Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

So what do our preeminent judicial philosophers have to say about the US instigation and recognition of a military coup in Honduras in 2009 that resulted in kidnapping a duly elected president and flying him out of the country, spiked drug sales and violence to record levels, turned one of its cities into the murder capital of the world, and forced thousands of young people into a choice between leaving their homeland or death?

"On 28 November 2010, the organisation WikiLeaks started releasing 251,287 confidential documents, which detail correspondence between the US State Department and US embassies around the world.

"Among this document figures a document written by US Ambassador Hugo Llorens, which details his knowledge about the events, which he considers to be a coup.

"The document itself gives an in-depth perspective of how the coup was planned, its outcome and what was the official Embassy declaration."

2009 Honduran coup d'état - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's say that Hondura underwent a coup. That doesn't establish that all people in Honduras are oppressed.

But even if that WERE true, the natural reaction to being oppressed at home is to flee one's home.

That means getting OUT of Honduras. What do they do?

They cross the border into the United States! Oh wait. Honduras doesn't have a border shared with the United States. So, the poor unfortunate fleeing Hondurans must flee to Mexico. THEN they choose to pass THROUGH Mexico to GET to the U.S. border.

Wonder why MEXICO doesn't assume the burden of sheltering and caring for their benighted poor refugee neighbors?

No. You don't.

Don't change the facts. Zelaya gave himself permanent presidency with dictatorial powers. He was ordered removed by the Honduran supreme court. He may have been elected democratically but refused to leave office Undemocratically. Sort of what obama plans to do.
Zelaya proposed a non-binding referendum on constitutional reform in Honduras that would have done away with presidential term limits if approved by a majority of Hondurans. He refused to leave office because his term had not expired; he crossed the US by pointing out how dangerous the civilian airport is in Honduras compared to a US air base located on the coast. When the coup plotters put him on a plane in Tegucigalpa, the craft lifted off from the civilian facility and landed for "refueling" fifteen minutes later at the US air base. Get it?
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So what's wrong with turning illegal immigrants away? Anything?

They have to be processed through the system. Someone must find out exactly who they are, where they are from, if they have a legitimate claim to be in the country, if they are the victims of human traffickers on either side of the border, etc. etc. Once that has been sorted out legally, then they will be returned.

Except they don't get returned, do they? So why bother letting them in? Close the border and shoot to kill.

Pardon me, Billy. I thought that you we asking a legitimate question, instead of radical RW trolling. Carry on...
Way too easy. If you kill someone, you are a murderer Plain and simple.
When a court finds you guilty you are now a convicted murderer.

Vandal claims he answered this 3 times....did you see it?.....because all i see is someone avoiding answering this question like you just did...

Never saw a direct answer, I do believe he was try to infer that you are innocent till proven guilty in the eye of the law.
i understand that....but i asked him if HE saw me kill someone did i commit murder or not....and all i saw was dancing....
They have to be processed through the system. Someone must find out exactly who they are, where they are from, if they have a legitimate claim to be in the country, if they are the victims of human traffickers on either side of the border, etc. etc. Once that has been sorted out legally, then they will be returned.

Except they don't get returned, do they? So why bother letting them in? Close the border and shoot to kill.

Pardon me, Billy. I thought that you we asking a legitimate question, instead of radical RW trolling. Carry on...

I just think that it would be better not letting them in, and if we do, hold them in the desert for a month or two, then send them back without processing, anyways what for? In case we need more gardeners and maids?
Except they don't get returned, do they? So why bother letting them in? Close the border and shoot to kill.

Pardon me, Billy. I thought that you we asking a legitimate question, instead of radical RW trolling. Carry on...

I just think that it would be better not letting them in, and if we do, hold them in the desert for a month or two, then send them back without processing, anyways what for? In case we need more gardeners and maids?

What a weakling.
Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Way too easy. If you kill someone, you are a murderer Plain and simple.
When a court finds you guilty you are now a convicted murderer.

Vandal claims he answered this 3 times....did you see it?.....because all i see is someone avoiding answering this question like you just did...

Harry, Not only are you tiresome, but you are getting to be a borderline stalker. You are now on "Ignore".

oh oh.....we have another Dottie here.....:crybaby:...Harry i dont like that question.....i would have to be truthful if i answered it....and you know i cant do im going to put you on ignore....:(......are there this many pussies in this place?....
Pardon me, Billy. I thought that you we asking a legitimate question, instead of radical RW trolling. Carry on...

