Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

The internet is loaded with images like this. This is a national celebration, and everyone has the same message in mind. "Get the Spics out."


And, Unkotar you are on "ignore" so please do not expect me to respond to your drivel.

This is a time for Americans to use the Texas phrase, "Yee Haw," we are taking our country back from the freeloaders. The more Spics that land in California, the more White Democrats are turning Republican!

White Democrats?

Lol, those are like those Jewish Capos in the Death camps who would stuff as many of the other Jews in the ovens for an extra slice of potato for the Nazis.

White Democrats are exactly the same breed of animal; not just self hating, but hate their whole race.

Pathetic fascist bastards.​
The Coyote in Chief will let them stay here. Bet on it. Congress should deny him his 2Billion dollar request.

FACT, All leading experts predicted Republicans would take back the U. S. Senate before any immigration problems came up.

FACT, After the prisoner exchange of five Al Quada for one possibly traitorous American soldier, and the VA scandal Obama's popularity hit 40%.

FACT, When Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona squarely blamed Obama for the illegal immigrant surge, Obama had nothing to say.

FACT, President Obama stated publicly that he would use "Executive Privilege" if necessary to assure illegals protection under the law. American taxpayers quickly realized that we would AGAIN, be picking up the bills for the freeloaders.

FACT, A community in Virginia and California refused to take the illegal freeloaders from the Federal Government.

FACT, Obama may be realizing he could become the first African-American POTUS to be impeached, and agreed to spend $2 BILLION on more Border Patrol and Deportation Judges.

FACT, With $2 BILLION and a Republican Congress in November 2014 we will probably have the resources to deport all 12,000,000+ illegal Hispanics.

FACT, Even White Obama Democrats are jumping ship on the President's support for the illegals. Every Hispanic allowed in, pulls votes away from Democrats. It has become an evening ritual on the network news. Last weekend Congressional Democrats began stating publicly that Obama is wrong in what he is doing. If Obama is not worrying about his legacy in the history books right now, he is a fool.

WHAT TO DO? Write your member of Congress, and put the pressure on the beaners. If a demonstration is happening near you, take the day and join it.

Don't take my word for it, here is the CBS News Report from yesterday.

Powerful, Illinois, Democratic U. S. Senator Dick Durban takes a strong stand.

"The administration has blamed the surge in unaccompanied minors on violence and unrest in Central America, particularly in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, where a growing number of parents have dispatched their children to the U.S., often unaccompanied, in a blind shot at a better future."

Who's getting rich(er) from increasing the levels of unrest and violence in Central America?

Those who prosper from private profits and socialized costs.

Who's to blame for the flood of children at the U.S.-Mexico border? - CBS News

CBS QUOTES the Manchurian mulim for the idea that increasing violence in Central America is the cause..Never doing any REAL JOURNALISM and checking that lie out!.. The Manchurian muslim also blamed Benghazi on a video...both HUGE LIES. Having been checking world news for Central American violence has brought up NOTHING different than there has been for the last few years!

You LOW IQ posters and regime enablers are simply STUPID, FUCKING, MORONS to think some of us don't check on this shit!
Bitchboy is just a hateful moron who likes to play with pictures. Nothing more.

And you have nothing to counter with except juvenile attempts at insults.

Read his 'posts.' If you come to any other conclusion you are either a sock or you are a moron as well.

Unkotare, I am not a totally unbiased person here, but I have given you good and neg rep in the past on various topics. You seem like a reasonable person, but some issues just blind you.

I urge you to reconsider your position on this matter.

This nation is built on immigration and we will always need it for various legit reasons.

But we have too much right now that is putting American citizens out of work, mostly minorities and teens, and these illegals are bringing in disease and provide support to criminal networks that even terrorists may some day exploit.

These people are not so blindly bigoted as you seem to think they are. They have every right to be sick and tired of the botched management of immigration we have now.

