Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away


I'm ashamed of my old state.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

QUICK! Someone call the freak a WAAAAHHHHHMMMBULANCE! Here's a newsflash for you: these criminal ILLEGALS don't have a clue either so STFU you commie traitor. Why don't you move to China or Mexico since you love them so much.
These kids remind me of gang members in Los Angles.

How long will it be before they're committing armed robberies and drivebys?

Troll 'warwulf' needs to add something to the act. It's already a bore.
Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?

YOU just ducked the questions AGAIN.

First of all, anybody's capital is welcome. SECONDLY, LOTS of Hondurans are welcome here (and LOTS of Hondurans ARE here, legally, and HAVE been for many years), and if they want to become part of the labor force, that's GREAT.

Your question is simply false. Now, there's no surprise from a dishonest hack like you.

NOW back to the question you ducked.

WHY is it the obligation of the United States and her citizens to bear the massive cost of uncontrolled immigration from other nations?

You duck that legitimate question because you'd rather throw out your baseless asshole propaganda allegations of conservative racism. Meanwhile it is the liberals and the Democratics who have the history of racism. Conservatives? No such history. In short, you lied and you are a liar and a coward for ducking the question. You gutless pussy propagandist piece of diseased shit.
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Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?

YOU just ducked the questions AGAIN.

First of all, anybody's capital is welcome. SECONDLY, LOTS of Hondurans are welcome here (and LOTS of Hondurans ARE here, legally, and HAVE been for many years), and if they want to become part of the labor force, that's GREAT.

Your question is simply false. Now, there's no surprise from a dishonest hack like you.

NOW back to the question you ducked.

WHY is it the obligation of the United States and her citizens to bear the massive cost of uncontrolled immigration from other nations?

You duck that legitimate question because you'd rather throw out your baseless asshole propaganda allegations of conservative racism. Meanwhile it is the liberals and the Democratics who have the history of racism. Conservatives? No such history. In short, you lied and you are a liar and a coward for ducking the question. You gutless pussy propagandist piece of diseased shit.
What's the matter Curtis LeMay...all dressed up but can't find any kids to kill?
The US is responsible for the recent wave of migrants from Central America because the US is contributing to rising violence levels in countries like Honduras:

"U.S. security funding to Honduras was briefly suspended following the June 2009 military coup. But by the following year the United States had resumed funding at a higher rate than before the coup, even though the Center for Justice and International Law noted that 'high-ranking Army officers or former members of the Army against whom complaints were brought for their participation in the coup d’état, are occupying executive positions in government offices.'

"In November of 2011 the Honduran government began sending military patrols into the streets to fight common crime, and in August of 2013 a new Military Police for Public Order was created, tasked with cracking down on gang activity.

"Military involvement in policing duties had been prohibited under the Honduran constitution, but in January of 2014 the country’s legislature amended the constitution to permit a military police force.

"Though the U.S. government has remained silent regarding military involvement in law enforcement activities, the steady increase of U.S. assistance to national armed forces has, if anything, been an indicator of tacit U.S. support.

"But the U.S. role in militarization of national police forces has been direct as well. In 2011 and 2012, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Foreign-deployed Advisory Support Team (FAST)—which had previously carried out military-style missions in Afghanistan—set up camp in Honduras to train a local counternarcotics police unit and help plan and execute drug interdiction operations in the Mosquitia, a remote region in eastern Honduras that has recently become a hub for the transit of drug shipments northward."

The U.S. Re-militarization of Central America and Mexico | Op-Eds & Columns

Conservative shit-stains will try to argue FAST style butchery is Honduras is designed to slow down the flow of drugs when its intent is exactly the opposite, as proved by its success in Afghanistan's heroin trade.

Conservative bitches need that $600 billion a year in laundered drug profits to fund the CIA black ops across the globe. It's just a real shame so many of you baby killers never find out what your violence does to other people's children.
" You will defeat yourselves, and the new Republican Congress will clean up the mess that is left starting next January. Suddenly, the Second Amendment is looking very worthwhile to Americans. REAL Americans have been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity to get Hispanics out of our wallets. "

I'm so glad that the upcoming Republican congress is going to clean up illegal immigration. But tell me, are they going to do as good a job doing that as the last republican congress? Maybe they will solve the immigration problem like Reagan did, by granting asylum.

