Breaking News: Racist Xenophobes turn buses with immigrant children away

GeorgiePorgie, that MURDER NUMBER has remained basically the same for at least 3 years, and probably longer! SioHY NOW, are these illegal, diseased, invaders coming to America, well asshole, because they were invited by the Manchurian muslim when he instituted his DREAERS LIST for 800,000 illegal kids already here!..... AND....


Barry sucks ass, and you suck his cock, for believing the bullshit that YOU never research! Damn, it's difficult trying to explain this shit to 2 digit IQ'd subversives.... they simply DON'T check it out, and CONTINUE to spread lies and bullshit.... Fucking Marxist zombies are the closest I can describe these pathetic excuses for citizens!
You need to step outside the echo chamber:

"Honduras has the world's highest murder rate, according to a United Nations report released on Thursday.

"There were 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Honduras in 2012, according to this year's report from the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime."

Obama's no worse than Bush and both deserve to die in prison, but it just might be that RACIST kool-aid has switched off a fair number of your neurons, you know?

U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list -

Look, everyone is tired of the horror stories of Central America. Did the United States cause this to happen? No. Did the United States tell these ignorant third-worlders to have babys they can not afford. No. Yet overpopulation was identified as a global problem over 100 years ago, Human overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and the Spics have done nothing about it. Let these idiots drown in their own feces. This not an American problem. We need to get these freeloading Spics out of our country the cheapest way we can. Looks like the bullet is the most efficient to me.
Why do you think the word **** makes your message any stronger?
I would argue the US benefits directly from the increasing violence in Central America in direct proportion to the rising drug profits that don't exist without violence. Arms sales, oil sales, and the profits from illegal drug sales are the big three money makers on this planet. Drug profits are estimated at $600 billion a year, and a substantial part of that goes into the black budgets of global intelligence agencies. It's the same principle you see with opium production in Afghanistan. FWIW, I think you're right about taxpayers who don't want to pay for Central American refugees; however, those getting rich from war, oil sales, and illegal drug sales deserve the bill just as they deserve the bill for VA benefits for those wrecked in Afghanistan and Iraq.
It isn't racism. Why is everything racism? To keep the great divide.

It is fear and anger and the reason is the media. The media has stirred everyone up like they always do.

I think this is a republican and democrat creation. And it seems both Obama and Boehner want to let them all stay.


Political dirty tricks? Well, White Democrats are turning Republican, now that the more Beaners are being dumped across our border. Did this just fall into the hands of Republicans? Did Republicans engineer it?

Speaking as an independent voter, I don't think it matters. Illegal immigration has been an unsolved problem for a long time. In 1969 there were 450,000 illegals, now there are about 12,000,000. Our inaction was going to catch up with us at some point.

All we have to do is look at history, because history repeats itself since we failed to listen the first time. Check out what Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, and Hoover did. How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - Those were the days when POTUS did not worry about public opinion polls and did their actual job of running the country. It is just a little too soon to start whistling "Happy Days are Here Again." Even Barry Obama, who contributed to this problem with his talk of "pathway to citizenship," has agree to spend $2 Billion to hire more Border Patrol and Deportation judges. $2 BILLION is 2,000 MILLION. In 2012 $197,000 and five years was the figure to deport ALL 12,000,000. Now there is food for thought.


The funny thing to me about Deportation Judges in the Border States is that most of them are Mexican Americans.
With the vetting done on the word, "American." Illegals enter the courtroom, and think they are in for a break. Fact is,
these judges are incentivized to deport as many as they can. Deportation judges are comfortably compensated, and
their history of deportations is a mater of public record. And deportation attorneys? Cash in advance win or lose! :lol:
You haven't been paying attention:

"LAST year Hondurans were about 80 times more likely than Western Europeans to be murdered. For men in their 20s, the odds were four times worse again. Poverty and a history of military rule meant that Honduras was never especially safe. But the murder rate has nearly doubled in the past five years. Barring war zones, this makes Honduras by most reckonings the most violent country in the world."

