BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".


What channel is it on?


@ Ringel05

PPBM........ :eusa_whistle:
Oh and Pogo you are correct, I am smarter than the average telephone pole considering all the telephone poles in my neighborhood are barely educated, low IQ Mensans..........
Ya know you still don't get it, not surprising. I've seen the left and right attack each other over which political affiliation this shooter or that shooter is/was for years on this board. I've also seen the black and white racists doing the same.
You asked me nothing, you ranted and accused. If you had/have a question then present it in such form.
Your "approach" to those who disagree with you is the same demeaning, dismissive approach the far left uses and accuses the others side of doing. hence hypocrisy. You think you far right wing wackos don't use emotive fear? "Obama and the liberals are going to take all of our guns and enslave us". Sound familiar? In reality that will not happen, oh maybe in 50, 100, 200 hundred years from now but not now.

Also I'd like you to show me where I even inferred any denial of "the left wing pushes for gun control" out side of your own imagined inference.
Paradigm is an appropriate descriptor for all of us to some degree in some area so why you take issue with it is beyond me and please, show me where Pogo has promoted the anti-gun agenda. Hell if you go back a few pages you'll see where he specifically said it was an impossibility and really wouldn't make any difference anyway.

Drop the demeaning, combative approach that is indicative of demagogs learn to have honest discourse, then I'll learn to have some respect for you and your opinions. I may disagree with Pogo on a lot of issues but at least he and I can honestly discuss our differences, I have more respect for that type of person than the type who uses your method of "communicating" though I'm not above utilizing that tact if properly provoked..........

I asked you this question here, in bold faced. Post #278. I asked where it was that I or any other conservative was doing anything other pointing out the typical, predictable, gun control cries from the left whenever some tragedy happens like this.

You do not deny that happens. That is all we were doing.

My orginal post was this in this thread.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

That is three sentences that pretty much describes this typical left wing response to these tragedies. Sometimes adding more than needs to be said does nothing.

Then pogo negged me and left me his fucking little message. Normally, I do not give a shit about being negged. Who the hell cares. It is a message board. However, the asshole set me off. He still does, and I am sorry but his double talk is not going to sway me.

Now you say paradigms, and yes we all fall into paradigms. There are all sorts of paradigm, and as you know paradigms always start at ZERO. So, any shift will involve humility. True humility does not disassociate itself with pain.

The point is this is a political debate board, and the liberal double talk or them exploiting these tragedies needs to be stood up to. It is not always admirable to sit on the fence and watch everything. Sometimes, if not most times you need to pick a side and fight for the cause you believe in.

Those that perpetually claim they are all neutral, I think are kidding themselves. If you see liberals exploiting situations or blaming the NRA or the TEA PARTY for the actions of a deranged loser, you should point it out.

That, is perhaps the paradigm shift you need to consider. Sometimes that causes a kind of cognitive dissonance which prevents us from making a stand. I know I usually avoid such confrontations in public for instance.

You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".
Besides, I'm here to have fun and occasionally let off a little steam.

Nevertheless I think it still needs to be fought for, whether it is lost or not. Meaning, yes it is pretty much lost. I agree with that. I have not been on this board long enough, but I have seen the same arguments on other boards, and they all share pretty much the same spots.

Now, in regards to a moron like pogo, (who apparently has no idea about paradigms, or he thinks you can just shift into a way of thinking in the middle) I was not addressing him specifically. Now, if he does not take on the disposition that I mentioned, then why would he get all offended in the manner he did?

Rather interesting no?

I do not care about life cycle of empires. Yeah, we get they rise and fall all of the time. However, where this world is falling into with the type of bullshit liberal logic we see, it is very scary. Yes, those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Many communist revolutions, if you study them, have resulted in mass murders on scales that rival nazi Germany. Most of those revolutions. Please do not tell me that these liberals are not about that type of revolution where they destroy the American ideal.

If you are conservative, then you know this. Are you really going to sit idly by and watch that with out at least expressing yourself. I mean on a message board even?

Yes, I have seen your posts, and I know you are a conservative. Hence when a pure ignorant doosh like pogo is liking your posts, then that should not make you feel good.