It is all academic, because the people of the USA are never going to allow folks like you to turn this country into a dictatorship while you shred the Constitution.

Better find a plan B. Nobody is going to shoot anybody, and there is going to be no martial law. Of Course, you are free to rant about stuff like that all you want, for what it is worth.

Man you are getting ridiculous. People like me are America. We understand the bumper sticker in my signature. It nullifies any accusations of racism. This is about money, not race. Americans are tired of their tax dollars going to help the Spics, (a word that is now politically correct again ~ Americans like to demonize our enemies).

As you speak of Plan B and Martial Law I hear desperation in your voice. Perhaps I am ranting with joy as a dream I have dreamed for years is coming true. The more noise the Spics make, the more white Democrats will vote Republican this November!! Families like mine have been here almost 300 years, do you actually think we will just give America to beaner freeloaders? I was an Eagle Scout. I know better!!!

We own this country, and will run it as we see fit. Oh, yes, we believe in our founding documents as GUIDELINES that we interpret with our SCOTUS. The deck as they say is STACKED. Third-Worlders do not understand polite, but they do understand pain. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary.Then we wave the flag over the whole thing, call it democracy, and make you believe it is what you wanted all along. :lol: Maybe we should be looking into your family heritage.

Problem is simple overpopulation. Too many Spics, and they have to go. We will just use an updated version of Ike's approach. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary. Again, Americans have far too generous, and waited too long to clean up this mess. I am loving every minute of this.

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Troll 'warwulf' needs to add something to the act. It's already a bore.

The great thing about the internet is that if you do not like what you see in one message board forum, you can go to another. I don't think you are bored, I think you are scared.

I am confident that the American people have seen illegal immigrants for the overpopulating freeloaders they are. In the end we will take a page from Bill Clinton's book on Elian Gonzales. This approach is proven to work. Thank you Vigilante for letting me steal from your posting.


Polite doesn't work. Freeloaders only understand fear. Don't shoot the messenger.
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Thank you Central America for making the word "****" politically correct again!
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?

YOU just ducked the questions AGAIN.

First of all, anybody's capital is welcome. SECONDLY, LOTS of Hondurans are welcome here (and LOTS of Hondurans ARE here, legally, and HAVE been for many years), and if they want to become part of the labor force, that's GREAT.

Your question is simply false. Now, there's no surprise from a dishonest hack like you.

NOW back to the question you ducked.

WHY is it the obligation of the United States and her citizens to bear the massive cost of uncontrolled immigration from other nations?

You duck that legitimate question because you'd rather throw out your baseless asshole propaganda allegations of conservative racism. Meanwhile it is the liberals and the Democratics who have the history of racism. Conservatives? No such history. In short, you lied and you are a liar and a coward for ducking the question. You gutless pussy propagandist piece of diseased shit.
What's the matter Curtis LeMay...all dressed up but can't find any kids to kill?
The US is responsible for the recent wave of migrants from Central America because the US is contributing to rising violence levels in countries like Honduras:

"U.S. security funding to Honduras was briefly suspended following the June 2009 military coup. But by the following year the United States had resumed funding at a higher rate than before the coup, even though the Center for Justice and International Law noted that 'high-ranking Army officers or former members of the Army against whom complaints were brought for their participation in the coup d’état, are occupying executive positions in government offices.'

"In November of 2011 the Honduran government began sending military patrols into the streets to fight common crime, and in August of 2013 a new Military Police for Public Order was created, tasked with cracking down on gang activity.

"Military involvement in policing duties had been prohibited under the Honduran constitution, but in January of 2014 the country’s legislature amended the constitution to permit a military police force.

"Though the U.S. government has remained silent regarding military involvement in law enforcement activities, the steady increase of U.S. assistance to national armed forces has, if anything, been an indicator of tacit U.S. support.

"But the U.S. role in militarization of national police forces has been direct as well. In 2011 and 2012, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Foreign-deployed Advisory Support Team (FAST)—which had previously carried out military-style missions in Afghanistan—set up camp in Honduras to train a local counternarcotics police unit and help plan and execute drug interdiction operations in the Mosquitia, a remote region in eastern Honduras that has recently become a hub for the transit of drug shipments northward."

