Breaking news: Obama takes vacation! Republicans outraged!

This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time

I love how you progressives became the big war supporters, ironic that Iraq is now part of your push to kill brown people.

Your answer, "But but there's no boots on the ground man!!!! well, only a few boots on the ground man!!!"

Yea, boots on the ground make a big difference when you talk about wars
Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler

I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation


I call shenanigans on your data.

Bush spent a lot of time working from his ranch and from Camp David...which is a far cry from golfing on Martha's Vineyard.

Now I get to call shenanigans
I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation


I call shenanigans on your data.

Bush spent a lot of time working from his ranch and from Camp David...which is a far cry from golfing on Martha's Vineyard.

Now I get to call shenanigans

Except your call is bogus.

The FACT is that you lolberals whined your braying asses off whenever W took a vacation in Texas or Camp David. It was as though you couldn't conceive of the fact that in our day and age, a President can work quite well and hard at places other than the White House.

Well, not so much on a golf course. But you get the idea.
This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time

Breaking news: Obama takes vacation! Republicans outraged!

Breaking news: Congress is on vacation TOO !

Republicans are IDIOTS.
Once again, conservatives struggle with equivalencies. 400 days does not equate to less than 100 days

And to try to claim Bush is working full eight hour days while at his ranch is total bullshit
This is different than when they were outraged at his Christmas vacation and when they were outraged at last summers vacation and the summer before that and the summer before that

They are really outraged this time

Comes from the dems/libs whining about Bush 43 'vacations' Thing is a President is never really on vacation. not in the sense that you and I would know the word.
At least when Bush and Reagan took vacations, then stayed in their own homes.

The Obamas live high on the hog at taxpayer expense, which is especially loathesome given the state of the economy.


Do the Obama's have a Home?

As I recall, they were movin on up, to the east side, to a deluxe apartment in the sky.

They finally got a piece of the pie.


Fish don't fry in the kitchen; beans don't burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin', just to get up that hill.
Maybe they can make room for you in this collage?

Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler

I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation


And that was through 2006, when we were attacked, and then heavily involved in two wars.

How can conservatives defend that negligence?
Barack Obama 2008 would have been outraged over Barack Obama 2014's vacations:

Taped interviews have a way of coming back to haunt politicians. And the timing couldn’t be better for this gem, brought to us by Weasel Zippers, who dug up this pre-election interview with then-Senator Barack Obama in 2008.

The senator had high expectations for himself, if he were to receive Americans’ vote for President.

" You have to understand that if you seek that office, then you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially, the bargain that I think every President strikes with the American people is, ‘you give me this office, then in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure, is gone. I am giving myself to you.’"

It turns out that all of then-Senator Obama’s talk about ‘sacrifice’ was just that – all talk...

Flashback: What Obama Said About Taking Vacations in 2008 Video is a Real Howler

I don't think he objected to annual two week summer vacations

I believe he was referencing the Bush perpetual vacation


And that was through 2006, when we were attacked, and then heavily involved in two wars.

How can conservatives defend that negligence?

Bush's 400 days included 9-11, Afghan invasion, Iraq invasion, Katrina and seven years of occupation.
Yet, Republicans whine about a two week summer vacation for Obama
He needs so much rest, what's he do but give dividing hateful speechs that is WRITTEN for's not like the man does anything but show up and send out pictures as if he's working...

they have to make sure his strings don't get tangled up because boy when they or that teleprompter goes down we see the real dummy come out....duh ua duu do de

I would back him RESIGNING...
He needs so much rest, what's he do but give dividing hateful speechs that is WRITTEN for's not like the man does anything but show up and send out pictures as if he's working...

they have to make sure his strings don't get tangled up because boy when they or that teleprompter goes down we see the real dummy come out....duh ua duu do de

I would back him RESIGNING...

I know you're stupid, as do most every person who reads your posts. But I wonder, what made you into the person you are, so full of hate?
He needs so much rest, what's he do but give dividing hateful speechs that is WRITTEN for's not like the man does anything but show up and send out pictures as if he's working...

they have to make sure his strings don't get tangled up because boy when they or that teleprompter goes down we see the real dummy come out....duh ua duu do de

I would back him RESIGNING...

You know are fucking dumb

I realize you try hard to keep up with the threads, but you are fucking dumb
He needs so much rest, what's he do but give dividing hateful speechs that is WRITTEN for's not like the man does anything but show up and send out pictures as if he's working...

they have to make sure his strings don't get tangled up because boy when they or that teleprompter goes down we see the real dummy come out....duh ua duu do de

I would back him RESIGNING...

I know you're stupid, as do most every person who reads your posts. But I wonder, what made you into the person you are, so full of hate?
I'm guessing asbestos.
He needs so much rest, what's he do but give dividing hateful speechs that is WRITTEN for's not like the man does anything but show up and send out pictures as if he's working...

they have to make sure his strings don't get tangled up because boy when they or that teleprompter goes down we see the real dummy come out....duh ua duu do de

I would back him RESIGNING...

I know you're stupid, as do most every person who reads your posts. But I wonder, what made you into the person you are, so full of hate?
I'm guessing asbestos.

I would have gone with lead poisoning from licking the walls - she really should stop doing that.

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