Your take on this sadly discredits you.
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

Yea, damn those Americans that won't roll over and let progressives destroy the country.
And you have nothing to counter with except juvenile attempts at insults.

Read his 'posts.' If you come to any other conclusion you are either a sock or you are a moron as well.

Unkotare, I am not a totally unbiased person here, but I have given you good and neg rep in the past on various topics. You seem like a reasonable person, but some issues just blind you.

I urge you to reconsider your position on this matter.

This nation is built on immigration and we will always need it for various legit reasons.

But we have too much right now that is putting American citizens out of work, mostly minorities and teens, and these illegals are bringing in disease and provide support to criminal networks that even terrorists may some day exploit.

These people are not so blindly bigoted as you seem to think they are. They have every right to be sick and tired of the botched management of immigration we have now.

Your take on this sadly discredits you.

Don't be sad. I have never defended illegal immigration. I have posted hundreds and hundreds of times that it is a very serious problem and that the government is derelict in its duty to protect our borders and secure our sovereignty.

Bitchboy there is not a serious interlocutor taking a reasoned position on anything. He is a drooling moron who becomes obsessed with whatever the object of his fear might be at a given time. He was here under another screen name long ago when he posted hundreds and hundreds of repetitive, pointless hate posts about Muslims that consisted of a few words of his own, perhaps some plagiarized words from someone else and - invariably - an oversized photo that he seems to consider the epitome of intelligent discussion. You discredit yourself if you take a moron like him seriously. Go ahead and peruse his posting history under this current screen name and see if I'm mistaken in my assessment. Blind, cowardly hatred is not a legitimate argument for anything, and mental illness is not a political position. Empty-headed cowards like him only provide ammunition for those who would try to shout down reasonable opposition to ILLEGAL immigration with charges of "racism" or "xenophobia." To be sure, those who try to do so are nearly as stupid as Bitchboy himself, but you don't take them seriously, do you?
Yes indeed, having a law which was to PROTECT those from HUMAN TRAFFICING, and now subverted by the leftist vote hungry Obuma regime, as they have demonstrably changed the PASSED ACA law over 3 dozen times, is all Bush's fault....Don't you idiots ever tell the truth?

Do you know the difference between" MEXICAN" children and those from Central America?

Well actually there is very little difference except where one CLAIMS to be from, since they do NOT have passports, or any kind of ID.... you just take their WORD for it.... Can you tell the difference LOOKING at them?

You do know what HUMAN TRAFFICING is, go look it up, and then tell me that this regime hasn't subverted the law into what THEY want it to mean, against the ORIGINAL intent! Are you really this hopelessly indoctrinated in "subversivism?"

This has got to be one of the dumbest statements that I have ever read on this topic. You are so enamored with the word "subversive" that it has stunted your ability to see the obvious.

Those who sent those illegal immigrants here probably have a better understanding of the law that Bush lmplemented than most who live here.

They are aware of the fact that sending them back would be a lengthy process just based on what the law requires.

That being said, they will continue to send them, and even though the POTUS wants to change the law, he will be stifled like he has been on numerous issues by self centered obstructionists.
FACT, All leading experts predicted Republicans would take back the U. S. Senate before any immigration problems came up.

FACT, After the prisoner exchange of five Al Quada for one possibly traitorous American soldier, and the VA scandal Obama's popularity hit 40%.

FACT, When Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona squarely blamed Obama for the illegal immigrant surge, Obama had nothing to say.

FACT, President Obama stated publicly that he would use "Executive Privilege" if necessary to assure illegals protection under the law. American taxpayers quickly realized that we would AGAIN, be picking up the bills for the freeloaders.

FACT, A community in Virginia and California refused to take the illegal freeloaders from the Federal Government.

FACT, Obama may be realizing he could become the first African-American POTUS to be impeached, and agreed to spend $2 BILLION on more Border Patrol and Deportation Judges.

