Breaking news: Obama takes vacation! Republicans outraged!

omg, you think you are something new around here?
You're not...another old, stale and boring
yawn all over vacations you beat your chest like an ape

there you go again! Straight for the ad hominem and completely void of substance. Hey, cheer up, steph! I hear there's a palin rally coming to your area soon. Yee haw, sani flush!

you can be shut off in a heartbeat. Nobody has to put up your bs...
. See ya

I hope no more Palin rally's, the left goes nuts over them, they get there panties in a wad, they cry how they are victimized, they launch lot of lies. Then they tell us how much they don't care about Palin, it is absolutely humiliating for the liberals.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

The English language and history was certainly victimized. LOL!


well yeah I guess because she doesn't speak bs like, I am going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...

Obama Promises The World

And the parting of the Red Sea!!!
[ame=]Obama Promises The World - YouTube[/ame]

all snobs are victims of their own high and mighty selves as we see with his almost 70% disapprovals

Palin was elected Governor with an 80% Approval rating...something Obama or anyone here could only dream of having...

I had no idea they were that stupid in Alaska.

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The English language and history was certainly victimized. LOL!


well yeah I guess because she doesn't speak bs like, I am going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...

Obama Promises The World

And the parting of the Red Sea!!!
[ame=]Obama Promises The World - YouTube[/ame]

all snobs are victims of their own high and mighty selves as we see with his almost 70% disapprovals

Palin was elected Governor with an 80% Approval rating...something Obama or anyone here could only dream of having...

I had no idea they were that stupid in Alaska.


could be because you have no intelligent ideas. You want to look silly and stupid, have at it
This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time

I love how you progressives became the big war supporters, ironic that Iraq is now part of your push to kill brown people.

Your answer, "But but there's no boots on the ground man!!!! well, only a few boots on the ground man!!!"
well yeah I guess because she doesn't speak bs like, I am going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...

Obama Promises The World

And the parting of the Red Sea!!!
Obama Promises The World - YouTube

all snobs are victims of their own high and mighty selves as we see with his almost 70% disapprovals

Palin was elected Governor with an 80% Approval rating...something Obama or anyone here could only dream of having...

I had no idea they were that stupid in Alaska.


could be because you have no intelligent ideas. You want to look silly and stupid, have at it

You think Sarah Palin is intelligent, so I'll just consider the source. :D

And yet with young girls from Central America being raped and tortured and seeking refuge in this country. Its those like you that want them sent back to the hell hole they are trying to escape from. Ironic! You don't have the vaguest idea what the term means.
Now, cloak yourself in your deep christian moral ethics and rebut.

BREAKING- Children being beheaded in Iraq; US troops sent in at the risk of their lives while Obama golfs.

not breaking. Right winger whines and uses anything regardless of what Obama does because she is a bottom feeder

WOW! The ironic comments from the racist. bigoted far left Obama drone.

So many far left posters filled with irony.

So is the far left going to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in the Iraq?
obuma should take a vacation. It's not like there's anything important going on that needs his attention.
Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler
Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler

I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation

Nobody is outraged over Obama's vacations. It's his job performance.....

RCP Average 7/24 - 8/10 -- 41.1 approve 54.1 disapprove -13.0
I endorse the taking of a LOOOOONG vacation by this President.

In fact, the longer, the better.

When he's not doing something, there is considerably less chance that he will be fucking something up massively.

He can't take a VACATION LOOOOONG enough or far enough away to suit me.

He can take an massive entourage, too. I don't even yipe about the cost. As expensive as that shit is, it's pocket change compared to what the imbecile SPENDS when he's NOT on vacation.

Mr. President, you look tired.

PLEASE take a vacation.
Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler

I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation


I call shenanigans on your data.

Bush spent a lot of time working from his ranch and from Camp David...which is a far cry from golfing on Martha's Vineyard.
Who cares if Obama vacations or not. Biggest non-issue, what is funny is the same dip shits that claim that all his vacations are okay, are the same dip shits that criticized Bush for taking vacations.

With today's technology, Obama doesn't need to be at the White House 24/7 to screw up America, he can screw it up from anywhere in the world.

So now it's your turn to be another whine bag???

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