Barry deserves credit for what's happened in Honduras and Libya, but apparently some of us can't hold two thoughts in our minds at the same time:badgrin:

Violence in Hondura that MURDER RATE is no difference than us: The eye of the storm | The Economist

GeorgiePorgie, that MURDER NUMBER has remained basically the same for at least 3 years, and probably longer! SioHY NOW, are these illegal, diseased, invaders coming to America, well asshole, because they were invited by the Manchurian muslim when he instituted his DREAERS LIST for 800,000 illegal kids already here!..... AND....


Barry sucks ass, and you suck his cock, for believing the bullshit that YOU never research! Damn, it's difficult trying to explain this shit to 2 digit IQ'd subversives.... they simply DON'T check it out, and CONTINUE to spread lies and bullshit.... Fucking Marxist zombies are the closest I can describe these pathetic excuses for citizens!
You need to step outside the echo chamber:

"Honduras has the world's highest murder rate, according to a United Nations report released on Thursday.

"There were 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Honduras in 2012, according to this year's report from the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime."

Obama's no worse than Bush and both deserve to die in prison, but it just might be that RACIST kool-aid has switched off a fair number of your neurons, you know?

U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list -

Do YOU not comprehend that the MURDER RATE has remained the same in HONDURAS for at least 3 years, and WHY THE WAIT to flee RIGHT NOW, since this killing has been going on for that long, and who gives a shit if it's the highest murder rate or not, when you've had THREE+++ YEARS of the same killing?

Is English your second language?
You need to step outside the echo chamber:

"Honduras has the world's highest murder rate, according to a United Nations report released on Thursday.

"There were 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people in Honduras in 2012, according to this year's report from the U.N. Office of Drugs and Crime."

Obama's no worse than Bush and both deserve to die in prison, but it just might be that RACIST kool-aid has switched off a fair number of your neurons, you know?

U.N. report reveals world's highest murder rates; Honduras tops list -

Look, everyone is tired of the horror stories of Central America. Did the United States cause this to happen? No. Did the United States tell these ignorant third-worlders to have babys they can not afford. No. Yet overpopulation was identified as a global problem over 100 years ago, Human overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and the Spics have done nothing about it. Let these idiots drown in their own feces. This not an American problem. We need to get these freeloading Spics out of our country the cheapest way we can. Looks like the bullet is the most efficient to me.
Why do you think the word **** makes your message any stronger?
I would argue the US benefits directly from the increasing violence in Central America in direct proportion to the rising drug profits that don't exist without violence. Arms sales, oil sales, and the profits from illegal drug sales are the big three money makers on this planet. Drug profits are estimated at $600 billion a year, and a substantial part of that goes into the black budgets of global intelligence agencies. It's the same principle you see with opium production in Afghanistan. FWIW, I think you're right about taxpayers who don't want to pay for Central American refugees; however, those getting rich from war, oil sales, and illegal drug sales deserve the bill just as they deserve the bill for VA benefits for those wrecked in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Glad you asked. One of my favorite stories. Hispanic lobbyists have pressured for an end of the use of "Beaner," "Wetback," and "****" in an effort to give illegal aliens the appearance respectability.

The first time I heard television news drop the word "Illegals" and replace it with "Migrants," I thought we were losing the battle. During the Viet Nam War, "Slant Eyes" was OK. The war ended, and the term was gone. In Iraq the term, "Rag Head" was dropped because the United States was behind their new government.

Now that all the unwanted Wetback children are overwhelming the Border Patrol, they are viewed as "enemys to the American way of life." Forget Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin, replace them with Madera, Juarez, and Villa!

So, now we can demonize them again.

My favorite line came from a recent episode of Law & Order SVU when an Hispanic college professor was accused of rape. The professor himself used the line, "So, I am just another **** with a knife." George we are taking our language back. "Migrants" my ass, they are "invaders" and "freeloaders!" Deep down inside, in places of yourself you do not discuss, you know I am right.

