BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

I'm not sure they're traitors. They just believe that any immigrant who wants to come here does it with good intentions. And then when a traitor like obama tells them that muslims have been part of the fabric of this nation since it's inception, they believe him. They get to feeling all warm and fuzzy and good about themselves for rolling out the welcome wagon to these retrogrades with beliefs going back to the 7th century.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.
The order does not IN FACT apply to Muslims as a religion it applies to Countries and their citizens.

Unfortunately for dumbass Donald, his word is already on record as clear intention to target Muslims, specifically. His own words are going to be used against him.

The EO doesn't mention MUSLIMS or ISLAM, it doesn't mention RELIGION, it relates to NATIONS and peoples from those NATIONS.

A nation isn't a religion.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.

No because it doesn't mention ANYTHING about RELIGION in the EO.

Again, his own word is on record, and he admitted to give priority to Christians seeking asylum over Muslims. Ruh Ro!

That isn't right.

There's a misconception that Christian Syrian refugees are being denied. But that isn't the case, it's more complicated then that. Like most authoritarian dictators, Assad controlled his ethnically diverse country by pitting groups against each other. Christians were one of the groups that allied with him and in the unravelling of the civil war, they became targets along with other pro-Assad groups. Christians - unlike the groups allied with rebels, can seek safety in Assad controlled territories. Unfortunately it also means that they face muslim violence in the refugeee camps and are less likely to seek help there (and thus, don't get registered as refugees).

Giving priority to one religion over the other is not the right thing to do - all these people are in desperate straights.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty. None of us are for unfettered or unregulated immigration, or unvetted refugees. But we are a country that is built on offering the "American Dream" to immigrants willing to take their chances and work for it, and immigrants who come here do work hard. They don't come for "freebies". The refugees from Syria have been through hell, are continuing to go through hell with no end in sight. The people who aided us in Iraq, are in a uniquely dangerous situation - they and their families are subject to persecution because they aided us. Being a patriot means...upholding these values, and the values of openness, welcome, equality and opportunity and freedom and not letting fear cause us to destroy them. It shouldn't matter what religion they are. It should only matter that they are willing to take a chance, start a new life, and work hard. That's what I think is important.

So, before I give you a cyber ass kicking, please tell me the origins of the Statute of Liberty and what country gifted it to the united states and what symbol is on the plague......

(This should be interesting, folks)......

And your point is.....? (this should be interesting)
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.

No because it doesn't mention ANYTHING about RELIGION in the EO.

Again, his own word is on record, and he admitted his intention is to give priority to Christians seeking asylum over Muslims. Ruh Ro!

Ummmm, it's not muslims that are being is Christians in muslim countries...HELLO????

Mr. Dale these maniacs and morons are just literally now in a different zone to normal people.

They are in this zone :uhoh3:

American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

You assholes have the nerve to call liberals un-American and now you're trying to say the Statue of Liberty's inscriptions are meaningless to our laws. Oh So just go fuck yourself.

Debate me on this, punkinpuss.....let's talk about the CFR and their plan to water down American nationalism by absolutely flooding it with illegals that have no intention of assimilating into American culture but want others to acquiesce into theirs....bring it on, asshole. I am loaded for bear and I will beat you down with historical facts from their white papers and those from other "think tanks"....but before I do, how many illegals are you willing to put up in your home or sponsor monetarily so others don't in a country that is already drowning in debt due to a central bank owned by foreigners? Face the fact, ya touchy, "feely" fabian socialist are nothing but a useful idiot and devoid of the facts or the situation we are in or the magnitude of it.

The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.


Yep a Federal Judge had to slap Comrade Trump around. If you have a VISA to legally enter this country, then you really shouldn't be detained (unless) someone has notified Homeland Security that this person is a threat to this country and then and only then do they have reason to detain them.

Keep in mind that all of the attacks on this country have been born here Muslims that were converted to ISIS, and not MUSLIMS coming into this country. The problem is within and until we can get a handle on how to get ISIS off of the internet who promote these attacks--then we're screwed anyway.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.
The order does not IN FACT apply to Muslims as a religion it applies to Countries and their citizens.

