Sincino slipped into the Blackville-Hilda High School&#8217;s rear entrance, where he shot two Blackville-Hilda High School teachers, killing one. Then Toby killed himself moments later. His aunt, Carolyn McCreary, said he had been undergoing counseling with the Department of Mental Health and was taking Zoloft for emotional problems.

Chelsea, Michigan &#8211; December 17, 1993: 39-year-old chemistry teacher Stephen Leith, facing a disciplinary matter at Chelsea High School, shot Superintendent Joseph Piasecki to death, shot Principal Ron Mead in the leg, and slightly wounded journalism teacher Phil Jones. Leith was taking Prozac and had been seeing a psychiatrist.

Houston, Texas &#8211; September 18, 1992: 44-year-old Calvin Charles Bell, reportedly upset about his second-grader&#8217;s progress report, appeared in the principal&#8217;s office of Piney Point Elementary School. Bell fired a gun in the school, and eventually wounded two officers before surrendering. Relatives told police on Friday that Bell was an unemployed Vietnam veteran and had been taking anti-depressants.

Winnetka, Illinois &#8211; 20 May 1988: 30-year-old Laurie Wasserman Dann walked into a second grade classroom at Hubbard Woods School in Winnetka, Illinois carrying three pistols and began shooting children, killing an eight-year-old boy, and wounding five others before fleeing. She entered a nearby house where she shot and wounded a 20-year-old man before killing herself. Dann had been seeing a psychiatrist and subsequent blood tests revealed that at the time of the killings, she was taking the antidepressant Anafranil.


Now, lets guess why these beloved networks would not HARP or HYPE the connections between these connections.

*****BTW, those incidents do include Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Cho Seung-Hui and many others.********

Let us take a little hint: The pharmaceutical industry pays millions (hundreds of millions) in advertising on the beloved news networks. Those news networks btw are not in business to report news. They are in fact in business to make money.

Now, statistically, virtually every mass shooting or mass violent actions have been committed by someone on one of these drugs. You are a stat guy. What is the statistical probability that all of those are coincidences?

Do not deny there is a race dividing agenda with the media, or the focus on GUNS from the left. I can show statistical facts regarding those facts.

That is not the point in this particular post.
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BBC News - California drive-by gunman kills six in Santa Barbara

Just one more pointless idiot, made dangerous because he had a gun.

and a knife and a car. but gun grabbing liberals gloss right over that.

perhaps libs can explain how in California, with it tough restrictive gun laws and mandatory background checks this happened? now don't go giving me your usual spin he could have gotten the gun in another state with no laws or the gun show loophole bullshit. he bought it under your save the world gun control laws. which don't work. because, guns are not the problem.

He was never legally committed to a psychiatric facility therefor there was nothing on his record to indicate he had psychiatric issues barring him from purchasing firearms and ammo.
The real question is if his family knew he had problems and did nothing to help him or purposely protected him from the "stigma" of having a mental health "record" then wouldn't they be the ones that should be held responsible?
Actually you turned the point on yourself, specifically....
I know you hate the fact that you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - but there's nothing -I- can do about that.

You're arguing with a pathetic pile of pus who will never get off my ignore list because he hasn't got an argument, just rants.

Actually, no -- I'm simply setting a stage that allwos him to help prove the premise tha anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
As usual, he's doing an excellent job.
Actually you turned the point on yourself, specifically "dishonesty" when you edited part of my post out. You must have been afraid of what it said, and there's your "emotion". The ignorance we already covered when we noted you put the same lame robo-line in a thread where nothing but rational discussion was going on.

So no, thank YOU. You got all three, done hit the trifecta.

Now that that's out of the way -- got any actual input here?


Didn't think so.

I know you hate the fact that you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - but there's nothing -I- can do about that.

..... Link?

Still afraid to quote me huh? Must be hell, cowering in fear like that.
You and I both know it is impossible for you to cite any argumment you've made regarding gun control that does not derive from emotion, ignoreance and/or dishonesty.

You know it., You hate it. But, that's YOUR issue, and yours alone, regardless of how much you may try to avoid the issue.

I guarantee that, in responding, you'll only prove me correct.
Quite right. And we have Ronald Reagan to thank for that.

Did he cast a spell that forbids people from being locked up for any reason? Did he go around congress like dems do?