The U.S. Re-militarization of Central America and Mexico | Op-Eds & Columns

Conservative shit-stains will try to argue FAST style butchery is Honduras is designed to slow down the flow of drugs when its intent is exactly the opposite, as proved by its success in Afghanistan's heroin trade.

Conservative bitches need that $600 billion a year in laundered drug profits to fund the CIA black ops across the globe. It's just a real shame so many of you baby killers never find out what your violence does to other people's children.

Holy shit. You are a walking drooling cliche. You are the epitome of liberal simplicity. And I DO mean simple-mindedness.

You have your completely baseless (false) stereotype, and you trot it out and out and out and out and out and out ... and out. . . .

You are even boring in technicolor.

anyway, it is not conservatives who are responsible for killing people. It's you utterly filthy liberals, "progressives," socialists and "communists" who reign in that realm.

In any case, I realize why you find it endlessly necessary to duck the question. Cowards like you always run from tough questions which would compel you to face (much less to have to admit) that your claims are false.

I'll assist you, you utter pussy. MEXICO will NOT accept the Hondurans because MEXICO (a filthy lib cesspool) is committed to a policy that is nationalistic and kind of racist in nature -- by design. Libs will be libs, after all.

And they CERTAINLY wouldn't want to assume the burden of PAYING for all those immigrants. No no. THAT, as YOU know, is entirely the job of the American government and the citizens of the United States. Why? Well, "because." That's YOUR answer, you gutless utterly dishonest douche bag. Of course, you won't admit it. You pussy.
" You will defeat yourselves, and the new Republican Congress will clean up the mess that is left starting next January. Suddenly, the Second Amendment is looking very worthwhile to Americans. REAL Americans have been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity to get Hispanics out of our wallets. "

I'm so glad that the upcoming Republican congress is going to clean up illegal immigration. But tell me, are they going to do as good a job doing that as the last republican congress? Maybe they will solve the immigration problem like Reagan did, by granting asylum.

It is all academic, because the people of the USA are never going to allow folks like you to turn this country into a dictatorship while you shred the Constitution.

Better find a plan B. Nobody is going to shoot anybody, and there is going to be no martial law. Of Course, you are free to rant about stuff like that all you want, for what it is worth.

Man you are getting ridiculous. People like me are America. We understand the bumper sticker in my signature. It nullifies any accusations of racism. This is about money, not race. Americans are tired of their tax dollars going to help the Spics, (a word that is now politically correct again ~ Americans like to demonize our enemies).

As you speak of Plan B and Martial Law I hear desperation in your voice. Perhaps I am ranting with joy as a dream I have dreamed for years is coming true. The more noise the Spics make, the more white Democrats will vote Republican this November!! Families like mine have been here almost 300 years, do you actually think we will just give America to beaner freeloaders? I was an Eagle Scout. I know better!!!

We own this country, and will run it as we see fit. Oh, yes, we believe in our founding documents as GUIDELINES that we interpret with our SCOTUS. The deck as they say is STACKED. Third-Worlders do not understand polite, but they do understand pain. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary.Then we wave the flag over the whole thing, call it democracy, and make you believe it is what you wanted all along. :lol: Maybe we should be looking into your family heritage.

Problem is simple overpopulation. Too many Spics, and they have to go. We will just use an updated version of Ike's approach. Just as Henry VIII ruled England if necessary. Again, Americans have far too generous, and waited too long to clean up this mess. I am loving every minute of this.


Good luck with your martial law and shooting beaners, Archie Bunker! I really am posting out of desperation, because I am deeply afraid that you will bore the hell out of everyone with your dream of sending spics to the headsman, just like good old Hank the VIII would have done!:badgrin:
From the picture on Drudge, those children need a shave. One child looks to be about 35.
Sorry, but the days of 'give us your tired, hungry, and poor' have been LONG OVER!

Then we take down the Statue of Liberty and become what we once fought.

This isn't immigration.....this is an organized invasion.

The difference is back when the Statue of Liberty meant something people came here and went through a process. They were screened to keep out the criminals and they were screened to prevent the spread of diseases. This bunch in the White House just wants to dump them into our cities.

