BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty. None of us are for unfettered or unregulated immigration, or unvetted refugees. But we are a country that is built on offering the "American Dream" to immigrants willing to take their chances and work for it, and immigrants who come here do work hard. They don't come for "freebies". The refugees from Syria have been through hell, are continuing to go through hell with no end in sight. The people who aided us in Iraq, are in a uniquely dangerous situation - they and their families are subject to persecution because they aided us. Being a patriot means...upholding these values, and the values of openness, welcome, equality and opportunity and freedom and not letting fear cause us to destroy them. It shouldn't matter what religion they are. It should only matter that they are willing to take a chance, start a new life, and work hard. That's what I think is important.
Trump really should be subjected to intense psychological examinations. He ain't right in the head.
Your op is a lie. further all your posts in this thread are wrong as well, the order ONLY covers those with valid visas and already IN the Country. It does not stop the Government from preventing those from the 7 Nations listed from entering the Country.
Trump really should be subjected to intense psychological examinations. He ain't right in the head.

Your probably right, but then he probably didn't count on having to lead morons like you. Enough to drive most people crazy.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty. None of us are for unfettered or unregulated immigration, or unvetted refugees. But we are a country that is built on offering the "American Dream" to immigrants willing to take their chances and work for it, and immigrants who come here do work hard. They don't come for "freebies". The refugees from Syria have been through hell, are continuing to go through hell with no end in sight. The people who aided us in Iraq, are in a uniquely dangerous situation - they and their families are subject to persecution because they aided us. Being a patriot means...upholding these values, and the values of openness, welcome, equality and opportunity and freedom and not letting fear cause us to destroy them. It shouldn't matter what religion they are. It should only matter that they are willing to take a chance, start a new life, and work hard. That's what I think is important.

It isn't a religious based vetting, it is by a terrorist nation list created by Obama. Not everyone in those countries are Muslim.
Trump really should be subjected to intense psychological examinations. He ain't right in the head.
Your op is a lie. further all your posts in this thread are wrong as well, the order ONLY covers those with valid visas and already IN the Country. It does not stop the Government from preventing those from the 7 Nations listed from entering the Country.

leftards need to lie to feel better about themselves

this is why the actual order from the judge is not posted anywhere
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

Oh, we will. Trump hasn't seen anything yet. He will dismantle the USA over our dead bodies. The fucking scumbag.

Careful what you wish for.

Hey Lucy, did you know that not ONE refugee has committed an act of terror here? Your sig is hilarious.
Not quite true.

'“There are individuals who came a long time ago before our modern procedures, but since Sept. 11, all we have had is conspiracies - not only by refugees, but in fact by U.S.-born persons, other kinds of immigrants. It’s really an equal opportunity world,” he added.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), chairman of the subcommittee, asked Rodriguez, “You don’t count conspiracies?”

“They’re not actual acts of violence. They were effectively disrupted by U.S. law enforcement, is my point, sir,” Rodriguez responded.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) told Rodriguez about a report done by Fordham University Law School’s Center on National Security on ISIS prosecutions in the U.S.

“They looked at all ISIS prosecutions in the United States and determined that of those involved in that, 18 percent were refugees or asylees. Shouldn’t that be of enormous concern to all of us?” Vitter asked Rodriguez.

“Without a doubt. Yes,” Rodriguez responded.

“My question is: Isn't that a very big percentage? 18 percent.” Vitter asked a moment later.

“One percent would be a big percentage. This is an area of significant concern,” Rodriguez said.

“Now a few minutes ago, you touted and made a big deal in your testimony, or perhaps in response to a question, that since 9/11 there has been no person who came in as an adult in the refugee program who was convicted of a violent terrorist offense. Now that’s great, but that was a very carefully crafted statement. There are many people who came in as adults in the refugee program who’ve been convicted of terrorist offenses, correct?” Vitter asked.

“That is correct,” Rodriguez replied.

“Now, we’re all happy that those plots were disrupted, but in terms of security threats possibly posed by the refugee program, those cases are darn relevant, aren’t they? Just as relevant as a successful violent attack?” Vitter asked.

“Oh, sure they are, and they inform a number of the improvements that we made over the years. Many of those cases involve admissions that took place a while ago, and even in the last four to five years, there have been significant changes in the way that we vet refugees that makes a difference,” Rodriguez said.

“So, just to clarify your earlier statement, again you touted nobody came in through the refugee program as an adult who committee a violent act, but there sure were those who came in, who were convicted of terrorist offenses,” Vitter said.'

DHS Official Admits: ‘Many’ Refugees Have Been Convicted of Terrorist Offenses in U.S.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

Am I the only one who graduated from 8 th grade here?

Only two factions can over ride a E. O.
The Supreme Court or congress
Again you brain dead morons only two can override a E. O. The supreme court or Congress and Eisenhower told the Supreme Court to fuck off and his E. O. Stood.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

Within a few months, the police will be Federalised and have orders to shoot to kill any and all Subversive Agitator, those not shot will be rounded up and dropped into Gitmo.

Your little fascist fantasies are so cute.

The thing is they are not fantasies anymore darling, you just wait and watch.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.

Within a few months, the police will be Federalised and have orders to shoot to kill any and all Subversive Agitator, those not shot will be rounded up and dropped into Gitmo.

Your little fascist fantasies are so cute.

The thing is they are not fantasies anymore darling, you just wait and watch.

I hope you have plenty of peach ice cream to stuff down your face in the's gonna be a LONG time before even one second of your hilarious authoritarian fantasies ever come true.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty. None of us are for unfettered or unregulated immigration, or unvetted refugees. But we are a country that is built on offering the "American Dream" to immigrants willing to take their chances and work for it, and immigrants who come here do work hard. They don't come for "freebies". The refugees from Syria have been through hell, are continuing to go through hell with no end in sight. The people who aided us in Iraq, are in a uniquely dangerous situation - they and their families are subject to persecution because they aided us. Being a patriot means...upholding these values, and the values of openness, welcome, equality and opportunity and freedom and not letting fear cause us to destroy them. It shouldn't matter what religion they are. It should only matter that they are willing to take a chance, start a new life, and work hard. That's what I think is important.

It isn't a religious based vetting, it is by a terrorist nation list created by Obama. Not everyone in those countries are Muslim.
Wonder why Pakistan and Saudi Arabia aren't on the list.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:


It directly violates the establishment clause. And the constitution prohibits president shitlord from targeting Islam. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, toots. The ACLU is going to mop the floor with Trump's orange ass in court.

No because it doesn't mention ANYTHING about RELIGION in the EO.
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