I mean if stupid were stink, pogo would be a wet fart passing through a day old, partially digested onion.
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I asked you this question here, in bold faced. Post #278. I asked where it was that I or any other conservative was doing anything other pointing out the typical, predictable, gun control cries from the left whenever some tragedy happens like this.

You do not deny that happens. That is all we were doing.

My orginal post was this in this thread.

That is three sentences that pretty much describes this typical left wing response to these tragedies. Sometimes adding more than needs to be said does nothing.

Then pogo negged me and left me his fucking little message. Normally, I do not give a shit about being negged. Who the hell cares. It is a message board. However, the asshole set me off. He still does, and I am sorry but his double talk is not going to sway me.

Now you say paradigms, and yes we all fall into paradigms. There are all sorts of paradigm, and as you know paradigms always start at ZERO. So, any shift will involve humility. True humility does not disassociate itself with pain.

The point is this is a political debate board, and the liberal double talk or them exploiting these tragedies needs to be stood up to. It is not always admirable to sit on the fence and watch everything. Sometimes, if not most times you need to pick a side and fight for the cause you believe in.

Those that perpetually claim they are all neutral, I think are kidding themselves. If you see liberals exploiting situations or blaming the NRA or the TEA PARTY for the actions of a deranged loser, you should point it out.

That, is perhaps the paradigm shift you need to consider. Sometimes that causes a kind of cognitive dissonance which prevents us from making a stand. I know I usually avoid such confrontations in public for instance.

You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".
Besides, I'm here to have fun and occasionally let off a little steam.

Nevertheless I think it still needs to be fought for, whether it is lost or not. Meaning, yes it is pretty much lost. I agree with that. I have not been on this board long enough, but I have seen the same arguments on other boards, and they all share pretty much the same spots.

Now, in regards to a moron like pogo, (who apparently has no idea about paradigms, or he thinks you can just shift into a way of thinking in the middle) I was not addressing him specifically. Now, if he does not take on the disposition that I mentioned, then why would he get all offended in the manner he did?

Rather interesting no?

I do not care about lifestyle empires. Yeah, we get they rise and fall all of the time. However, where this world is falling into with the type of bullshit liberal logic we see, it is very scary. Yes, those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Many communist revolutions, if you study them, have resulted in mass murders on scales that rival nazi Germany. Most of those revolutions. Please do not tell me that these liberals are not about that type of revolution where they destroy the American ideal.

If you are conservative, then you know this. Are you really going to sit idly by and watch that with out at least expressing yourself. I mean on a message board even?

Yes, I have seen your posts, and I know you are a conservative. Hence when a pure ignorant doosh like pogo is liking your posts, then that should not make you feel good.

I mean if stupid were stink, pogo would be a wet fart passing through a day old, partially digested onion.

I've known Pogo here and have had numerous discussions with him for quite a while and I don't have the same impression of him that you have. If you've read my posts you'll see that I am as equally derided and thanked by both liberals and conservatives alike..... I have been called both a moonbat and a wingnut with equal regularity. Speaks volumes about those tossing those stereotypical labels around, don'tcha think?
I know Conservatives on this board that hold what would be considered some liberal ideals as well as some Liberals that hold some conservative ideals. It's only the true demagogic morons on the extremes that are the real problem. We can't bring back the past, we can hold strong against some of the changes and eventually the pendulum will swing back, that also is inevitable.
If you take the tact you're taking with Pogo, who is nowhere near as "bad" as most of the liberals on this board (bad being the demagogs) then you will receive it in return, why would you expect anything else?
Hell, it's only a message board, who's mind do you think you're going to change anyway? In reality this is nothing more than a platform to espouse one's beliefs and attack those who disagree with the occasionally rare honest debate/discussion tossed in from time to time. Sounds a lot like plain and simple self justification and self gratification. :D
You haven't been around long enough to have observed the liberal hypocrisy and emotive bull shit I've pointed out for years on this board. I don't sit on the fence, I'm simply a conservative leaning moderate, political agnostic because as a serious student of history I know a couple of things are certain, change is inevitable and we, as a nation have already hit our pinnacle and are on the downhill slide. Sure we'll have some ups along the way down but down is a given and I'm too old to care anymore. That's why all I do is point out the obvious hypocrisy inherent with both extremes. Check out the "Life Cycle of Empires".


