Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

Those busload of men don't look like children. They look like cartel hit men and drug mules.
Good thing Your ancestors were able to obtain all those things when they came to America.
... legally.

refugees often don't have proper papers.

or would you have sent back the boats of escapees from Nazi Germany, too?

That is a cruel question; Voyage of the Damned is an apt description, heartbreaking book. Who was at fault? Cuba, the USA, or canada? Or all of the mentioned.....

Telephone records show the situation was discussed by the American officials Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury. These members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's cabinet tried to persuade Cuba to accept the refugees. Their actions, together with efforts of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, were not successful.[9]

Prohibited from landing in Cuba, Captain Schröder took the ship and its passengers to Florida. It is unknown why Schröder did not proceed to the Dominican Republic, as its officials at the Evian Conference in July 1938 offered to accept 100,000 Jews. Some histories recount that on June 4, 1939, Schröder believed he was being prevented from trying to land St. Louis on the Florida shore. Material from that time was conflicting. According to the authors Rabbi Ted Falcon & David Blatner in Judaism for Dummies, when the “St Louis was turned away from Cuba…, America not only refused their entry but even fired a warning shot to keep them away from Florida’s shores”.[10] Legally the refugees could not enter the United States on tourist visas, as they had no return addresses. The U.S. had passed the Immigration Act of 1924 that restricted numbers of "new" immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.

Schröder said that he circled off the coast of Florida after leaving Cuba, hoping for permission to enter the United States. At one point, he considered running aground along the coast to allow the refugees to escape. He was shadowed by US Coast Guard vessels that prevented such a move. US Coast Guard historians maintain the two cutters involved were not ordered to turn away St. Louis but dispatched "out of concern for those on board".[11] Ultimately the United States did not provide for entry of the refugees.[11] As the St. Louis was turned away from the United States, a group of academics and clergy in Canada tried to persuade the nation's Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, to provide sanctuary to the ship's passengers, as it was only two days from Halifax, Nova Scotia.[12] But, Canadian immigration officials and cabinet ministers hostile to Jewish immigration persuaded the Prime Minister on June 9 not to intervene.[13]
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... legally.

refugees often don't have proper papers.

or would you have sent back the boats of escapees from Nazi Germany, too?

That is a cruel question; Voyage of the Damned is an apt description, heartbreaking book. Who was at fault? Cuba, the USA, or canada? Or all of the mentioned.....

Telephone records show the situation was discussed by the American officials Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, and Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury. These members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's cabinet tried to persuade Cuba to accept the refugees. Their actions, together with efforts of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, were not successful.[9]

Prohibited from landing in Cuba, Captain Schröder took the ship and its passengers to Florida. It is unknown why Schröder did not proceed to the Dominican Republic, as its officials at the Evian Conference in July 1938 offered to accept 100,000 Jews. Some histories recount that on June 4, 1939, Schröder believed he was being prevented from trying to land St. Louis on the Florida shore. Material from that time was conflicting. According to the authors Rabbi Ted Falcon & David Blatner in Judaism for Dummies, when the “St Louis was turned away from Cuba…, America not only refused their entry but even fired a warning shot to keep them away from Florida’s shores”.[10] Legally the refugees could not enter the United States on tourist visas, as they had no return addresses. The U.S. had passed the Immigration Act of 1924 that restricted numbers of "new" immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.

Schröder said that he circled off the coast of Florida after leaving Cuba, hoping for permission to enter the United States. At one point, he considered running aground along the coast to allow the refugees to escape. He was shadowed by US Coast Guard vessels that prevented such a move. US Coast Guard historians maintain the two cutters involved were not ordered to turn away St. Louis but dispatched "out of concern for those on board".[11] Ultimately the United States did not provide for entry of the refugees.[11] As the St. Louis was turned away from the United States, a group of academics and clergy in Canada tried to persuade the nation's Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, to provide sanctuary to the ship's passengers, as it was only two days from Halifax, Nova Scotia.[12] But, Canadian immigration officials and cabinet ministers hostile to Jewish immigration persuaded the Prime Minister on June 9 not to intervene.[13]

The fucking scumbag FDR strikes again.

Yes indeed, having a law which was to PROTECT those from HUMAN TRAFFICING, and now subverted by the leftist vote hungry Obuma regime, as they have demonstrably changed the PASSED ACA law over 3 dozen times, is all Bush's fault....Don't you idiots ever tell the truth?