Unfortunately for dumbass Donald, his word is already on record as clear intention to target Muslims, specifically. His own words are going to be used against him.

So let's get our facts straight..

You're a dumb ass kid? Gay probably..

And Trump is president?

Enjoy your school year.. By next year your parents are sick of you..
It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.

No because it doesn't mention ANYTHING about RELIGION in the EO.

Again, his own word is on record, and he admitted his intention is to give priority to Christians seeking asylum over Muslims. Ruh Ro!

Ummmm, it's not muslims that are being is Christians in muslim countries...HELLO????

Mr. Dale these maniacs and morons are just literally now in a different zone to normal people.

They are in this zone :uhoh3:

They suffer from a terminal case of utter stupidity and they seem to revel in it........
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

I'm not sure they're traitors. They just believe that any immigrant who wants to come here does it with good intentions. And then when a traitor like obama tells them that muslims have been part of the fabric of this nation since it's inception, they believe him. They get to feeling all warm and fuzzy and good about themselves for rolling out the welcome wagon to these retrogrades with beliefs going back to the 7th century.

They are a mixture then of Traitors and Pathologically Altruistic idiots.

They put entire Western nations at risk of mortal danger, they should be prevented from doing so anymore.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

You assholes have the nerve to call liberals un-American and now you're trying to say the Statue of Liberty's inscriptions are meaningless to our laws. Oh So just go fuck yourself.

Please relate them to the law. Take your time.

Look it up, low-information voter.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty. None of us are for unfettered or unregulated immigration, or unvetted refugees. But we are a country that is built on offering the "American Dream" to immigrants willing to take their chances and work for it, and immigrants who come here do work hard. They don't come for "freebies". The refugees from Syria have been through hell, are continuing to go through hell with no end in sight. The people who aided us in Iraq, are in a uniquely dangerous situation - they and their families are subject to persecution because they aided us. Being a patriot means...upholding these values, and the values of openness, welcome, equality and opportunity and freedom and not letting fear cause us to destroy them. It shouldn't matter what religion they are. It should only matter that they are willing to take a chance, start a new life, and work hard. That's what I think is important.

So, before I give you a cyber ass kicking, please tell me the origins of the Statute of Liberty and what country gifted it to the united states and what symbol is on the plague......

(This should be interesting, folks)......

And your point is.....? (this should be interesting)

Answer the question...... since you are hinging immigration policy on a plaque that hangs on a statute that was gifted to America by a foreign country......BTW, how many illegals of those "yearning to breathe free" are you sponsoring????
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative
You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

You assholes have the nerve to call liberals un-American and now you're trying to say the Statue of Liberty's inscriptions are meaningless to our laws. Oh So just go fuck yourself.

Please relate them to the law. Take your time.

Look it up, low-information voter.


Is the date of the American Declaration of Independence. In non-Roman Numerals, July 4, 1776.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

WHO is TALKING about illegal immigration? Jeez dude - this is not about illegal immigration.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

You assholes have the nerve to call liberals un-American and now you're trying to say the Statue of Liberty's inscriptions are meaningless to our laws. Oh So just go fuck yourself.

Debate me on this, punkinpuss.....let's talk about the CFR and their plan to water down American nationalism by absolutely flooding it with illegals that have no intention of assimilating into American culture but want others to acquiesce into theirs....bring it on, asshole. I am loaded for bear and I will beat you down with historical facts from their white papers and those from other "think tanks"....but before I do, how many illegals are you willing to put up in your home or sponsor monetarily so others don't in a country that is already drowning in debt due to a central bank owned by foreigners? Face the fact, ya touchy, "feely" fabian socialist are nothing but a useful idiot and devoid of the facts or the situation we are in or the magnitude of it.

This wasn't and isn't about illegals, you stupid moron. These people detained all had visas you stupid piece of shit. That is why the judge in Brooklyn gave them a stay
You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

WHO is TALKING about illegal immigration? Jeez dude - this is not about illegal immigration.
And Trump stopped all or most legal immigration from 7 countries. And no Judge has changed that.
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