FACT, With $2 BILLION and a Republican Congress in November 2014 we will probably have the resources to deport all 12,000,000+ illegal Hispanics.

FACT, Even White Obama Democrats are jumping ship on the President's support for the illegals. Every Hispanic allowed in, pulls votes away from Democrats. It has become an evening ritual on the network news. Last weekend Congressional Democrats began stating publicly that Obama is wrong in what he is doing. If Obama is not worrying about his legacy in the history books right now, he is a fool.

WHAT TO DO? Write your member of Congress, and put the pressure on the beaners. If a demonstration is happening near you, take the day and join it.

Don't take my word for it, here is the CBS News Report from yesterday.

Powerful, Illinois, Democratic U. S. Senator Dick Durban takes a strong stand.

"The administration has blamed the surge in unaccompanied minors on violence and unrest in Central America, particularly in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, where a growing number of parents have dispatched their children to the U.S., often unaccompanied, in a blind shot at a better future."

Who's getting rich(er) from increasing the levels of unrest and violence in Central America?

Those who prosper from private profits and socialized costs.

Who's to blame for the flood of children at the U.S.-Mexico border? - CBS News

CBS QUOTES the Manchurian mulim for the idea that increasing violence in Central America is the cause..Never doing any REAL JOURNALISM and checking that lie out!.. The Manchurian muslim also blamed Benghazi on a video...both HUGE LIES. Having been checking world news for Central American violence has brought up NOTHING different than there has been for the last few years!

You LOW IQ posters and regime enablers are simply STUPID, FUCKING, MORONS to think some of us don't check on this shit!
You haven't been paying attention:

"LAST year Hondurans were about 80 times more likely than Western Europeans to be murdered. For men in their 20s, the odds were four times worse again. Poverty and a history of military rule meant that Honduras was never especially safe. But the murder rate has nearly doubled in the past five years. Barring war zones, this makes Honduras by most reckonings the most violent country in the world."

Barry deserves credit for what's happened in Honduras and Libya, but apparently some of us can't hold two thoughts in our minds at the same time:badgrin:

Violence in Honduras: The eye of the storm | The Economist
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

Good thing we have so many foreigners in this country to tell us what being a real American means.
It isn't racism. Why is everything racism? To keep the great divide.

It is fear and anger and the reason is the media. The media has stirred everyone up like they always do.

I think this is a republican and democrat creation. And it seems both Obama and Boehner want to let them all stay.
Do you know the difference between" MEXICAN" children and those from Central America?

Well actually there is very little difference except where one CLAIMS to be from, since they do NOT have passports, or any kind of ID.... you just take their WORD for it.... Can you tell the difference LOOKING at them?

You do know what HUMAN TRAFFICING is, go look it up, and then tell me that this regime hasn't subverted the law into what THEY want it to mean, against the ORIGINAL intent! Are you really this hopelessly indoctrinated in "subversivism?"

This has got to be one of the dumbest statements that I have ever read on this topic. You are so enamored with the word "subversive" that it has stunted your ability to see the obvious.

Those who sent those illegal immigrants here probably have a better understanding of the law that Bush lmplemented than most who live here.

They are aware of the fact that sending them back would be a lengthy process just based on what the law requires.

That being said, they will continue to send them, and even though the POTUS wants to change the law, he will be stifled like he has been on numerous issues by self centered obstructionists.

Perhaps, if you did some research you would have found out that the LAW being used to keep the little invaders is a 2000 Bill Clinton signed act called "The Trafficking Victims Protection Act into law in 2000. Congress subsequently reauthorized the Act in 2003, 2005, and 2008. It is the United States' initial attempt to combat modern slavery.
The Act targets sex slavery, child labor, debtor servitude, involuntary servitude and other conditions now known as "human trafficking."

