Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaning of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Coney and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are dried the basic Civil Rifhts of seeinf the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this is. It a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights.

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

YOU & all of the OTHER Trump supporters here are DEATHLY afraid of the FACT that SC Mueller will be allowed to finish his investigation.

WHY is that? WHAT are you people afraid of?

Just be calm, calm down, wait for Mueller to finish his investigation & then you ALL can go nutz then.

And for now; why in Hell don't you drop the damn whataboutisms?
Because it's a witch hunt, you fucking moron. Mueller hasn't uncovered a single crime committed by the Trump campaign or the Trump administration.
ABC News laid it out pretty good

Read the Roger Stone indictment in special counsel Mueller's probe, including a 'Godfather: Part II' reference

ALSO - From the Indictment:

"After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign."

WHO is this senior Trump Campaign official and WHO directed this senior Trump Campaign official?

Was it Manafort?

Was it Trump?


ANYONE that believes SC Bob Mueller is close to being done putting the screws to Trump & his campaign; KEEP ON DREAMING BITCH.

When Trump is eventually removed from office & is NO longer POTUS, will Trump serve time in Leavenworth, or will he end up somewhere else?

Was that illegal? He actually told someone to get some information?


It would likely depend on the source of the info: Current word is the source was Wikileaks & Wikileaks received the info from the GRU aka Russian military.

If that is the case then there is gonna be some issues, for some folks from Trump world.

I'm sure you are patient enuff for Mueller to finish his work & let US know.
Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaning of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Coney and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are dried the basic Civil Rifhts of seeinf the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this is. It a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights.

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

YOU & all of the OTHER Trump supporters here are DEATHLY afraid of the FACT that SC Mueller will be allowed to finish his investigation.

WHY is that? WHAT are you people afraid of?

Just be calm, calm down, wait for Mueller to finish his investigation & then you ALL can go nutz then.

And for now; why in Hell don't you drop the damn whataboutisms?
Because it's a witch hunt, you fucking moron. Mueller hasn't uncovered a single crime committed by the Trump campaign or the Trump administration.

When YOU say stuff like, "you fucking moron" to other members it only means that YOU have nothing.

Mueller is doing a FINE job of getting rid of the Trump Mafia Crime Family so, just sit back & enjoy the show.

Now, go shuffle off to your little corner & pout a while.

It's time to take Meuller out of the picture. Like yesterday!

You people just don't learn do you?

The only result of that would be for another special counsel to be appointed. The investigation won't stop and trump will face obstruction charges for firing him.

Just like with what happened with comey.

Engage your brain.
It's time to take Meuller out of the picture. Like yesterday!

You people just don't learn do you?

The only result of that would be for another special counsel to be appointed. The investigation won't stop and trump will face obstruction charges for firing him.

Just like with what happened with comey.

Engage your brain.

Trump supporters, by and large, seem to be lacking any real cerebral function.
This rat will go down with the rest. Trump will be impeached shortly

we'll see about the impeachment timeline - but the arrest warrant said that senior campaign officialS were 'directed' to carry out some nefarious doings.... theory has it that one of them thar officialS is steve bannon... & there are very few (or perhaps only one) person who can direct him to do anything.

Let the impeachment begin....the Senate is already pissing itself with uncontrolled laughter.


Another Trump golden shower?

Only if you're drinking....

It appears that Mueller is nearing the head of the snake.
Accusations mean nothing if they are based on lies.
And you can lie to yourself about all of this all you want, but Mueller is only doing one thing, providing cover for Obama and Hillary by tying up the evidence. In the process he is obstructing justice and destroying evidence. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Mueller has been arrested for obstruction, tampering with witnesses, and destruction of evidence.

It might be coming.

It's time to take Meuller out of the picture. Like yesterday!

You people just don't learn do you?

The only result of that would be for another special counsel to be appointed. The investigation won't stop and trump will face obstruction charges for firing him.

Just like with what happened with comey.

Engage your brain.

Trump supporters, by and large, seem to be lacking any real cerebral function.

I know but I keep hoping they will some day.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Uh, you know that the charges against Stone have NOTHING to do with the charge of Russian collusion, right? Right? So far, every single charge that Mueller has filed against people has NOTHING to do with alleged Russian collusion. You know that, right? In fact, many of the charges involve things that happened before Trump even ran for president.

Correct. All these procedural charges against Stone are because of the investigation. Only manaforts old tax issue or cohen taxi fraud are actual charges uncovered by Mule.
These Trump supporters don’t understand that a statement of charges can be amended.

When Mueller comes out with this first statement of charges you know that’s not all he has.

He just shows Stone this and says if you don’t cooperate we can include this and this and this.

