BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

Yeah, that's what my ancestors used to want.
DJT is right about the media.


DJT is wrong about the ban and the wall.


There is no ban, so what are you talking about?

The Chinese built a wall, the Germans built one in Berlin. Very effective, but your problems change over time, so that needs to be considered.

Mexicans Training to Climb Donald Trumps Wall ! Illegal Aliens , Aliens


That's funny as shit

I can only imagine how fucking dumb the Trump White House must feel tonight. Hilarious!!!!!
Hey RETARD the court order ONLY effects those with valid visas that are already IN the Country. Ir does NOT block the ban at all.

1. The ban prevented them from using their VISAs
2. The court order allowed them to use their VISAs
3. The court order shut down the ban
Only for people with valid visas already IN the Country. It does NOT stop the prevention of those NOT in the Country from being barred not does it effect the implementation of the order.

The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.


The Ruling is great news.

DJT exceeded its authority in a discriminatory manner.

I voted for him but it does NOT mean that I will support all his decisions. I dissented from the ban. Glad we prevailed.


It's ONLY a TEMPORARY STAY it isn't a blanket blocking.

Stay tuned, sweet tits. The blanket blocking is next.

Best of luck.

Within a few months, the police will be Federalised and have orders to shoot to kill any and all Subversive Agitator, those not shot will be rounded up and dropped into Gitmo.

Your little fascist fantasies are so cute.
The order to stop immigration of persons from the 7 Countries still stands the Court did NOT in fact address that issue. It ONLY addressed those with Valid Visas already IN the USA.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative fuckboys.

It's NOT Un-Constitutional you moron, President Trump's EO is fully within existing American law.

This law:

American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

Oh, we will. Trump hasn't seen anything yet. He will dismantle the USA over our dead bodies. The fucking scumbag.

Careful what you wish for.

Hey Lucy, did you know that not ONE refugee has committed an act of terror here? Your sig is hilarious.

I'll tell you what's hilarious, you are hilarious, Lakhota is hilarious, once again both of you have completely lost the plot and had a full-on freakout.
Trump really should be subjected to intense psychological examinations. He ain't right in the head.

Within a few months, the police will be Federalised and have orders to shoot to kill any and all Subversive Agitator, those not shot will be rounded up and dropped into Gitmo.

Your little fascist fantasies are so cute.
The order to stop immigration of persons from the 7 Countries still stands the Court did NOT in fact address that issue. It ONLY addressed those with Valid Visas already IN the USA.

Yes this has been pointed out to them about 50 times now, but still they keep babbling the same stuff, it's like they have some mental freeze....oh wait, I forgot, they're Leftists so they do have a mental freeze :eusa_doh:
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