Shit for brains, I'm NOT going to do research for you, but do like sticking this into SUBVERSIVES faces! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
"The administration has blamed the surge in unaccompanied minors on violence and unrest in Central America, particularly in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, where a growing number of parents have dispatched their children to the U.S., often unaccompanied, in a blind shot at a better future."

Who's getting rich(er) from increasing the levels of unrest and violence in Central America?

Those who prosper from private profits and socialized costs.

Who's to blame for the flood of children at the U.S.-Mexico border? - CBS News

CBS QUOTES the Manchurian mulim for the idea that increasing violence in Central America is the cause..Never doing any REAL JOURNALISM and checking that lie out!.. The Manchurian muslim also blamed Benghazi on a video...both HUGE LIES. Having been checking world news for Central American violence has brought up NOTHING different than there has been for the last few years!

You LOW IQ posters and regime enablers are simply STUPID, FUCKING, MORONS to think some of us don't check on this shit!
You haven't been paying attention:

"LAST year Hondurans were about 80 times more likely than Western Europeans to be murdered. For men in their 20s, the odds were four times worse again. Poverty and a history of military rule meant that Honduras was never especially safe. But the murder rate has nearly doubled in the past five years. Barring war zones, this makes Honduras by most reckonings the most violent country in the world."

Barry deserves credit for what's happened in Honduras and Libya, but apparently some of us can't hold two thoughts in our minds at the same time:badgrin:

Violence in Hondura that MURDER RATE is no difference than us: The eye of the storm | The Economist

GeorgiePorgie, that MURDER NUMBER has remained basically the same for at least 3 years, and probably longer! SioHY NOW, are these illegal, diseased, invaders coming to America, well asshole, because they were invited by the Manchurian muslim when he instituted his DREAERS LIST for 800,000 illegal kids already here!..... AND....


Barry sucks ass, and you suck his cock, for believing the bullshit that YOU never research! Damn, it's difficult trying to explain this shit to 2 digit IQ'd subversives.... they simply DON'T check it out, and CONTINUE to spread lies and bullshit.... Fucking Marxist zombies are the closest I can describe these pathetic excuses for citizens!
The internet is loaded with images like this. This is a national celebration, and everyone has the same message in mind. "Get the Spics out."


And, Unkotar you are on "ignore" so please do not expect me to respond to your drivel.

This is a time for Americans to use the Texas phrase, "Yee Haw," we are taking our country back from the freeloaders. The more Spics that land in California, the more White Democrats are turning Republican!

White Democrats?

Lol, those are like those Jewish Capos in the Death camps who would stuff as many of the other Jews in the ovens for an extra slice of potato for the Nazis.

White Democrats are exactly the same breed of animal; not just self hating, but hate their whole race.

Pathetic fascist bastards.​

Nothing like the smell of poster desperation to get my adrenalin flowing. Everyone is tired of the comparison between Hitler, and American immigration law. Whenever I hear this I picture some desperate Wetback trying to justify his illegal entry to the United States.

Jews, gays, and those not Nazi enough were sent to death camps because they did not fit the image of Germans in the mind of a madman. They had done nothing other than exist.

Wetbacks, break and enter our country illegally without papers disrespecting our laws, then they steal from the taxpayer who is trying to provide welfare to OUR unfortunate citizens. No one really gives a damn about these freeloaders. Americans are just beginning to learn what wealthy Central and South Americans already know. Spics are just a nuscience when they have children they can not afford to feed. They are stupid, and need to be removed from the gene pool. These freeloaders, that drain American resources needlessly. Shoot-to-kill works, we can wrap this problem up in 48 hours. Bullets and body bags are cheaper than Food Stamps.


We can stop this parade permanently in 48 hours. Let the bulldozers do the clean-up.
Not the lawyers.


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CBS QUOTES the Manchurian mulim for the idea that increasing violence in Central America is the cause..Never doing any REAL JOURNALISM and checking that lie out!.. The Manchurian muslim also blamed Benghazi on a video...both HUGE LIES. Having been checking world news for Central American violence has brought up NOTHING different than there has been for the last few years!