Do you know the difference between" MEXICAN" children and those from Central America?

Yes indeed, having a law which was to PROTECT those from HUMAN TRAFFICING, and now subverted by the leftist vote hungry Obuma regime, as they have demonstrably changed the PASSED ACA law over 3 dozen times, is all Bush's fault....Don't you idiots ever tell the truth?

Do you know the difference between" MEXICAN" children and those from Central America?

Well actually there is very little difference except where one CLAIMS to be from, since they do NOT have passports, or any kind of ID.... you just take their WORD for it.... Can you tell the difference LOOKING at them?

You do know what HUMAN TRAFFICING is, go look it up, and then tell me that this regime hasn't subverted the law into what THEY want it to mean, against the ORIGINAL intent! Are you really this hopelessly indoctrinated in "subversivism?"
Holy shit. You are a walking drooling cliche. You are the epitome of liberal simplicity. And I DO mean simple-mindedness.

You have your completely baseless (false) stereotype, and you trot it out and out and out and out and out and out ... and out. . . .

You are even boring in technicolor.

anyway, it is not conservatives who are responsible for killing people. It's you utterly filthy liberals, "progressives," socialists and "communists" who reign in that realm.

In any case, I realize why you find it endlessly necessary to duck the question. Cowards like you always run from tough questions which would compel you to face (much less to have to admit) that your claims are false.

I'll assist you, you utter pussy. MEXICO will NOT accept the Hondurans because MEXICO (a filthy lib cesspool) is committed to a policy that is nationalistic and kind of racist in nature -- by design. Libs will be libs, after all.

And they CERTAINLY wouldn't want to assume the burden of PAYING for all those immigrants. No no. THAT, as YOU know, is entirely the job of the American government and the citizens of the United States. Why? Well, "because." That's YOUR answer, you gutless utterly dishonest douche bag. Of course, you won't admit it. You pussy.
You are stuck on Rich, Bitch.
Of course you want the PROFITS that stem from weapons sales into Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (not to mention the RETURNS from illegal drugs grown in the region and laundered by your fellow blood suckers on Wall Street). Naturally you want to SOCIALIZE the cost of rising levels of Central American violence that stem directly from your BABY KILLING, war whoring, conservative holy fucks. Nothing ever changes for cowards like you, does it. Maybe you should take your useless chicken-shit cadaver and get a little closer to the killing?

Yeah , and you're ugly, Mr.Poopy-Pants.
What would Spiro say?

"The unaccompanied children crossing the border into the United States are leaving behind mainly 3 Central American countries, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. The first two are among the world's most violent and all three have deep poverty, according to a Pew Research report based on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) information.

"The top three municipalities sending children to the U.S. are all in Honduras. Leading the list is San Pedro Sula, the world's murder capital last year, with a homicide rate of 187 homicides per 100,000 residents, driven mainly by gang and drug trafficking violence. "

Border Children From Among World's Most Violent Countries - NBC News
You are stuck on Rich, Bitch.
Of course you want the PROFITS that stem from weapons sales into Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico (not to mention the RETURNS from illegal drugs grown in the region and laundered by your fellow blood suckers on Wall Street). Naturally you want to SOCIALIZE the cost of rising levels of Central American violence that stem directly from your BABY KILLING, war whoring, conservative holy fucks. Nothing ever changes for cowards like you, does it. Maybe you should take your useless chicken-shit cadaver and get a little closer to the killing?

Yeah , and you're ugly, Mr.Poopy-Pants.
What would Spiro say?

"The unaccompanied children crossing the border into the United States are leaving behind mainly 3 Central American countries, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. The first two are among the world's most violent and all three have deep poverty, according to a Pew Research report based on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) information.

"The top three municipalities sending children to the U.S. are all in Honduras. Leading the list is San Pedro Sula, the world's murder capital last year, with a homicide rate of 187 homicides per 100,000 residents, driven mainly by gang and drug trafficking violence. "

Border Children From Among World's Most Violent Countries - NBC News

georgieporgie is lost in a sea of his own mindless and largely baseless rhetoric trying to make some kind of "point." But he's pointless as are the things he mutters.

