Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

I'm beginning to think this whole deal was PLANNED

Think about it, all of a sudden we are hit with these waves of people

who paid for them to come, why isn't their country doing anything about it?

our government is paying to fly them all over our country to let them lose with a nod a wink they need to show up for a court date


That many children don't get here by accident. There are people who need to be held accountable.

Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. – President Franklin D Roosevelt
It's interesting. It is great when Hispanics celebrate their impending majority status in the American Southwest, it is normal, healthy, and an expression of pride. However, if Whites oppose their impending minority status, they are hateful and racist bigots.
I just love how anything anyone does today that goes against the leftist ideology is automatically slurred with racist undertones and then these sleazy race pimps wonder why we don't give a shit if they call us a racist or not??? It no longer holds any fucking meaning.. You llibrul pimp dadas did that.

Interesting point, and this comes from an independent voter who voted for Obama twice. There are times for political correctness. There is currently a television commercial encouraging all of us to stop using the word "retard." Now, I agree this is a hateful term that impedes the progress of developmentally disabled people to assimilate into American life.

The word "Wetback" on the other hand originated because border jumpers were swimming across the Rio Grande River to enter the United States illegally. President Dwight Eisenhower named his deportation plan, "Operation Wetback." Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia But, today with a powerful Hispanic political lobby "Wetback" is a no, no like "freeloader," "beaner," or "****." Wouldn't want to offend those who sneak into our country to steal benefits created for legal American citizens, now would we?

Television news likes the word "Migrant," which is total bull sh*t to me. And, to those who label all Hispanics "Mexicans," that is a powerful, direct insult. One that I am afraid they have justifiably earned by entering our nation illegally and behaving like Mexicans, not Americans. If a person of Irish, Jewish, African-American, or Native American heritage called me a "racist" I would have to take note, and review my thinking. But, if **** calls me a racist, I am not going to apologize to the freeloader. After all my family came to the United States over 250 years ago, fought and died in wars, and helped build the nation that the Wetbacks are now successfully stealing from my fellow citizens and me.

Shoot to kill at the border, and the influx will end in two days. Yes, it is unfortunate, but this is the only language these uneducated, third-world morons understand.

Now, you can play Border Patrol for free on your computer using your browser and mouse. Sangent : Free Online Games : Border Patrol


Kind of makes you feel all "warm and fuzzy" inside doesn't it?
After Sandy Hook I wanted gun legislation, now I want an automatic weapon.
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Then we take down the Statue of Liberty and become what we once fought.

I don't know if we should do all that!

It would be nice if we could properly absorb those urchins but it takes a country with a healthy economy, a flourishing middle class, and leaders with a vision.
We're 0-3 currently in the above categories, so, back to reality........

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money,

The same money used to fly them around the country could be used to fly them south.

Couple of hundred flights and the word will get out to keep your children safe at home, don't send them norte.
I don't know if we should do all that!

It would be nice if we could properly absorb those urchins but it takes a country with a healthy economy, a flourishing middle class, and leaders with a vision.
We're 0-3 currently in the above categories, so, back to reality........

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money,

The same money used to fly them around the country could be used to fly them south.

Couple of hundred flights and the word will get out to keep your children safe at home, don't send them norte.
Except they're NOT safe at home.
That's why they come here.
Maybe the US should stop supporting dictators and death squads in Honduras and El Salvador?
I don't know if we should do all that!

It would be nice if we could properly absorb those urchins but it takes a country with a healthy economy, a flourishing middle class, and leaders with a vision.
We're 0-3 currently in the above categories, so, back to reality........

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money,

The same money used to fly them around the country could be used to fly them south.

Couple of hundred flights and the word will get out to keep your children safe at home, don't send them norte.

Let's do talk about the money.

Obama is trying to cover his ass on this immigration problem by asking for $2,000,000,000 (that is Billions with a "B"). Currently, there are 50,000 children we need to dump outside our borders. That would be a cost to deport each child of $40,000,000. (Wow, my math must be way off). Why doesn't President Obama ust travel to Central America, give a speech, and tell the people firmly, "there is no pathway to American citizenship for you." It would be the truth.

Hold it, maybe Obama is going to use the money to employ more border guards and immigration judges. They must be planning to dump the entire, 12,000,000 back over the border! Sounds efficient to me. The United States has to carry our poor citizens, why should we have to pay for the stupidity of Central and South America?