And if he doesn’t cooperate? believe it, Mueller will file another and worst statement of charges.

That’s how you negotiate.

In the criminal justice system.

With criminals.

Quit pretending like you know something.
It's time to take Meuller out of the picture. Like yesterday!

You people just don't learn do you?

The only result of that would be for another special counsel to be appointed. The investigation won't stop and trump will face obstruction charges for firing him.

Just like with what happened with comey.

Engage your brain.

Trump supporters, by and large, seem to be lacking any real cerebral function.

I know but I keep hoping they will some day.
ROFL! Look at all the dumbasses pretending like they are smart.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Uh, you know that the charges against Stone have NOTHING to do with the charge of Russian collusion, right? Right? So far, every single charge that Mueller has filed against people has NOTHING to do with alleged Russian collusion. You know that, right? In fact, many of the charges involve things that happened before Trump even ran for president.

Correct. All these procedural charges against Stone are because of the investigation. Only manaforts old tax issue or cohen taxi fraud are actual charges uncovered by Mule.
And those charges have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. The Mueller witch hunt is a great big dud.
Your stupid attempts at trying to bullshit everybody you're some sort of 'moderate' is a big failure. You're just another parrot like all the rest of your Prrty shills and deviants . Find another gimmick.
That lie is addressed in the second line of my sig.

I asked you a question to which you responded "yes", before going drama queen.

So you really think this arrest didn't even happen.

Absolutely fascinating.

yes, you have to pretend that's what I was talking about ... the fake news is that Mueller is conducting an honest investigation, which we all know is a lie, tard, speaking of 'drama queens' that your gimmick, not mine; we know you're a fraud. Nobody cares about your sig, since it's just more Bullshit from you.
Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaking of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Comey and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are denied the basic Civil Rights of seeing the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this not a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights

But then again, you aren’t an honest and just man so you could care less about injustice and Civil Rights violations of people who have committed no crimes until Mueller manufactures them during his shady interviews..

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

Tree?? What happened to your LARGE BOLD TYPE???

Why aren't you trying to convince us that Mueller, the Princeton Student Body President, dedicated civil servant, war hero, and all around good guy, Republican and former head of the FBI, is corrupt and evil, because he's doing the job he was ASSIGNED to do and doing it well?

Even Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone's good friend and co-conspirator, says he's guilty.
The job he was assigned to do by Rosenstein was to find anything he could find to impeach Trump.

Corsi says no such thing, you lying douchebag.

I have no patience for witch hunts run by traitors and douchebags.
Last edited:
Still no Russian collusion, eh?
That is the point. There is no Russian collusion.. People's lives are ruined over Mueller-manufactured crimes. This is indicting people in look for a crime.

This is a witch hunt and when it's over, I hope President Trump pardons all of them, except Cohen.

Yep, and hope they all counter sue Mueller, or at least the govt. forces him to reimburse the taxpayers for his fraudulent criminal activities in his plea bargain on fraud charges and RICO violations.
ABC News laid it out pretty good

Read the Roger Stone indictment in special counsel Mueller's probe, including a 'Godfather: Part II' reference

ALSO - From the Indictment:

"After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign."

WHO is this senior Trump Campaign official and WHO directed this senior Trump Campaign official?

Was it Manafort?

Was it Trump?


ANYONE that believes SC Bob Mueller is close to being done putting the screws to Trump & his campaign; KEEP ON DREAMING BITCH.

When Trump is eventually removed from office & is NO longer POTUS, will Trump serve time in Leavenworth, or will he end up somewhere else?

Was that illegal? He actually told someone to get some information?


It would likely depend on the source of the info: Current word is the source was Wikileaks & Wikileaks received the info from the GRU aka Russian military.

If that is the case then there is gonna be some issues, for some folks from Trump world.

I'm sure you are patient enuff for Mueller to finish his work & let US know.
Nope. That still wouldn't make it illegal for Stone to ask about it. You're such a fucking moron. You keep displaying your ignorance. Apparently you thrive on self humiliation.

"Current word" means snowflake moron rumor mongering.
Your stupid attempts at trying to bullshit everybody you're some sort of 'moderate' is a big failure. You're just another parrot like all the rest of your Prrty shills and deviants . Find another gimmick.
That lie is addressed in the second line of my sig.

I asked you a question to which you responded "yes", before going drama queen.

So you really think this arrest didn't even happen.

Absolutely fascinating.

yes, you have to pretend that's what I was talking about ... the fake news is that Mueller is conducting an honest investigation, which we all know is a lie, tard, speaking of 'drama queens' that your gimmick, not mine; we know you're a fraud. Nobody cares about your sig, since it's just more Bullshit from you.
You sure are easily triggered, easily angry.

Your problem, not mine.

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