Meanwhile, the poor addled mindless douche, communist lapdog georgieporky, still cannot and WILL NOT answer the question. Exactly how is the responsibility of America and her citizens to provide care, shelter, food, medicine, etc to the poor Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans who are being led to our borders?

On no! A QUESTION! Better run away again georgiedouchebag.
" You will defeat yourselves, and the new Republican Congress will clean up the mess that is left starting next January. Suddenly, the Second Amendment is looking very worthwhile to Americans. REAL Americans have been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity to get Hispanics out of our wallets. "

I'm so glad that the upcoming Republican congress is going to clean up illegal immigration. But tell me, are they going to do as good a job doing that as the last republican congress? Maybe they will solve the immigration problem like Reagan did, by granting asylum.

It is all academic, because the people of the USA are never going to allow folks like you to turn this country into a dictatorship while you shred the Constitution.

Better find a plan B. Nobody is going to shoot anybody, and there is going to be no martial law. Of Course, you are free to rant about stuff like that all you want, for what it is worth.

Man you are getting ridiculous. People like me are America. We understand the bumper sticker in my signature. It nullifies any accusations of racism. This is about money, not race. Americans are tired of their tax dollars going to help the Spics, (a word that is now politically correct again ~ Americans like to demonize our enemies).

As you speak of Plan B and Martial Law I hear desperation in your voice. Perhaps I am ranting with joy as a dream I have dreamed for years is coming true. The more noise the Spics make, the more white Democrats will vote Republican this November!! Families like mine have been here almost 300 years, do you actually think we will just give America to beaner freeloaders? I was an Eagle Scout. I know better!!!

We own this country, and will run it as we see fit. Oh, yes, we believe in our founding documents as GUIDELINES that we interpret with our SCOTUS. The deck as they say is STACKED. Third-Worlders do not understand polite, but they do understand pain. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary.Then we wave the flag over the whole thing, call it democracy, and make you believe it is what you wanted all along. :lol: Maybe we should be looking into your family heritage.

Problem is simple overpopulation. Too many Spics, and they have to go. We will just use an updated version of Ike's approach. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary. Again, Americans have far too generous, and waited too long to clean up this mess. I am loving every minute of this.


Good luck with your martial law and shooting beaners, Archie Bunker! I really am posting out of desperation, because I am deeply afraid that you will bore the hell out of everyone with your dream of sending spics to the headsman, just like good old Hank the VIII would have done!:badgrin:

Lesson learned long ago at USMB. If you truly bore someone they just quietly go away. If you strike a nerve in them they post. However, they always come back to see what will happen next.

Often they are hoping someone will "put me in my place." Any way I look at it, I have your attention, and that is the first step to changing people's minds. After all you did use the word "spics" in your post, that is progress.

Isn't it wonderful, the word "****" is politically correct again? We Americans always demonize our enemies. Remember, "rag-head?" Did you enjoy the way I used words to take you from "illegal alien," to "****," to "Enemy?" God, I love our language.


And hey, it is not like I want to draw and quarter illegal aliens, and put their heads on a pike like my ancestors would have done in Henry VIII's time. I just want them out, all 12,000,000+. If you met me, you would react that you had just met a soft-spoken corpy. I have been waiting for this for a very long time.


Just can't beat the realism of great HD color photography to bring you into the experience.

You see every time another plane full of illegal freeloaders arrives, White Democrats start turning Republican. As an independent voter, I enjoy the show.......Oh, hell, I am beside myself with JOY. Both Houses of Congress going Republican and Obama willing to sign a $2 BILLION dollar bill for more Border Patrol and Deportation judges! And, all this four months before a national election. Carl Rove, you have outdone yourself. It is Christmas in July!!! :ack-1: :mm::mm::mm::flameth:
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Troll 'warwulf' needs to add something to the act. It's already a bore.

The great thing about the internet is that if you do not like what you see in one message board forum, you can go to another. I don't think you are bored, I think you are scared.

I am confident that the American people have seen illegal immigrants for the overpopulating freeloaders they are. In the end we will take a page from Bill Clinton's book on Elian Gonzales. This approach is proven to work. Thank you Vigilante for letting me steal from your posting.


Polite doesn't work. Freeloaders only understand fear. Don't shoot the messenger.

Clinton decided that this kid didn't belong here........

Great! One less for American taxpayers to deport.