What channel is it on?


@ Ringel05

PPBM........ :eusa_whistle:

Public Bowl Movement?
How a simple-minded liar can get over so easily on so many is a true political phenomenon.

Well it isn't getting over on as many as you think, just like a lot of us are becoming aware of ideologues dividing the working class against itself to neutralize opposition to corporate dominance, something you have bought into entirely.

You are a known quantity, dude.
This may well be the longest neg whine I've ever seen. What is it -- three days now?

I negged you because you brought absolutely nothing to the discussion. I invited you to show anything and you declined. No substance whatsoever; all you came to do was stir the shit with blanket ad hominem-- as some clown describes it, "only able to argue from ignorance, dishonesty or emotion". Nothing gets done that way.

Consider it negative reinforcement and get the fuck over it already. And when you come to a thread bring something with some thought and substance behind it instead of a simplistic troll drive by.

I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

Aaaannnd liberals use a tragedy again as another poignant opportunity to push their political agenda by using various irrelevant fallacies.

Proving once again their comical logic as they gather on their bandwagon of pure bullshit.

They have no ability to think for themselves and every day they prove it.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T..........

Well, then they are piss poor puppet masters. The TPM is the least organized and most confused group in American politics. These guys could have claimed the GOP Presidential nod in 2012 but they couldn't even rally behind one candidate, got split five ways to Sunday then wound up with the absolute worst candidate of the whole bunch Mitt Romney.

Puppet masters? Don't make me laugh.

regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Classic liberals? Sure.

Todays leftwing fascists? not a single one.
Oh and Pogo you are correct, I am smarter than the average telephone pole considering all the telephone poles in my neighborhood are barely educated, low IQ Mensans..........


And summa those poles have communications going through them, even the Internets :D
Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.

The emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty used by the Gun Grabbing fascists is due to that being all they have left.

There are plenty of valid reasons to allow law abiding people to be armed and legally allowed to protect themselves, and the data backs it all up.
Ummmm, you're preaching to the choir........ Obviously too locked in your adversarial paradigm to see what I was getting at. Oh well, I expected no less.

Because in effect it is a dichotomy. Classic liberals have been so completely brushed aside by the new PC Nazis they are little more than an historical foot note any more.
What I find most amusing in this situation is that the liberals are trying to push a feminist agenda, as opposed to their typical gun-grabbing one. Go to Twitter. #YesAllWomen is one of the top trending hashtags.

You've got Tweets like "Oh, this guy in class grabbed my butt once! All men suck! #YesAllWomen"

Oh, well. It's pretty annoying, and quite vain and self-centered, for these women to hijack this tragedy for their personal gain and attention.

But if it means we aren't going to hear about Dems conspiring to take our guns...let the feminists attention whore all they want!

What’s actually amusing is that anyone would buy into such a ridiculous lie, as ‘liberals’ are neither pushing any ‘agenda’ nor do they seek to ‘grab guns.’

Both notions are hasty generalization fallacies and fundamentally ignorant.

lol, what a bunch of bullshit. Libtards like you are ALREADY GRABBING PEOPLES GUNS, you fucking liar.
What I find most amusing in this situation is that the liberals are trying to push a feminist agenda, as opposed to their typical gun-grabbing one. Go to Twitter. #YesAllWomen is one of the top trending hashtags.

You've got Tweets like "Oh, this guy in class grabbed my butt once! All men suck! #YesAllWomen"

Oh, well. It's pretty annoying, and quite vain and self-centered, for these women to hijack this tragedy for their personal gain and attention.

But if it means we aren't going to hear about Dems conspiring to take our guns...let the feminists attention whore all they want!

What’s actually amusing is that anyone would buy into such a ridiculous lie, as ‘liberals’ are neither pushing any ‘agenda’ nor do they seek to ‘grab guns.’

Both notions are hasty generalization fallacies and fundamentally ignorant.

One could add the idea of "grabbing" several hundred million objects in the 50 states is absurd; resources do not exist for such a project. Also, some firearms may be fashioned in a garage with adequate tools.

