Breaking News..Rick Perry just said Man is not the main contributor to Climate Change

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.
Rick Perry! OMG! That settles it. Everyone has always been in awe of Rick Perry's scientific expertise. I can see why your brought this important event to our attention.
Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Hate to tell you this, but from what I've heard, everyone has always known that. The amount being contributed by burning fossil fuels is making it worse, and by putting the brakes on the C02, it is supposed to slow the warming to a number we can manage.
No one ever thought it was ALL about us.

You have over 60 trillion dollars?

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

IEA: $44 Trillion in Energy Investment Won’t Limit Climate Change to 2 Degrees

In fact, it might not even come close, according to the International Energy Agency.


by Katherine Tweed
November 18, 2016
The world will need to invest $44 trillion in the global energy supply, and another $23 trillion in energy efficiency, to cover the growth in energy demand through 2040 and meet current policy goals.

The findings from the International Energy Agency’s newly releasedWorld Energy Outlook only take into account policies put in place by mid-2016, and so they do not include any pledges as part of the Paris climate agreement that have not yet been codified as policy. The IEA states that with current policies, “This is sufficient to slow the projected rise in global energy-related CO2 emissions, but not nearly enough to limit warming to less than 2 [degrees Celsius].”

Rick Perry! OMG! That settles it. Everyone has always been in awe of Rick Perry's scientific expertise. I can see why your brought this important event to our attention.
Only asswipes believe there is such a thing as man made global warming... lol
Rick Perry! OMG! That settles it. Everyone has always been in awe of Rick Perry's scientific expertise. I can see why your brought this important event to our attention.

What he lacks in scientific expertise, he makes up for it 10 fold in common sense compared to the alarmist cult.

Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe
Proof that denial is a religion to the Right!

It proves several things:
There are those who understand solar effect, and those who take advantage of those who do not understand the effect of solar maximum and solar minimum. Global warming had to be scraped because the solar maximum is ending. Climate change just covers whatever weather they want to charge us for.

Climate change has nothing to do with the environment, and is in fact a way to distribute American wealth and resources. They said so. In fact, they blatantly told you to get over the misconception that it does have something to do with the environment! The atmosphere does not distinguish between China coal vs American coal.

Redistributing our money for years now has had 0 effect on our weather.

The Polar bears made it. So did NYC. Solar flares are diminishing. Soon they will be alarming you with how cold it's going to get and we are all going to die if we don't give more to the UN.
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I still can't believe the Washington post is so upset that people question if man is the major contributor when glaceriers have been melting for thousands of years.

How dare someone question man is the major contributor!!!!!!!


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Oh the horror the Washington Compost must feel..damn the AGW cult and junk science is going on steroids ..

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change

By Steven Mufson June 19 at 2:40 PM

an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” whether he believed that carbon dioxide was “the primary control knob for the temperature of the Earth and for climate,” Perry said that “No, most likely the primary control knob is the ocean waters and this environment that we live in.”

Perry added that “the fact is this shouldn’t be a debate about, ‘Is the climate changing, is man having an effect on it?’ Yeah, we are. The question should be just how much, and what are the policy changes that we need to make to effect that?”

[A bitter scientific debate just erupted over the future of the U.S. electric grid]

Perry’s comments fall in line with what Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt said in a March interview on the program. Pruitt said then that he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

Actually the main contributor to climate change is the Sun and it's relationship to the Earth.
Those that can't figure that out need to go back to school. The fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun and has a tilted axis....the spinning of the Earth.....the fact that we have oceans has more effect on climate change. Man only effects the climate in a tiny way.

Man currently releases into the atmosphere about 22 billion tons of CO2 per year. That may seem like a large amount — but in what context? Natural forces all around us — decaying plants and trees, volcanoes, ocean out-gassing of CO2, etc. — release into the atmosphere an estimated 781 billion tons of CO2 per year, which is roughly counterbalanced by an estimated re-absorption of 788 billion tons of CO2 per year into living plants and into the oceans. Man’s CO2 output per year is less than three percent of the totals released by the combination of all natural forces and man — about 803 billion tons.
Exposing the Con Game of Man-made Climate Change
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For the millionth time:
"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015. "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy,"
He went on to say that they "negotiate" the world's resources. Our resources.
It proves several things:
There are those who understand solar effect, and those who take advantage of those who do not understand the effect of solar maximum and solar minimum.

And you're one who doesn't understand it. None of the deniers here seem to possess even a vestige of common sense.

Solar output started dropping sharply around 1995, yet the climate has warmed strongly.

If you have a theory of how a cooling sun can have caused the world to warm, let us know what it is, and collect your Nobel Prize.

For the millionth time:
"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015. "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy,"
He went on to say that they "negotiate" the world's resources. Our resources.
If you've ever been overseas you'll discover that most 3rd world countries have no environmental controls.
They've been deforesting their countries at an alarming rate.

For some strange reason they've been excluded from the Paris accord, yet they are the worst offenders...
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Rick Perry! OMG! That settles it. Everyone has always been in awe of Rick Perry's scientific expertise. I can see why your brought this important event to our attention.
I guess you are unaware that Perry is Trump's energy secretary, and thus will be making decisions which have great impact on environmental policy.

So, you're damn right it is important you be made aware of his idiocy.
these politicians & beaurecrats want to run our lives and they can barely speak coherently.

listen, on climate: we need to be smart, we need to be tough. not just tough, we need to be smart.
Google "is the sun cooling"

And look at all the doomsday articles about a northern hemisphere ice age expected to hit in 4 to 15 years.

The shit is hysterical. Reminds me of Gore's prediction of all the ice on earth melting.

Stupid gullible intelligent nitwits
It proves several things:
There are those who understand solar effect, and those who take advantage of those who do not understand the effect of solar maximum and solar minimum.

And you're one who doesn't understand it. None of the deniers here seem to possess even a vestige of common sense.

Solar output started dropping sharply around 1995, yet the climate has warmed strongly.

If you have a theory of how a cooling sun can have caused the world to warm, let us know what it is, and collect your Nobel Prize.

Anybody can make a bs chart like that.

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