Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Absolutely....he intimidated congressional witnesses and was a threat to destroy evidence. So a message was sent to those who would commit this serious crime. I wonder who could have been the recipient of this message? Hmm......
Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Why do you disapprove?

Would you have rather seen 2 FBI agents and have them get shot? I think you would.

From the Party that approved of calling ATF agents ‘jack-booted thugs’. You hate law enforcement when they’re coming after your guys.
Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Absolutely....he intimidated congressional witnesses and was a threat to destroy evidence. So a message was sent to those who would commit this serious crime. I wonder who could have been the recipient of this message? Hmm......
He has had two years to destroy any evidence, fool....What happened yesterday was more befitting of East Germany than the USA.
He has had two years to destroy any evidence, fool.
That doesn't enter into the minds of the police or the judges who grant search warrants . Just as it didn't with Cohen. Cohen had 10 years as Trump's criminal lawyer. So what you are saying is just contrived Trumpkin crybabying.
It's nonsense that Steele is a foreign spy?
Correct. He was, not is. Furthermore, the intermediary helped make the whole thing legal. Thats what happens when you have people with experience, instead of hiring Russian monsters, Infowars editors, and your own idiot groin spawn to make your campaign decisions. Cry us a river.
It's nonsense that Steele is a foreign spy?
Correct. He was, not is. Furthermore, the intermediary helped make the whole thing legal. Thats what happens when you have people with experience, instead of hiring Russian monsters, Infowars editors, and your own idiot groin spawn to make your campaign decisions. Cry us a river.
NO, the intermediary served as the money launderer. That's just another law Hillary broke. Things that you do personally that are crimes don't suddenly become legal when you have your lawyer pay for it.
I haven't seen any evidence for that.
Well no shit, Mueller doesn't brief you. But those are, in fact, the charges which lead to the warrant and arrest. Try to focus and stay on topic.
I know those are the charges. Thanks for admitting you haven't seen any evidence to support them.
Of course I haven't. But I do believe evidence exists, as should you. But regardless, those are the charges which frame this arrest.
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.

I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?
Nothing illegal about paying for dossier.
You're supposed to be proving that Obama and Hillary worked with russian intelligence to hurt Trump. The only evidence is that fusion gps hired steele.
It certainly was illegal to pay foreign spies to manufacture dirt on your political opponent. Steele was also a foreign spy, so paying him was also illegal. Doing it through your law firm is money laundering, which is also illegal.
There is a federal statute which stipulates that foreign nationals cannot contribute to political campaigns. This contribution can be anything of value.

According to Larry Noble (an FEC lawyer), paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal. Its considered a commercial transaction, not a campaign contribution. Hillary's campaign paid fusion GPS directly; a campaign expenditure. The FEC allows this expenditure because its not a contribution.
I haven't seen any evidence for that.
Well no shit, Mueller doesn't brief you. But those are, in fact, the charges which lead to the warrant and arrest. Try to focus and stay on topic.
I know those are the charges. Thanks for admitting you haven't seen any evidence to support them.
Of course I haven't. But I do believe evidence exists, as should you. But regardless, those are the charges which frame this arrest.
Once again, you admitted that you haven't seen any evidence. Stop while you are behind.
Once again, you admitted that you haven't seen any evidence.
Correct, and I will say it again. But we aren't debating his guilt. We were talking about the arrest. And you are trying to change the subject, because that's what you think you are supposed to do.
Once again, you admitted that you haven't seen any evidence.
Correct, and I will say it again. But we aren't debating his guilt. We were talking about the arrest. And you are trying to change the subject, because that's what you think you are supposed to do.
Wrong, turd. I have been talking about the evidence. You want to divert the discussion by restating the charges, as if we don't already know what they are.

That's a typical douchebag move.
I don't care. This is patently absurd.

When the left exposed how the bureaucracy manufactured the Vietnam War in the Pentagon Papers, and revealed secret info about corruption, moral and ethical folks didn't focus on how the corruption was exposed, they focused on the corruption.

If folks are so brainwashed by the Clinton cartel to think any of this matters? They need serious help.

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