He closed down all the mental institutions....
Interesting that you need to lie to make your point.
Why is that?

(Too bad Hinckley couldn't afford anything better than a pawn shop .22)
Ahh... whish a man dead because you disagree with him politically.
Fine example of liberal tolerance.
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I know you hate the fact that you can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - but there's nothing -I- can do about that.

You're arguing with a pathetic pile of pus who will never get off my ignore list because he hasn't got an argument, just rants.

Actually, no -- I'm simply setting a stage that allwos him to help prove the premise tha anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
As usual, he's doing an excellent job.

Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.
You're arguing with a pathetic pile of pus who will never get off my ignore list because he hasn't got an argument, just rants.

Actually, no -- I'm simply setting a stage that allwos him to help prove the premise tha anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
As usual, he's doing an excellent job.

Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.

You are not saying the left is not committed to pushing race division or that they yell about gun control and yell how things like this are the fault of right wingers or the NRA every time there is a tragedy like this are you?

No, you are not. From both sides? Me or anyone else pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is not being political. That, is actually pointing out one side making politics out of something in order to push an obvious agenda.

Me pointing that out with this post is an example.....

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

And then having pogo give me a neg with this comment......

Bring something to the table or fuck off, troll

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

Remember, you already said you see it from both sides. What specifically are you referring to when you say from both sides? What is the right pushing, other than pointing out the hypocrisy from the left? Sticking up for the 2nd amendment?

Hey, remember when ABC quickly referred that James Holmes was a Tea Party member. I mean they were so excited about that, that they did not even take a moment to make sure that he was. No, they saw a name in Colorado (Jim Holmes) belonging to the Tea Party and they quickly reported the mass shooter was a Tea Party member.

Why were they so excited? I will bet there were delightful smiles when they ran to the presses to report the news they thought they had.

Actually, no -- I'm simply setting a stage that allwos him to help prove the premise tha anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
As usual, he's doing an excellent job.

Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.

You are not saying the left is not committed to pushing race division or that they yell about gun control and yell how things like this are the fault of right wingers or the NRA every time there is a tragedy like this are you?

No, you are not. From both sides? Me or anyone else pointing out the hypocrisy of the left is not being political. That, is actually pointing out one side making politics out of something in order to push an obvious agenda.

Me pointing that out with this post is an example.....

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

And then having pogo give me a neg with this comment......

Bring something to the table or fuck off, troll

It is rather telling what his disposition is all about with a comment like that considering I was not addressing him specifically. He sure as shit was addressing me specifically. In what way is that me trolling?

Now, I can show where and how the media (main stream media) is pushing a left wing agenda and it almost seems as though they get excited with glee when there is an incident like this where there is a mass shooting by a white guy. We have Michael Moore jumping on it and stating how white people are most dangerous.....

So, why did pogo address me like that, if he indeed is not about the typical left wing cliches. Is there something specific that I am wrong about?

Remember, you already said you see it from both sides. What specifically are you referring to when you say from both sides? What is the right pushing, other than pointing out the hypocrisy from the left? Sticking up for the 2nd amendment?

Hey, remember when ABC quickly referred that James Holmes was a Tea Party member. I mean they were so excited about that, that they did not even take a moment to make sure that he was. No, they saw a name in Colorado (Jim Holmes) belonging to the Tea Party and they quickly reported the mass shooter was a Tea Party member.

Why were they so excited? I will bet there were delightful smiles when they ran to the presses to report the news they thought they had.


You're making overarching statements concerning liberals, just as far left liberals make overarching statements concerning conservatives.
I'm simply addressing the right/left emotive bull shit that is rampant in these discussions and has little to nothing to do with your examples. Attempting to associate political/racial affiliation, regardless of who's doing it is pathetically moronic at best and says more about who's doing it than anything else. Using these incidents, by either side, to score political points is ignorant and reprehensible.
Ya see I don't simply point out the hypocrisy of only one side or the other......... so no, I'm not doing what you want to think I'm doing (see your first question).
You're arguing with a pathetic pile of pus who will never get off my ignore list because he hasn't got an argument, just rants.

Actually, no -- I'm simply setting a stage that allwos him to help prove the premise tha anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
As usual, he's doing an excellent job.

Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.
However true that may be it does not change the fact that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - indeed, it only concedes the point.

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