I just think that it would be better not letting them in, and if we do, hold them in the desert for a month or two, then send them back without processing, anyways what for? In case we need more gardeners and maids?

What a weakling.

Weak is not doing anything about the bean invasion. Weak is having an unsecured border. Weak is kissing all the illegal immigrant ass. Wait! Isn't that you?
The buses have been turned back in Murieta, Long Island, Virginia and Chicago. They need to be turned back everywhere.
They have to be processed through the system. Someone must find out exactly who they are, where they are from, if they have a legitimate claim to be in the country, if they are the victims of human traffickers on either side of the border, etc. etc. Once that has been sorted out legally, then they will be returned.

Except they don't get returned, do they? So why bother letting them in? Close the border and shoot to kill.

Pardon me, Billy. I thought that you we asking a legitimate question, instead of radical RW trolling. Carry on...
you mean like that legitimate question i asked?....and all i got was someone doing everything they could to avoid answering the question.....
I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

Hmmmm good point
And the right argues when it is their gun rights deprived without due process,
or health care mandates are imposed globally on everyone, whether you did or did not have intent to pay for health care other ways, but still being treated as a "criminal" and not worthy of the "freedom to choose".

I see the shoe is on the other foot.

The difference is who is going to pay for the due process when it is NOT citizens but people who broke laws to be here accessing the system.

We need to have a separate default system where the noncitizens or their sponsors DO have a way to pay back their costs of legal issues for not following the procedures, instead of charging law abiding citizens for that.

The same way people don't agree on paying for hospital ER care when this "defaults" onto taxpaying citizens (and one group wants to demand everyone buy insurance to reduce this cost, while the other group want to retain freedom at all costs, and find some other way to make people pay back if they incur hospital or health care costs on the public) - this situation is people not agreeing who is going to pay to sort out the lawful citizens from the lawbreakers, and how to hold each person responsible for their own costs.

I believe in earned amnesty, and in setting up city states along the border
where people can track their labor and costs, and invest in owning their own
communities where they claim citizenship. From there, once people are sponsored either by citizens/organizations within the US or by organizations outside, then they can migrate and work freely but be registered if they are still guests/temporary residents, so there is accountability for costs.

I also believe citizens born in the US should have to pay back costs for crimes, so this isn't just "targeting illegal immigrants." Anyone who breaks laws and incurs on the public costs of prosecution and incarceration should have to pay back, or else there is no accountability to taxpayers. So I would start requiring education, training/testing, and a signed agreement where all citizens understand the costs involved in crime and sending people to the hospital, where districts can require agreement to legal and financial liability in the case of premeditated crimes convicted; and all citizens agree to cooperate with authorities and respect due process without obstructing justice if you want legal defense paid for. Those convicted will be expected to pay costs back, so there should be means of microlending against these debts and access to work programs if they are expected to pay back costs of restitution.

There just can't be this mentality of dumping costs on the taxpayers for CRIMES or violations/abuses of laws, including corporate crimes and govt waste charged to taxpayers, and then turnaround and when the bill comes due, raise taxes or take liberties from law abiding citizens to try to collect or reduce these costs. They should come from the wrongdoers, not the lawabiding taxpayers. that is where the system is screwy.

And both sides jump on this issue or that one, where they see it is unfair.
What about the other cases? Aren't those unfair also? We need to address ALL of them!

Thanks for pointing this out [MENTION=42404]Vandalshandle[/MENTION]
I had to explain something very similar, about guns,
when a liberal Democrat friend of mine asked why
didn't conservatives understand laws banning dangerous guns?
And the answer was almost the same, why punish all the
citizens forced to lose their rights, instead of just the ones breaking the laws.
where is the "due process" when it comes to taking away gun rights
the person normally has, but is threatened because of other people acting criminally?
I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

Get your head out of the sand, and turn on some news. This is war by freeloading illegals invading the United States. Remember it was our great General George Washington who had American soldiers shoot other American soldiers for treason! Hardball politics is tough, and people get hurt. That is life in our global jungle. The American culture will prevail in the United States. Thank God we still have the Second Amendment!


These freeloaders have never built anything, otherwise they would be cleaning up their own country not looking for American welfare. Starting with parents who have children they can not afford. The problem is over-population, and Hispanics share a big piece of the blame with their perpetual pregnancys. Illegals think they deserve welfare ride on benefits set aside for our citizens.

