Breaking News: Mexican Judge Orders U.S. Marine Released From Jail

This 2 tour marine can't read a map, nor can he read.
This is where he crossed - easy not to notice; anyone could miss it.


His story is bullshit.
ALL vehicles have to stop at the check points.
All he had to do at the border was explain his error, and explain why he couldn't enter Mexico - but he did anyway because he's a gun running bastard.

Pity they managed to get the bastard off.
His guns would have gone to the cartels, and they run drugs in return.
Double misery, and all for the greed of bastards like this looser ex marine.

You know nothing about the story, idiot.

That port of entry was under construction and they put a dumbass confusing sign that mislead him.

Do you know how many journalists went down there to test that sign before the Mexicans finally removed it??????????????? Quite a few who agreed it caused the confusion. That's why California now warns people about it.

Are you aware of the torture he then underwent for months?????????????

Are you aware the main reason he was finally released is that everyone's assessment was that his PTSD was so acute that Mexicans were worried he was going to die in their prison causing an uproar in those who actually give a fuck about Vets.

Love watching you libs -- every last one of you fuckers on this thread (except for Clayton) -- throw our Veteran under the bus.

Thanks for putting it in writing. I intend to pass it on.
Anything about what the obumanation did to cause his release......J/K!!!!!!!

Well I would say he has everything to do with it. The fucking cock sucker in chief is nothing but a total political hack.

It is that obvious he delayed this (along with that shit hole of a country called Mexico) just before the election. It is that obvious that this fucking criminal in the white house plays politics with our citizens. He has demonstrated that he hates the military. Remember when the asshole closed the war memorials in order to gain political points?

It is that obvious and my hatred for everything democrat only grows.

Watch how the liberal network praises the administration for this.
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"His Marine"?? He could care less for our Marine.

Whatever.................perhaps he'll have a better golf game before he gets out........As that is all he is good for.

Gee..back to golf. You're probably late for your birther meeting.
Yep...........and we throw darts and pics of the current CIC.................
I guess when you're totally take "victories" where you can.

The CIC brought his Marine home. Just like he did with the guy in Afghanistan. Nobody seemed to celebrate his release.

As Commanders-in-Chief often refer to the troops as theirs.

I'm glad he's back although it's strange how you accidentally drive into Mexico
Most marines hate your cic, failure in charge. I haven't met a soldier that respects you cic piece of shit.
Thanks Mr. Obama.
Lol, you keep thinking that. Let's see if he invites him to the white house. If he does, I hope the marine tells him where to go.

Candy is nothing but a propagandist and a puppet on a string, LOL. IT's her desperate attempt to try to stem the tide of Obama going down the drain, which isn't working of course, LOL.

Back to topic. Word on the street is Sgt T's Mom really dislikes Obama for having let her son rot in that prison.
Love watching you libs

Where's a lib?
I'm rather right wing - but I dislike idiot gun runners.

Ok, good to know.

He wasn't running guns. He was suffering so much from PTSD in Florida where he lived that he packed up all his belongings in his car and moved to California to get treatment for it - which can be verified. That's why his guns were in the car.

He didn't try to run guns. After visiting Mexico on foot after parking in the US, he got in his car to go north but a screwed up sign led him into Mexico accidentally.
shotgun, rifle and pistol, plus 400 rounds of ammunition. There was so much paperwork to fill out, so many rules to follow, he said, that it took the officers eight hours to deliver Tahmooressi to prosecutors, to contact the U.S. consulate and to arrange for a translator.


A shotgun, pistol and a rifle is a major GUN SMUGGLER.

Get back on your meds.............

Well, that would depend on the smugglers' MO.
The fact seems to be, they take a few at a time, so they can claim to have made a mistake, be a one off thing, other thin excuse, but they're really part of a ring that smuggles thousands of weapons.

Police bust Brevard to Colombia gun-running operation

Few at a time gets a lesser punishment, and a claim it was just a one off attempt.
Idiots believe that shit, as they do "I missed a turn" at the busiest land crossing in the world, with fucking big "Mexico" signs.
I wonder, with the size of the massive "Mexico" signs, should he be arrested for faking his eye test for his driver's licence?
I wonder, with the size of the massive "Mexico" signs, should he be arrested for faking his eye test for his driver's licence?

Now I'm back to realizing you're an idiot that hasn't read one thing about this case. THE FUCKING SIGN WAS A SMALL TEMPORARY SIGN, IDIOT.

If he was running guns, why isn't that what Mexico charged him with???

Get a clue. Read more and post less.
I like internet searches - they tend to come up with lovely details - like he booked into a Mexico hotel a few hours before he tried his gun running attempt.

The story and spin behind ex-Marine Tahmooressi jailed in Mexico - LA Times

At times, unfortunately, this young man has been his own worst enemy. After he was arrested, for instance, he claimed he had never been to Mexico before. In fact, he had crossed the border several times, including earlier on the day of his arrest, when he walked into Mexico, checked into Tijuana's Hotel Nelson, then checked out and walked back to the U.S. hours later. (This means that he left his three loaded guns and ammo sitting in his Ford F-150 truck in a San Ysidro parking lot for hours.)

One assumes he booked into a hotel just in case he missed a turn and was forced into Mexico without noticing the fucking massive signs.

Would anyone care to revise their bullshit and admit he's just one more gun running bastard, caring more about profit than the deaths his illegal cargo cause?
I wonder, with the size of the massive "Mexico" signs, should he be arrested for faking his eye test for his driver's licence?
Now I'm back to realizing you're an idiot that hasn't read one thing about this case. THE FUCKING SIGN WAS A SMALL TEMPORARY SIGN, IDIOT.

If he was running guns, why isn't that what Mexico charged him with???

Get a clue. Read more and post less.
He is a moron and hates the US, especially the military and wants all overseas soldiers dead. He's not worth talking to.
I'm glad he is going home, but one thing I can't stop thinking about. Obama does nothing to get a marine freed from prison, he gets out no trading.
Obama is highly involved in getting a prisoner released. 5 high level terrorist are traded for him.
We are better off without him, heck get rid of him. Biden I really think could do better.
I wonder, with the size of the massive "Mexico" signs, should he be arrested for faking his eye test for his driver's licence?
Now I'm back to realizing you're an idiot that hasn't read one thing about this case. THE FUCKING SIGN WAS A SMALL TEMPORARY SIGN, IDIOT.

If he was running guns, why isn't that what Mexico charged him with???

Get a clue. Read more and post less.
He is a moron and hates the US, especially the military and wants all overseas soldiers dead. He's not worth talking to.

But you can't explain how this gun runner managed to book a hotel in Mexico, just before he took a wrong tern.
This 2 tour marine can't read a map, nor can he read.
This is where he crossed - easy not to notice; anyone could miss it.


His story is bullshit.
ALL vehicles have to stop at the check points.
All he had to do at the border was explain his error, and explain why he couldn't enter Mexico - but he did anyway because he's a gun running bastard.

Pity they managed to get the bastard off.
His guns would have gone to the cartels, and they run drugs in return.
Double misery, and all for the greed of bastards like this looser ex marine.
That's not where he crossed.

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