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awww, you don't like it when the people STAND up to you bullies or for their country?

go cry us a river over and while you're at it go adopt a few DOZEN of these kids, take them into your homes, take away from YOUR FAMILY to give comfort, shelter, clothing, and food

How about allowing the feds to do theri job, process this people and get them back to their countries? Racism and Ignorance pair so very well together.
I think you're probably like most liberals who have a big mouth, but then want other taxpayers to take care of the problem for them.

This s not a "liberal or conservative" issue. I think you are an alarmist, who does not think with your head, but allows emotion to dictate your actions as well as your statements.

As a native and lifelong, tax paying, Californian, I voted for Prop 187, which would have never needed consideration had it not been for Reagan and his amnesty fiasco as president back in the 80's. Of course it was ruled "unconstitutional".

Protesting the arrival of 140 undocumented women and children by wearing flags and throwing a public tatrum while literally thousands come in daily, will accomplish exactly what?

The bigger problem will not change without the government changing its methods of managing illegal immigration.

My guess us that if these were not immigrants from Central America, but instead were blond haired, blue eyed, eastern European immigrants, this would not even get your attention.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Insidious. Morally. And. Intellectually. Bankrupt. Two. Bit. Punk. Imbecile. sound about as "intellectual" as a meth head in withdrawal

And no, I will not "shut up".

It's a public message board, you pea brained swine.

Lastly, there are adults posting here. Learn how to properly punctuate a sentence, you thick headed dunce.

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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!
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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

your conclusions are all in your head..take meds for that
stop being a tool..maybe you can take a stand for your country and your fellow country men and women for a change
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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

There is no jury at an immigration hearing. They are all deportable and have to make a case that they should stay. That hearing, there is no trial, is fairly new. They just used to be deported with no hearing.
The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money,

The same money used to fly them around the country could be used to fly them south.

Couple of hundred flights and the word will get out to keep your children safe at home, don't send them norte.
Except they're NOT safe at home.
That's why they come here.
Maybe the US should stop supporting dictators and death squads in Honduras and El Salvador?

Except they're NOT safe at home.

That's awful. Maybe we should help them?

Maybe the US should stop supporting dictators and death squads in Honduras and El Salvador?

Damn, that Obama's a bad ass.
this was PLANNED
by our government and the governments of the other countries

both just sit back and watch and claim WE THE PEOPLE have a humanitarian crisis

you bet
The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money, the President wants 2 billion, why did Congress ignore the matter? And, yes, no doubt many are diseased, infested with lice, scabies, etc. The protestors also descrated the flag, while trying to show they are Americans. Arrest all involved with interference with government functions and the danger posed by the cruds that tossed the US flag on buses:mad:

The US must send most of the children back, but it will take time and BIG money,

The same money used to fly them around the country could be used to fly them south.

Couple of hundred flights and the word will get out to keep your children safe at home, don't send them norte.

Let's do talk about the money.

Obama is trying to cover his ass on this immigration problem by asking for $2,000,000,000 (that is Billions with a "B"). Currently, there are 50,000 children we need to dump outside our borders. That would be a cost to deport each child of $40,000,000. (Wow, my math must be way off). Why doesn't President Obama ust travel to Central America, give a speech, and tell the people firmly, "there is no pathway to American citizenship for you." It would be the truth.

Hold it, maybe Obama is going to use the money to employ more border guards and immigration judges. They must be planning to dump the entire, 12,000,000 back over the border! Sounds efficient to me. The United States has to carry our poor citizens, why should we have to pay for the stupidity of Central and South America?


Brown face means taxpayer waste? Now, absolutely, that would be racist.
I would not approve. :eusa_hand:

That would be a cost to deport each child of $40,000,000

2,000,000,000/50,000= $40,000 per child.

I'll bet Southwest could do it for $200 each.

Why doesn't President Obama just travel to Central America, give a speech, and tell the people firmly, "there is no pathway to American citizenship for you."