Research bears this out. Surveys done with different races indicate that when the majority of people are asked to name the most attractive person they can think of, they will choose someone of their own race. We in advertising have known this for years. Why do you think crappy Little Caesars Pizza uses a mariachi band in their commercials? This commercial may be TOTALLY politically incorrect, but it is selling sh*t out of MEXI-COMBOS to Spics. It is a disgrace, even with my anti-illegal perspective.

[ame=""]Little Caesars Commercial 2014 - YouTub[/ame]
The bottom line this is what it is about :eusa_whistle:


No, it is not about race, Batshit.

You racist libtards just cant imagine that anything is ever done for any reason other than race, because that is how you morons think and you project it onto everyone else.

You racist PC Nazi.
With this thread, you get a real sense how close the far-right is to the overzealous racist Nationalism of Nazi Germany.

So much hateful propaganda and lies to dehumanize children.
With this thread, you get a real sense how close the far-right is to the overzealous racist Nationalism of Nazi Germany.

So much hateful propaganda and lies to dehumanize children.

Are you black, live on the South side, and go to the Rev. Wright's church?
Yep, this thread is the headquarters of the Society for the Final Solution of Hispanics. Frankly, I like the idea of them all hanging out in one place so that we can keep an eye on them.
Violent MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti on Bathroom Walls of Processing Center!

Townhall ^

An internal Border Patrol executive summary obtained by Townhall confirms that at least 16 unaccompanied illegal minors (those under the age of 18, according to U.S. government policy), are members of the brutal El Salvadorian street gang Mara Salvatrucha—or MS-13. Gang members left graffiti on the walls of the Nogales Border Patrol processing center, which suggested they had ties to the organization.....
The internet is loaded with images like this. This is a national celebration, and everyone has the same message in mind. "Get the Spics out."


And, Unkotar you are on "ignore" so please do not expect me to respond to your drivel.

This is a time for Americans to use the Texas phrase, "Yee Haw," we are taking our country back from the freeloaders. The more Spics that land in California, the more White Democrats are turning Republican!

White Democrats?

Lol, those are like those Jewish Capos in the Death camps who would stuff as many of the other Jews in the ovens for an extra slice of potato for the Nazis.

White Democrats are exactly the same breed of animal; not just self hating, but hate their whole race.

Pathetic fascist bastards.​

Nothing like the smell of poster desperation to get my adrenalin flowing. Everyone is tired of the comparison between Hitler, and American immigration law. Whenever I hear this I picture some desperate Wetback trying to justify his illegal entry to the United States.

Jews, gays, and those not Nazi enough were sent to death camps because they did not fit the image of Germans in the mind of a madman. They had done nothing other than exist.

Wetbacks, break and enter our country illegally without papers disrespecting our laws, then they steal from the taxpayer who is trying to provide welfare to OUR unfortunate citizens. No one really gives a damn about these freeloaders. Americans are just beginning to learn what wealthy Central and South Americans already know. Spics are just a nuscience when they have children they can not afford to feed. They are stupid, and need to be removed from the gene pool. These freeloaders, that drain American resources needlessly. Shoot-to-kill works, we can wrap this problem up in 48 hours. Bullets and body bags are cheaper than Food Stamps.

Lol, dude, read the post you respond to a little more closely next time.

I am essentially in agreement with you.​
Yep, this thread is the headquarters of the Society for the Final Solution of Hispanics. Frankly, I like the idea of them all hanging out in one place so that we can keep an eye on them.

No, it is about ENDING CRIMINAL INVASION of our nation by diseased, criminal, desperate INVADERS.

It has nothing to do with Hispanics, stupid ass. Many illegal immigrants are from Europe and China.

How did you get to become so stupid? Did the doctor drop you on your pumpkin head when you were hatched?
With this thread, you get a real sense how close the far-right is to the overzealous racist Nationalism of Nazi Germany.

So much hateful propaganda and lies to dehumanize children.

So when do you plan to apply for a foster care license?
Lol, dude, read the post you respond to a little more closely next time.

