BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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Just curious why do you want them here?
You need slaves or something on your reservation?

To help exterminate white homegrown NaziCon terrorists who think they own the country.

"To help exterminate white homegrown NaziCon terrorists who think they own the country."

Here it is, Lakhota finally admits why the majority of Leftists want the Kebabs in ALL Western nations, to exterminate white people, lol and these maniacs call anyone who doesn't agree with them "Nazi's"

And it's for Lakhota's EXACT reason why we not only need to Remove Kebab and Stop Kebab coming in, but also why we need to deal with Leftist filth in the historical manner, there is no difference between Kebab and Leftist filth, the latter enables the former because the latter hates ONLY white people.

The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.

It's just a hiccup by an Obama judge.

They ACLU will also prevail in the 2nd Cir

If it goes to SCOTUS it will be a 4-4 tie which means that the 2nd Cir ruling is the law.

I doubt it. The judge ruled that two Iraqis held at a US airport did not get due process, and that wouldn't apply to preventing people not already in the US. So at the worst, a handful of people detained in the US will get hearings before being sent back.

The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.


The Ruling is great news.

DJT exceeded its authority in a discriminatory manner.

I voted for him but it does NOT mean that I will support all his decisions. I dissented from the ban. Glad we prevailed.


It's ONLY a TEMPORARY STAY it isn't a blanket blocking.

Duh, no one said it was.

You did.

The title of your thread "judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban"

Notice the glaring absence of the word "temporary" there.
And when terrorists blow someone up, that judge should be tried for murder

When Jeff Sessions is American Attorney General that ACLU Subversive Organisation along with the Hate Organisation the SPLC need investigating and shutting down.

The ACLU is certainly not subversive. It protects our rights.

Once you start shutting down free voices, where will it end?
Remind me how you oppose just that on liberal campuses where the left routinely shuts down free speech.

Stifling free speech and the ability challenging ideas
It's ONLY a TEMPORARY STAY it isn't a blanket blocking.

Stay tuned, sweet tits. The blanket blocking is next.
Try to be a gentleman if you know what that is. Just google it to find out.

Lucy loves it when I call her that, white knight. Right Lucy?
White knight or not it doesn't sound intelligent to address a woman like that in Zone 2. Knock yourself out to show you got your manners in the slums where women are not respected but objects.

Stop being such a fag.

This is Zone 2, you need to post On Topic and not just personal insults and/or attacks.
It's ONLY a TEMPORARY STAY it isn't a blanket blocking.

Stay tuned, sweet tits. The blanket blocking is next.
Try to be a gentleman if you know what that is. Just google it to find out.

Lucy loves it when I call her that, white knight. Right Lucy?
White knight or not it doesn't sound intelligent to address a woman like that in Zone 2. Knock yourself out to show you got your manners in the slums where women are not respected but objects.

Stop being such a fag.
Fag or not you can keep your slum inspired derogatory remarks over there where it belongs. Thanks...
Stay tuned, sweet tits. The blanket blocking is next.
Try to be a gentleman if you know what that is. Just google it to find out.

Lucy loves it when I call her that, white knight. Right Lucy?
White knight or not it doesn't sound intelligent to address a woman like that in Zone 2. Knock yourself out to show you got your manners in the slums where women are not respected but objects.

Stop being such a fag.

This is Zone 2, you need to post On Topic and not just personal insults and/or attacks.

Your post is off topic and doesn't contain any content. Are you a mod? No? Then stop pretending to be one.
I can only imagine how fucking dumb the Trump White House must feel tonight. Hilarious!!!!!
Hey RETARD the court order ONLY effects those with valid visas that are already IN the Country. Ir does NOT block the ban at all.

1. The ban prevented them from using their VISAs
2. The court order allowed them to use their VISAs
3. The court order shut down the ban
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.
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