Obama let's them all in. He doesn't care. He doesn't have the time to go to the border and see first-hand what he's done. He has to go to all of the fundraisers he has planned. If it was a bunch of athletes coming out of the closet, Obama would be there in a micro-second. But this is not important enough for Obama to show up.

People are getting to the point that they hate his ass with a passion because of all of the pain and suffering he's causing. I can see now why he was so paranoid when he first took office. He knew then that this was going to happen. This may have been the purpose of those FEMA camps. They weren't for Americans. They were set up to handle all of the illegals he was going to flood America with. Transforming America into a 3rd world country.
Troll 'warwulf' needs to add something to the act. It's already a bore.

The great thing about the internet is that if you do not like what you see in one message board forum, you can go to another. I don't think you are bored, I think you are scared.

I am confident that the American people have seen illegal immigrants for the overpopulating freeloaders they are. In the end we will take a page from Bill Clinton's book on Elian Gonzales. This approach is proven to work. Thank you Vigilante for letting me steal from your posting.


Polite doesn't work. Freeloaders only understand fear. Don't shoot the messenger.

Clinton decided that this kid didn't belong here. He should have been granted refugee status, instead, armed agents held him and his family at gunpoint, and sent him back to Cuba. Our attorney general, Eric Holder, personally did the handoff to Cuban officials at their consulate.

This is Elian today:

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Obama Administration Loses 4 Year-Old Illegal Immigrant Girl (Video)

The Gateway Pundit ^

Gladys Lopez allowed her four year-old illegal immigrant daughter to travel to the US. Now she can’t find her. The Obama administration lost track of the little girl. What happened to the girl remains a mystery. KRGV reported: The Obama Administration has lost track of an illegal immigrant girl. The four-year-old girl is just one of thousands who have been taken into custody by border patrol agents. Gladys Lopez says she was able to speak with her daughter, Eliana, briefly over the phone after she was taken into custody. Lopez hasn’t heard from the girl or immigration authorities since. Lopez...
One of obama's children.

Milton Mateo Garcia, 28, was caught one year ago entering the U.S. illegally across the Mexican border and was deported back to his native Honduras.

But Mr. Garcia soon re-entered the U.S. illegally — federal authorities either don’t know how, or they won’t say. He settled with relatives in Philadelphia, where Mayor Michael Nutter had signed an executive order in April declaring it a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.
Since then, it’s the city’s official policy to defy federal authorities seeking to deport illegal immigrants unless the person sought by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has been convicted of a violent felony. More than 100 communities nationwide have enacted similar policies, with the tacit blessing of the Obama administration.
Living and working in sanctuary, Mr. Garcia last month, according to police, approached a 26-year-old Philadelphia doctor who was walking to her home in the city’s fashionable Rittenhouse Square neighborhood after a night out with friends. He is accused of forcing the woman into her apartment and raping her repeatedly.
Obama Administration Loses 4 Year-Old Illegal Immigrant Girl (Video)

The Gateway Pundit ^

Gladys Lopez allowed her four year-old illegal immigrant daughter to travel to the US. Now she can’t find her. The Obama administration lost track of the little girl. What happened to the girl remains a mystery. KRGV reported: The Obama Administration has lost track of an illegal immigrant girl. The four-year-old girl is just one of thousands who have been taken into custody by border patrol agents. Gladys Lopez says she was able to speak with her daughter, Eliana, briefly over the phone after she was taken into custody. Lopez hasn’t heard from the girl or immigration authorities since. Lopez...

Seriously! This whore of a mother allowed her four year old to travel to the US, alone or in the company of a paid smuggler? The girl is in one of the brothels the cartels run.
A better title for this thread:

Tyrannical Regime tramples the Rule of Law and gears up to unleash Riot Squads against the American people.
Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?

Excellent idea!
Send back the Honduran illegals and Honduran capital.
Planning to send back the Honduran drug profits on their way to Wall Street?
Aren't you afraid of being called a communist?
What about US capital funding attacks against women, human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, union leaders, and political opposition leaders in Honduras? Should that money stay here and disappear Chicago capitalists?

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