Good points except for this one; the gun grabbing fascists are using the classic layer technique, one state at a time, taking what little victory they can where they can, they move over more toward banning all guns which is their final goal.
The emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty used by the Gun Grabbing fascists is due to that being all they have left.

There are plenty of valid reasons to allow law abiding people to be armed and legally allowed to protect themselves, and the data backs it all up.
Ummmm, you're preaching to the choir........ Obviously too locked in your adversarial paradigm to see what I was getting at. Oh well, I expected no less.

Because in effect it is a dichotomy. Classic liberals have been so completely brushed aside by the new PC Nazis they are little more than an historical foot note any more.

As is true with the classic conservatives. Far left and far right rhetoric is norm these days and drives both parties. It'll get worse before it gets better.
I fucking brought everything to the fucking table with one fucking statement you demented pussy.

In three statements I stated everything every fucking liberal is about. The fact that you were so offended by it, is all I need to know about a fucking pussy like you.

You are nothing but a left wing hack. Which means you are nothing but a little fucking puppet, dancing on your fucking puppet strings.

Keep it up fucking hypocrite, and keep on thinking my statement does not describe you to a T.

Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T..........

Well, then they are piss poor puppet masters. The TPM is the least organized and most confused group in American politics. These guys could have claimed the GOP Presidential nod in 2012 but they couldn't even rally behind one candidate, got split five ways to Sunday then wound up with the absolute worst candidate of the whole bunch Mitt Romney.

Puppet masters? Don't make me laugh.

regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Classic liberals? Sure.

Todays leftwing fascists? not a single one.

Yet you lump all liberals together under one stereotypical blanket as they do for the conservatives. Given that show me where you all are any different (I'm not talking about sociopolitical positions here).
You can laugh all you want but if you take an honest look you'll see you're buying into the far right rhetoric ergo, puppet masters........ :dunno:
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Ummmm, you're preaching to the choir........ Obviously too locked in your adversarial paradigm to see what I was getting at. Oh well, I expected no less.

Because in effect it is a dichotomy. Classic liberals have been so completely brushed aside by the new PC Nazis they are little more than an historical foot note any more.

As is true with the classic conservatives. Far left and far right rhetoric is norm these days and drives both parties. It'll get worse before it gets better.

Yes, the right is controlled by the corporate crony right like Perry, while the left plays the 'swarm of cockroaches' and fouls up the liberal wing with toxic social issues that most people cant stomach.

(a swarm of cockroaches isn't so bad for what it eats and carries off so much as what it falls into and ruins).
Guess your Tea Party puppet masters must be very proud of their creation......... You've got the stereotypical "us or them" down to a T..........

Well, then they are piss poor puppet masters. The TPM is the least organized and most confused group in American politics. These guys could have claimed the GOP Presidential nod in 2012 but they couldn't even rally behind one candidate, got split five ways to Sunday then wound up with the absolute worst candidate of the whole bunch Mitt Romney.

Puppet masters? Don't make me laugh.

regardless of the fact there millions of "liberals" who are proud gun owners and believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment.

Classic liberals? Sure.

Todays leftwing fascists? not a single one.

Yet you lump all liberals together under one stereotypical blanket as they do for the conservatives.

Amazing. I just differentiate between libtard leftwing fascists on one hand and liberals on the other and you then immediately accuse me of NOT differentiating, lolol.

Given that show me where you all are any different (I'm not talking about sociopolitical positions here).

Not sure what 'you all' you are referring to.

Let me essplain it to you.

The corporate play is this:

1) drive off everyday Americans from the classic liberal groups that used to look out for them by financing radical leftwing groups that control the primary process in the Democratic Party, so that the Dems are controlled by the well organized populist fanatics. This is financed by corporate proxies like the Ford Foundation which is cockroach central for this kind of thing.

2) drive these socially conservative 'Regan Democrats' into the GOP which remains controlled by the corporate crony network that keeps the 'radical' populist element out of any real power positions within the party.

End result: leftwing populists control the Democratic Party and undermines the working class leadership while the Old 'Scoop' Jackson wing of the Democratic Party flees to the GOP and takes it over.