I am essentially in agreement with you.

Are you starting to see what I mean about the insipid little head case? Keep watching for more mindless hate and lots of 'cute' pics! Don't associate yourself with a hopeless moron like him just because he claims to hold a position similar to yours on some issue. He is incapable of reasoning and you will only demean yourself by association.
Lol, dude, read the post you respond to a little more closely next time.

I am essentially in agreement with you.

Are you starting to see what I mean about the insipid little head case? Keep watching for more mindless hate and lots of 'cute' pics! Don't associate yourself with a hopeless moron like him just because he claims to hold a position similar to yours on some issue. He is incapable of reasoning and you will only demean yourself by association.
Do you think he might be Racist?:eek:
Lol, dude, read the post you respond to a little more closely next time.

I am essentially in agreement with you.

Are you starting to see what I mean about the insipid little head case? Keep watching for more mindless hate and lots of 'cute' pics! Don't associate yourself with a hopeless moron like him just because he claims to hold a position similar to yours on some issue. He is incapable of reasoning and you will only demean yourself by association.
Do you think he might be Racist?

I think he might just be a moron who has no idea what he's saying or why. He just likes to play with the pretty pictures.
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

First, we are talking about illegal immigrants, so there is a difference in the reaction. Second, every country MUST have a organized and legitimate immigration system. It should be obeyed and people who don't obey it should be prosecuted. Third, these illegals are expensive and draining much needed resources. Fourth, I always hear the argument that illegals only work jobs Americans. This is rubbish!

(1) Only 4% of illegals work in agriculture
A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States | Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends Project
(2) 25% work in HIGH paying construction jobs. Americans will do this work.
(3) Then in the so-called fields that illegals compete for that the open-border crowd says Americans won't work in, is predominately employed by American workers
(a) Servicing Jobs: 77.7 percent of the 7.75 million workers in food preparation and serving jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers). It is harder to get a job at McDonalds than it is to get into Harvard.
(b) Maintenance: (which pays decent) 65.8 percent of 5.38 million workers in cleaning and maintenance jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
(c) Construction: (high paying) 74.5 percent of the 7.45 million workers in construction and extraction jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)
(d) Production: 75.9 percent of the 7.63 million workers in production jobs are native-born workers (does not include legal immigrant workers)

YES we could do without illegal and if we got rid of all illegal workers, not shockingly the wages of all these low "unskilled" jobs would go up. When the employers have to compete for workers the employee wins, the employees have to compete for few jobs the employer wins! They could see the $13, $15, $18 and more an hour, without the minimum wage being increased. See North Dakota!
Protesters Block Bus Carrying Immigrants | NBC Southern California


I'm ashamed of my old state.

A Riverside County town greeted a group of undocumented immigrants transferred into the city Tuesday by blocking the road to prevent the federal bus carrying them from entering a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Officials say the first group out of an estimated 140 total was flown from detention facilities in Texas to San Diego, then taken by bus to Murrieta, where some local residents camped out to protest beginning early in the morning.

When the buses arrived just after 2 p.m., a vocal group of protesters carrying signs and draped in American flags blocked the buses filled with families who were detained after entering the the country illegally in Texas.

These racist fuckers with their American flags have no clue what it is to be a real American.

Racist? ?? Man you need a new talking point.

How bout American Taxpayers who are sick and tired of being forced to bankroll other peoples lives for em?

Hows that??

Thats a good one and a lot truer than the one you posted.

These folks aren't American and shouldn't be here at all. Send the fuckers back to wherever the hell they came from.
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Republicans and church groups have not been allowed to see the children but Nancy pelosi was allowed to see them.
Here is tonight CBS News on the child illegal immigration situation. It is funny to watch Barry "pathway to citizenship" Obama try to distance himself from a problem he created!!! Now the Spics are angry at Obama for trying to create a "quick deportation machine," which is precisely what this story says Obama is doing. It just doesn't get any better than this! Barry is on a REAL hot seat!


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