The internet is loaded with images like this. This is a national celebration, and everyone has the same message in mind. "Get the Spics out."


And, Unkotar you are on "ignore" so please do not expect me to respond to your drivel.

This is a time for Americans to use the Texas phrase, "Yee Haw," we are taking our country back from the freeloaders. The more Spics that land in California, the more White Democrats are turning Republican!


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The Coyote in Chief will let them stay here. Bet on it. Congress should deny him his 2Billion dollar request.
The Coyote in Chief will let them stay here. Bet on it. Congress should deny him his 2Billion dollar request.

FACT, All leading experts predicted Republicans would take back the U. S. Senate before any immigration problems came up.

FACT, After the prisoner exchange of five Al Quada for one possibly traitorous American soldier, and the VA scandal Obama's popularity hit 40%.

FACT, When Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona squarely blamed Obama for the illegal immigrant surge, Obama had nothing to say.

FACT, President Obama stated publicly that he would use "Executive Privilege" if necessary to assure illegals protection under the law. American taxpayers quickly realized that we would AGAIN, be picking up the bills for the freeloaders.

FACT, A community in Virginia and California refused to take the illegal freeloaders from the Federal Government.

FACT, Obama may be realizing he could become the first African-American POTUS to be impeached, and agreed to spend $2 BILLION on more Border Patrol and Deportation Judges.

FACT, With $2 BILLION and a Republican Congress in November 2014 we will probably have the resources to deport all 12,000,000+ illegal Hispanics.

FACT, Even White Obama Democrats are jumping ship on the President's support for the illegals. Every Hispanic allowed in, pulls votes away from Democrats. It has become an evening ritual on the network news. Last weekend Congressional Democrats began stating publicly that Obama is wrong in what he is doing. If Obama is not worrying about his legacy in the history books right now, he is a fool.

WHAT TO DO? Write your member of Congress, and put the pressure on the beaners. If a demonstration is happening near you, take the day and join it.

Don't take my word for it, here is the CBS News Report from yesterday.

Powerful, Illinois, Democratic U. S. Senator Dick Durban takes a strong stand.

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Good luck with your message in Pacific Palisades, Beachboy. Most of the people there are rich jewish democrats who love their cheap third world coolie labor.
Bitchboy is just a hateful moron who likes to play with pictures. Nothing more.
The Coyote in Chief will let them stay here. Bet on it. Congress should deny him his 2Billion dollar request.

FACT, All leading experts predicted Republicans would take back the U. S. Senate before any immigration problems came up.

FACT, After the prisoner exchange of five Al Quada for one possibly traitorous American soldier, and the VA scandal Obama's popularity hit 40%.

FACT, When Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona squarely blamed Obama for the illegal immigrant surge, Obama had nothing to say.

FACT, President Obama stated publicly that he would use "Executive Privilege" if necessary to assure illegals protection under the law. American taxpayers quickly realized that we would AGAIN, be picking up the bills for the freeloaders.

FACT, A community in Virginia and California refused to take the illegal freeloaders from the Federal Government.

FACT, Obama may be realizing he could become the first African-American POTUS to be impeached, and agreed to spend $2 BILLION on more Border Patrol and Deportation Judges.

FACT, With $2 BILLION and a Republican Congress in November 2014 we will probably have the resources to deport all 12,000,000+ illegal Hispanics.

FACT, Even White Obama Democrats are jumping ship on the President's support for the illegals. Every Hispanic allowed in, pulls votes away from Democrats. It has become an evening ritual on the network news. Last weekend Congressional Democrats began stating publicly that Obama is wrong in what he is doing. If Obama is not worrying about his legacy in the history books right now, he is a fool.

WHAT TO DO? Write your member of Congress, and put the pressure on the beaners. If a demonstration is happening near you, take the day and join it.

Don't take my word for it, here is the CBS News Report from yesterday.

Powerful, Illinois, Democratic U. S. Senator Dick Durban takes a strong stand.

"The administration has blamed the surge in unaccompanied minors on violence and unrest in Central America, particularly in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, where a growing number of parents have dispatched their children to the U.S., often unaccompanied, in a blind shot at a better future."

Who's getting rich(er) from increasing the levels of unrest and violence in Central America?

Those who prosper from private profits and socialized costs.

Who's to blame for the flood of children at the U.S.-Mexico border? - CBS News

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