Meanwhile Congress insulates itself from the American people with 'security', line holders and staff that anonymously screens mail.

The only version of America our politicians get is from the media and pollsters. And the American people have lost control of their own government that now regards most of them as suspicious under one category of terrorism or another.

You can laugh all you want but if you take an honest look you'll see you're buying into the far right rhetoric ergo, puppet masters........

Ummm, no, I'm not.
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Well, then they are piss poor puppet masters. The TPM is the least organized and most confused group in American politics. These guys could have claimed the GOP Presidential nod in 2012 but they couldn't even rally behind one candidate, got split five ways to Sunday then wound up with the absolute worst candidate of the whole bunch Mitt Romney.

Puppet masters? Don't make me laugh.

Classic liberals? Sure.

Todays leftwing fascists? not a single one.

Yet you lump all liberals together under one stereotypical blanket as they do for the conservatives.

Amazing. I just differentiate between libtard leftwing fascists on one hand and liberals on the other and you then immediately accuse me of NOT differentiating, lolol.

Given that show me where you all are any different (I'm not talking about sociopolitical positions here).

Not sure what 'you all' you are referring to.

Let me essplain it to you.

The corporate play is this:

1) drive off everyday Americans from the classic liberal groups that used to look out for them by financing radical leftwing groups that control the primary process in the Democratic Party, so that the Dems are controlled by the well organized populist fanatics. This is financed by corporate proxies like the Ford Foundation which is cockroach central for this kind of thing.

2) drive these socially conservative 'Regan Democrats' into the GOP which remains controlled by the corporate crony network that keeps the 'radical' populist element out of any real power positions within the party.

End result: leftwing populists control the Democratic Party and undermines the working class leadership while the Old 'Scoop' Jackson wing of the Democratic Party flees to the GOP and takes it over.

Meanwhile Congress insulates itself from the American people with 'security', line holders and staff that anonymously screens mail.

The only version of America our politicians get is from the media and pollsters. And the American people have lost control of their own government that now regards most of them as suspicious under one category of terrorism or another.

You can laugh all you want but if you take an honest look you'll see you're buying into the far right rhetoric ergo, puppet masters........

Ummm, no, I'm not.

Amazing. I just differentiate between libtard leftwing fascists on one hand and liberals on the other and you then immediately accuse me of NOT differentiating, lolol.

I've read your posts and this differentiation isn't the norm........

As for your "lemme esplain",

Give into conspiracy theories much?
What’s actually amusing is that anyone would buy into such a ridiculous lie, as ‘liberals’ are neither pushing any ‘agenda’ nor do they seek to ‘grab guns.’

Both notions are hasty generalization fallacies and fundamentally ignorant.

One could add the idea of "grabbing" several hundred million objects in the 50 states is absurd; resources do not exist for such a project. Also, some firearms may be fashioned in a garage with adequate tools.

Good points except for this one; the gun grabbing fascists are using the classic layer technique, one state at a time, taking what little victory they can where they can, they move over more toward banning all guns which is their final goal.

I will work against it, and I am far from a conservative NRA supporter. The Constitution trumps all in my book; also hunting is part of America's heritage. As one Judge I heard phrased it : "Gun & light at night is serious in this Court, hunters are a great protection for our second amendment rights. Don't come in this Court again."
Hate the be the one to break it to ya but I see that coming from both sides to varying degrees.
However true that may be it does not change the fact that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty - indeed, it only concedes the point.

Fear and ignorance (emotive motivations) drives most people regardless of their political affiliations. Yes, the anti-gun cabal relies exclusively on the emotive but that wasn't my point, was it...........
Just so long as you affirm mine. Thank you for doing so.
He closed down all the mental institutions....
Interesting that you need to lie to make your point.
Why is that?
In spite of your apparent need to believe in the role this grade-B movie actor was playing there is no need to lie to criticize him.
And yet that's exactly what you did when you stated RWR closed down all the mental institutions.
So, again: Why do you need to lie to make your point?

That phony corporatist puppet is responsible for the decline of the American Middle Class we are seeing today.
And so, you wish upon him a violent painful death.
Classy. Very tolerant of opposing views.
Like most liberals.
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