Here is a list of nations and how they deal with illegals. Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We in the United States are patsys. "Shoot to kill?" Should have done it 50 years ago when there were only 450,000 of them. And, by sheer coincidence it is only four months before a national election! :flameth:

Dems are slated to lose big time, and Barry Obama gets all the blame for the words, "pathway to citizenship." If Obama was doing his job he would be giving a speech in Central America "that there is no pathway to citizenship" for those third-worlders.

The big question inside the beltway is will Obama tank Hillary Clinton's presidential bid for 2016 by leaving illegal immigrant stink all over the Democratic Party. If Republicans pass the $2 BILLION border security bill, and we can finally start deporting the 12,000,000 Wetbacks we already have living here.


I can not believe I voted for this moron twice!​

Ok. I understand you want to give Obama the authority to shoot and kill anyone who commits a misdemeanor, without a trial. Got it!

Who would have thunk it?

No, you do not understand. The United States is being invaded, and President Obama is helping them. President Obama is a traitor. When a country is invaded we can declare Martial Law, and exterminate the problem. No trial is needed. Actually, anyone with even a slight understanding of government would have "thunk" of Martial Law . Now do you get it?


Martial law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Martial lawis the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. Martial law is usually imposed on a temporary basis when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services). In full-scale martial law, the highest-ranking military officer would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
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Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?
Get your head out of the sand, and turn on some news. This is war by freeloading illegals invading the United States. Remember it was our great General George Washington who had American soldiers shoot other American soldiers for treason! Hardball politics is tough, and people get hurt. That is life in our global jungle. The American culture will prevail in the United States. Thank God we still have the Second Amendment!


These freeloaders have never built anything, otherwise they would be cleaning up their own country not looking for American welfare. Starting with parents who have children they can not afford. The problem is over-population, and Hispanics share a big piece of the blame with their perpetual pregnancys. Illegals think they deserve welfare ride on benefits set aside for our citizens.

Here is a list of nations and how they deal with illegals. Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We in the United States are patsys. "Shoot to kill?" Should have done it 50 years ago when there were only 450,000 of them. And, by sheer coincidence it is only four months before a national election! :flameth:

Dems are slated to lose big time, and Barry Obama gets all the blame for the words, "pathway to citizenship." If Obama was doing his job he would be giving a speech in Central America "that there is no pathway to citizenship" for those third-worlders.

The big question inside the beltway is will Obama tank Hillary Clinton's presidential bid for 2016 by leaving illegal immigrant stink all over the Democratic Party. If Republicans pass the $2 BILLION border security bill, and we can finally start deporting the 12,000,000 Wetbacks we already have living here.


I can not believe I voted for this moron twice!​

Ok. I understand you want to give Obama the authority to shoot and kill anyone who commits a misdemeanor, without a trial. Got it!

Who would have thunk it?

No, you do not understand. The United States is being invaded, and President Obama is helping them. President Obama is a traitor. When a country is invaded we can declare Martial Law, and exterminate the problem. No trial is needed. Actually, anyone with even a slight understanding of government would have "thunk" of Martial Law . Now do you get it?


Martial law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Martial law is the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. Martial law is usually imposed on a temporary basis when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services). In full-scale martial law, the highest-ranking military officer would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

Absolutely! You are in favor of doing exactly what Hitler did after the Reichstag burned down!

Of course, if martial law is declared, the state turns into a military dictatorship, which means, of course, that all of your Constitutional rights are suspended, including, if the military so chooses, your right to carry or even own a gun. You guys are pissed off that Obama forces you to buy insurance? You haven't seen nothing yet!

Oh, and please, "the US is being invaded?". Well, time to sell war bonds and send out the Pacific Fleet!
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Ok. I understand you want to give Obama the authority to shoot and kill anyone who commits a misdemeanor, without a trial. Got it!

Who would have thunk it?

No, you do not understand. The United States is being invaded, and President Obama is helping them. President Obama is a traitor. When a country is invaded we can declare Martial Law, and exterminate the problem. No trial is needed. Actually, anyone with even a slight understanding of government would have "thunk" of Martial Law . Now do you get it?


Martial law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Martial lawis the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. Martial law is usually imposed on a temporary basis when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, or provide essential services). In full-scale martial law, the highest-ranking military officer would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

Absolutely! You are in favor of doing exactly what Hitler did after the Reichstag burned down!

