BREAKING NEWS--CA--Another Mass Shooting

Guns don't kill people.......people with guns kill people

Not to mention knives, clubs, fireplace pokers, fists, pillows, mattresses, cars, bathtubs, viruses, bacterium, etc, ad naseum........

False analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, ad nauseam.....

It's very sad the pro-gun people cannot take this issue seriously.
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BBC News - California drive-by gunman kills six in Santa Barbara

Just one more pointless idiot, made dangerous because he had a gun.

Yep, just another responsible gun owner, until he starts killing people. Guns ownership in America should be highly restricted.

????---I will tell you this---I would fall into that category. as it is--2nd Amendment---I already know I should not own a guy--too flea brained/emotional.---so I don't.

Could/should the government do more? Don't know. 'the worst' guns--sometimes think we don't need military level guns.

did these people use military guns--what did they use? knives can be lethal, too.

cannot get into all this. don't know. know that guns are heavy--would have to train for years and maybe never be able to use one. expensive--cannot buy all the ammunition. need to buy food--for my dog--for my mother--stuff like that.
Not to mention knives, clubs, fireplace pokers, fists, pillows, mattresses, cars, bathtubs, viruses, bacterium, etc, ad naseum........

False analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, ad nauseum.....

It's very sad the pro-gun people cannot take this issue seriously.

Bullshit Esmeralda.

It happened IN THE SAME COMMUNITY in 2001.

"On the evening of February 23, 2001, just after 11pm UCSB student David Attias drove his 1991 Saab down the 6500 block of Sabado Tarde Road at high speed into nine parked cars and five pedestrians, killing four and critically injuring a fifth.[1] Attias ran the stop sign at the intersection of Sabado Tarde and Camino Pescadero at around 50 mph, during peak hours for foot traffic in Isla Vista. After slamming his Saab into two parked vehicles, he swerved and hit the pedestrians, sideswiping seven other vehicles in his attempt.[1] When his vehicle came to a stop, Attias got out and began (or continued, reports vary about whether he was yelling while driving) shouting about darkness and government plots, according to witnesses, he yelled "I am the Angel of Death!" and attempted to pick up victim Ruth Levy by the arm, but quickly lost interest, as he was surrounded by bystanders.[2]"

Isla Vista massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
eh---maybe tomorrow-until they say 'what kind of gun'

not important to LE at the moment--and really of no importance to me. I have heard the names of guns. some more powerful than others. the one this guy used---'did the job'--as evil as he was.

<Mr. Brown said the police had recovered one gun but did not rule out that the gunman had used more weapons.>

Smith and Wesson, Colt 45--ak???---

automatic? --such things are alien to me.

my brother had an air rifle---mother didn't want that. found it--afraid to have it in the house. brother died 6 years ago. how we are.

Never can be sure--but I don't think if the such an occasion arose---that LE would be that concerned about an air rifle. shaking my head.
Search youtube for "Elliot Rodger" and there are more copies out there.
I watched it and am amazed. This is how afluenza leads to a sense of entitlement and extreme narcissism. It seems to be a common thread in many of these mass killings. He just doesn't get why the opposite sex isn't attracted to him, the perfect gentleman. He takes no personal responsibility for his "loneliness" that he is "forced" to endure. Everything is everybody else's fault. As a guy who has had to work for everything I have, it really ticks me off when I hear one of these silver spoons complaining about how life is unfair as they wallow in the their unearned wealth. I may not have much, but at least I've learned to cherish the things, and more importantly, the people in my life.
Guns don't kill people.......people with guns kill people

Not to mention knives, clubs, fireplace pokers, fists, pillows, mattresses, cars, bathtubs, viruses, bacterium, etc, ad naseum........

Guess you got me there...
But since two thirds of murders use a gun, maybe we should start there and worry about the others once they become the weapon of choice for murderers

how about we just have Zero tolerance for violence committed by one against another no matter what kind of weapon is used and start putting those guilty of it away for a long time with NO chance of parole,you serve every minute....self defense not included....
This story is a lie. University campuses practice gun control and as such are gun free zones. It is against the law to have a gun, therefore this could not have happened because the law says you can't have a gun there.

the news out here said it did not happen on the campus.....but near it....
False analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, false analogy, ad nauseum.....

It's very sad the pro-gun people cannot take this issue seriously.

Bullshit Esmeralda.

It happened IN THE SAME COMMUNITY in 2001.

"On the evening of February 23, 2001, just after 11pm UCSB student David Attias drove his 1991 Saab down the 6500 block of Sabado Tarde Road at high speed into nine parked cars and five pedestrians, killing four and critically injuring a fifth.[1] Attias ran the stop sign at the intersection of Sabado Tarde and Camino Pescadero at around 50 mph, during peak hours for foot traffic in Isla Vista. After slamming his Saab into two parked vehicles, he swerved and hit the pedestrians, sideswiping seven other vehicles in his attempt.[1] When his vehicle came to a stop, Attias got out and began (or continued, reports vary about whether he was yelling while driving) shouting about darkness and government plots, according to witnesses, he yelled "I am the Angel of Death!" and attempted to pick up victim Ruth Levy by the arm, but quickly lost interest, as he was surrounded by bystanders.[2]"

Isla Vista massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was an officer on the scene that noted that Attis was making satanic statements and the one the bystanders heard was, I am the Angel of Death. The officer believed the kid was involved in satanism. The kid was quickly sent to an an institution instead of prison and now he has suddenly been deemed cured. They are releasing him. Here is the news article.. and video..

"Angel Of Death" David Attias Set To Go Free - Video

Amazing that they could release this guy after murdering that many people isn't it?

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