Awesome idea. :eusa_clap:
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

As apposed to being a sycophant hack that spouts mindless dreck on the internet, these people ARE America, they are real patriots. They appose this...infiltration of foreign nationals. And they did something, and nobody was shot, blown up or murdered. I lived with illegals, and people like you are the enemy. You deserve a good slap. Xenophobic racists? Are you kidding? Like so many people here that demand facts and not just irrational name-calling or cute little stories, I demand PROOF. Anecdotal stuff, it doesn't fly from me or you , either. PROVE IT. Prove these people are xenophobes. PROVE they are racist. Not in you opinion, but factually. Put up or shut up.
I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

Get your head out of the sand, and turn on some news. This is war by freeloading illegals invading the United States. Remember it was our great General George Washington who had American soldiers shoot other American soldiers for treason! Hardball politics is tough, and people get hurt. That is life in our global jungle. The American culture will prevail in the United States. Thank God we still have the Second Amendment!


These freeloaders have never built anything, otherwise they would be cleaning up their own country not looking for American welfare. Starting with parents who have children they can not afford. The problem is over-population, and Hispanics share a big piece of the blame with their perpetual pregnancys. Illegals think they deserve welfare ride on benefits set aside for our citizens.

Here is a list of nations and how they deal with illegals. Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We in the United States are patsys. "Shoot to kill?" Should have done it 50 years ago when there were only 450,000 of them. And, by sheer coincidence it is only four months before a national election! :flameth:

Dems are slated to lose big time, and Barry Obama gets all the blame for the words, "pathway to citizenship." If Obama was doing his job he would be giving a speech in Central America "that there is no pathway to citizenship" for those third-worlders.

The big question inside the beltway is will Obama tank Hillary Clinton's presidential bid for 2016 by leaving illegal immigrant stink all over the Democratic Party. If Republicans pass the $2 BILLION border security bill, and we can finally start deporting the 12,000,000 Wetbacks we already have living here.


I can not believe I voted for this moron twice!​
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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

hey Vandal have you made up your mind yet?.....if i kill someone in front of you did i commit murder or not?....or is it ONLY if a Court says i did?....
I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

There is no jury at an immigration hearing. They are all deportable and have to make a case that they should stay. That hearing, there is no trial, is fairly new. They just used to be deported with no hearing.

Nope. They are tried, and found guilty by a judge. They have the option of demanding a jury trial. They are guilty of a misdemeanor. That makes it possible for the court to find them guilty of a felony if they cross the border again.

Do you guys know ANYTHING about the law?
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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

Get your head out of the sand, and turn on some news. This is war by freeloading illegals invading the United States. Remember it was our great General George Washington who had American soldiers shoot other American soldiers for treason! Hardball politics is tough, and people get hurt. That is life in our global jungle. The American culture will prevail in the United States. Thank God we still have the Second Amendment!


These freeloaders have never built anything, otherwise they would be cleaning up their own country not looking for American welfare. Starting with parents who have children they can not afford. The problem is over-population, and Hispanics share a big piece of the blame with their perpetual pregnancys. Illegals think they deserve welfare ride on benefits set aside for our citizens.

Here is a list of nations and how they deal with illegals. Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We in the United States are patsys. "Shoot to kill?" Should have done it 50 years ago when there were only 450,000 of them. And, by sheer coincidence it is only four months before a national election! :flameth:

Dems are slated to lose big time, and Barry Obama gets all the blame for the words, "pathway to citizenship." If Obama was doing his job he would be giving a speech in Central America "that there is no pathway to citizenship" for those third-worlders.

The big question inside the beltway is will Obama tank Hillary Clinton's presidential bid for 2016 by leaving illegal immigrant stink all over the Democratic Party. If Republicans pass the $2 BILLION border security bill, and we can finally start deporting the 12,000,000 Wetbacks we already have living here.


I can not believe I voted for this moron twice!​

Ok. I understand you want to give Obama the authority to shoot and kill anyone who commits a misdemeanor, without a trial. Got it!

Who would have thunk it?
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I have read only one page of this nonsense, and find that the Right wants to:

1. Give the federal government the right to "shoot to kill' people who are committing a misdemeanor, without a trial.
2. Abandon the Constitutional guarantee of a trial with a jury of your peers, and simply round people up and ship them out of the country without them having been found guilty by a court of law.

Who would have known that the Right trusted the US government so much to give it that much power? Amazing!

hey Vandal have you made up your mind yet?.....if i kill someone in front of you did i commit murder or not?....or is it ONLY if a Court says i did?....

Harry, I have answered you questions three times, and frankly, you are getting tiresome. I recommend that you enroll in your local Jr. high school and take Civics. Yes, you will be surrounded by 8th graders, but, you might learn something.

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