Of course, if martial law is declared, the state turns into a military dictatorship, which means, of course, that all of your Constitutional rights are suspended, including, if the military so chooses, your right to carry or even own a gun. You guys are pissed off that Obama forces you to buy insurance? You haven't seen nothing yet!

Oh, and please, "the US is being invaded?". Well, time to sell war bonds and send out the Pacific Fleet!

Are you smoking something, or have you just seen too many Twilight Zone episodes? Pick up The American History Almanac by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. It is a day by day account of America starting in the 9th century.

Hitler murdered people just because they were Jews, gays, or not Nazi enough. Hispanics have broken our laws and are stealing from U. S. taxpayers. If "shoot-to-kill" were enforced at our border, illegals would have a choice, "go-home OR die." Your parallel to Hitlers is holds no water, and actually sounds like you are some Hispanic trying justify the **** invasion.


Tell us Vandalshandle does this look like a group of tourists heading for a vacation on California's beaches, or an invasion of beaners? With $2 BILLION for more border patrol and judges, we can dump the Central American children outside our border, AND start deporting the 12,000,000 illegals we already have living here. Martial Law would be a temporary thing, just to take out the trash.

You know President Eisenhower executed Operation Wetback How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - and did basically the same thing, so there is precedent. The more the illegals push, the more Americans share my views. You will defeat yourselves, and the new Republican Congress will clean up the mess that is left starting next January. Suddenly, the Second Amendment is looking very worthwhile to Americans. REAL Americans have been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity to get Hispanics out of our wallets.

You should look at Google, other American minority groups are starting to distance themselves from the Spics. FYI, "Freeloader," "Beaner," "Wetback," and "****" have magically become politically correct overnight! I rest my case.



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Stop ducking the question. A Honduran seeking "asylum" in the USA passes through Mexico to GET here. Why is it the responsibility of the United States and HER citizens to care for Honurans passing FROM Honduras THROUGH Mexico?

Why isn't Mexico bearing the burden?

Answer: Because like all sovereign states, and Mexico is a clasic example of this notion: folks outside the country don't get to make the policy for immigration of the country they are entering.

MEXICO sets its OWN immigration policy and the world would be SHOCKED to see how thoroughly Mexico does it to those trying to get INTO Mexico. But the world, instead, only hears and reads and sees a lot of bullshit about what the USA supposedly "does" to Mexicans illegally entering the United States. That is a direct effect and goal of liberal propaganda at work.

Liberals, by their nature, are hypocrites and liars.

And yes. That unfairly stigmatizes many liberals. But it's still true of the majority of them.

So, back to the point. WE get to decide who enters the United States and under what terms and conditions. THEY don't get to make those decisions FOR us.

Even President Obumbler is supposed to be bound by the law. Someone please tell him.
Tell us why Honduran capital is free to enter the US but Honduran labor isn't?
Does it have anything to do with most conservatives being racist fascists by nature?

Excellent idea!
Send back the Honduran illegals and Honduran capital.
Recalled this post, and did not wanted it to get buried. Democrats will begin looking to the Republican Party before the November election over this issue. I am an Indy and voted Obama twice. That was a mistake, and I am not afraid to admit it in the current state of our immigration crisis.

Democrats you can think for yourself, forget your past anger at Republicans, and look at the facts. Your President is giving your country away to invading foreign freeloaders.

Simply pull a Clinton....

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we don't need Obama's kind of reform on illegal immigration ..he's part of this problem as it is

he need to resign ... he is putting us in danger from all sorts thing

but we need some tough reforms and be serious about our boarders
" You will defeat yourselves, and the new Republican Congress will clean up the mess that is left starting next January. Suddenly, the Second Amendment is looking very worthwhile to Americans. REAL Americans have been waiting a long, long time for this opportunity to get Hispanics out of our wallets. "

I'm so glad that the upcoming Republican congress is going to clean up illegal immigration. But tell me, are they going to do as good a job doing that as the last republican congress? Maybe they will solve the immigration problem like Reagan did, by granting asylum.

It is all academic, because the people of the USA are never going to allow folks like you to turn this country into a dictatorship while you shred the Constitution.

Better find a plan B. Nobody is going to shoot anybody, and there is going to be no martial law. Of Course, you are free to rant about stuff like that all you want, for what it is worth.

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