You LOW IQ posters and regime enablers are simply STUPID, FUCKING, MORONS to think some of us don't check on this shit!
You haven't been paying attention:

"LAST year Hondurans were about 80 times more likely than Western Europeans to be murdered. For men in their 20s, the odds were four times worse again. Poverty and a history of military rule meant that Honduras was never especially safe. But the murder rate has nearly doubled in the past five years. Barring war zones, this makes Honduras by most reckonings the most violent country in the world."

Barry deserves credit for what's happened in Honduras and Libya, but apparently some of us can't hold two thoughts in our minds at the same time:badgrin:

Violence in Hondura that MURDER RATE is no difference than us: The eye of the storm | The Economist

GeorgiePorgie, that MURDER NUMBER has remained basically the same for at least 3 years, and probably longer! SioHY NOW, are these illegal, diseased, invaders coming to America, well asshole, because they were invited by the Manchurian muslim when he instituted his DREAERS LIST for 800,000 illegal kids already here!..... AND....


Barry sucks ass, and you suck his cock, for believing the bullshit that YOU never research! Damn, it's difficult trying to explain this shit to 2 digit IQ'd subversives.... they simply DON'T check it out, and CONTINUE to spread lies and bullshit.... Fucking Marxist zombies are the closest I can describe these pathetic excuses for citizens!
You need to step outside the echo chamber:

"Honduras has the world's highest murder rate, according to a United Nations report released on Thursday.

"There were 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Honduras in 2012, according to this year's report from the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime."

Obama's no worse than Bush and both deserve to die in prison, but it just might be that RACIST kool-aid has switched off a fair number of your neurons, you know?

U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list -
You haven't been paying attention:

"LAST year Hondurans were about 80 times more likely than Western Europeans to be murdered. For men in their 20s, the odds were four times worse again. Poverty and a history of military rule meant that Honduras was never especially safe. But the murder rate has nearly doubled in the past five years. Barring war zones, this makes Honduras by most reckonings the most violent country in the world."

Barry deserves credit for what's happened in Honduras and Libya, but apparently some of us can't hold two thoughts in our minds at the same time:badgrin:

Violence in Hondura that MURDER RATE is no difference than us: The eye of the storm | The Economist

GeorgiePorgie, that MURDER NUMBER has remained basically the same for at least 3 years, and probably longer! SioHY NOW, are these illegal, diseased, invaders coming to America, well asshole, because they were invited by the Manchurian muslim when he instituted his DREAERS LIST for 800,000 illegal kids already here!..... AND....

Barry sucks ass, and you suck his cock, for believing the bullshit that YOU never research! Damn, it's difficult trying to explain this shit to 2 digit IQ'd subversives.... they simply DON'T check it out, and CONTINUE to spread lies and bullshit.... Fucking Marxist zombies are the closest I can describe these pathetic excuses for citizens!
You need to step outside the echo chamber:

"Honduras has the world's highest murder rate, according to a United Nations report released on Thursday.

"There were 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Honduras in 2012, according to this year's report from the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime."

Obama's no worse than Bush and both deserve to die in prison, but it just might be that RACIST kool-aid has switched off a fair number of your neurons, you know?

U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list -

Look, everyone is tired of the horror stories of Central America.

Did the United States cause this to happen? No.

Did the United States tell these ignorant third-worlders to have babys they can not afford? No.

Yet overpopulation was identified as a global problem over 100 years ago, Human overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and the Spics have done nothing about it. Let these idiots drown in their own feces.


This not an American problem. We need to get these freeloading Spics out of our country the cheapest way we can. Looks like the bullet is the most efficient to me. (Kind of nice having words like "Wetback," "Beaner," and "****" be politically correct again, isn't it? We Americans like to demonize our enemies. Illegals are invaders, which makes them enemies).
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