My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Suuuuuure they will .....
How many hours of research did your
Organizers put in to compile that hot button
Statement? You reading from a list puppet?


^^^ can't grasp the concept of sarcasm^^^
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Suuuuuure they will .....
How many hours of research did your
Organizers put in to compile that hot button
Statement? You reading from a list puppet?


^^^ can't grasp the concept of sarcasm^^^

My mistake... And for what it's worth that is sarcasm gold! Had me fooled.

My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Suuuuuure they will .....
How many hours of research did your
Organizers put in to compile that hot button
Statement? You reading from a list puppet?


^^^ can't grasp the concept of sarcasm^^^

My mistake... And for what it's worth that is sarcasm gold! Had me fooled.


naw- not sarcasm 'gold'.... but i'd say the visual of that worked pretty good!
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.
Maybe if you clutch those pearls tightly enough you can turn em into diamonds huh?
“Here is the most important thing, Tucker: No matter how much pressure they put on me, no matter what they say — I will not bear false witness against Donald Trump,” Roger Stone said. “I will not do what Michael Cohen has done, and make up lies to ease the pressure on myself. My God, a great wife, and my family see me through this.”
This rat will go down with the rest. Trump will be impeached shortly

we'll see about the impeachment timeline - but the arrest warrant said that senior campaign officialS were 'directed' to carry out some nefarious doings.... theory has it that one of them thar officialS is steve bannon... & there are very few (or perhaps only one) person who can direct him to do anything.
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Suuuuuure they will .....
How many hours of research did your
Organizers put in to compile that hot button
Statement? You reading from a list puppet?


^^^ can't grasp the concept of sarcasm^^^

My mistake... And for what it's worth that is sarcasm gold! Had me fooled.


naw- not sarcasm 'gold'.... but i'd say the visual of that worked pretty good!

It did.

This rat will go down with the rest. Trump will be impeached shortly

we'll see about the impeachment timeline - but the arrest warrant said that senior campaign officialS were 'directed' to carry out some nefarious doings.... theory has it that one of them thar officialS is steve bannon... & there are very few (or perhaps only one) person who can direct him to do anything.

Let the impeachment begin....the Senate is already pissing itself with uncontrolled laughter.

This rat will go down with the rest. Trump will be impeached shortly

we'll see about the impeachment timeline - but the arrest warrant said that senior campaign officialS were 'directed' to carry out some nefarious doings.... theory has it that one of them thar officialS is steve bannon... & there are very few (or perhaps only one) person who can direct him to do anything.

Let the impeachment begin....the Senate is already pissing itself with uncontrolled laughter.


mueller seems to be speeding things up. IF he's got hard core evidence... like tapes, memos, emails, texts, etc that the senate has no choice but to deem reliable & accurate - they may have no choice.

the majority of (R) senate seats are up for re election in 2020, unlike the midterms. look at how they got nervous & twitchy when fed workers started filling up the capital & showing up at their offices & bombarding their phone lines?
Proof of his criminality is The Uranium One Deal and Rosatom Bribery scandal he and Comey covered and his refusal to look at anyone connected to The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Mueller and his henchmen are way out of control....this shit has to stop.....I'm feeling as if we live in Venezuela.....
Right....blame the lifelong civil servant, not the criminals...because, trump cult.
Mueller is the criminal.
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This rat will go down with the rest. Trump will be impeached shortly

we'll see about the impeachment timeline - but the arrest warrant said that senior campaign officialS were 'directed' to carry out some nefarious doings.... theory has it that one of them thar officialS is steve bannon... & there are very few (or perhaps only one) person who can direct him to do anything.

Let the impeachment begin....the Senate is already pissing itself with uncontrolled laughter.


Another Trump golden shower?
Proof of his criminality is The Uranium One Deal and Tosatom Bribery scandal he and Comey covered and his refusal to look at anyone connected to The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Mueller and his henchmen are way out of control....this shit has to stop.....I'm feeling as if we live in Venezuela.....
Right....blame the lifelong civil servant, not the criminals...because, trump cult.
Mueller is the criminal.

You should take your evidence to the FBI.
these are mostly fabricated charges such as:
saying their instead of there
stupid shit
'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics

Sounds like a pile of bullshit.

Piles of bullshit don't make a sound.

As someone who swears that Trump is telling the truth, you have no ability to discern the truth from a lie. This is something you demonstrate to everyone here on a daily basis.
When did I swear that Trump always tells the truth? Anyone who believes the media account of what's a lie and what isn't is a certifiable moron.

That you believe him at all is proof positive you can't tell the truth from a lie. Trump lies about everything - even stuff he doesn't need to lie about.
ABC News laid it out pretty good

Read the Roger Stone indictment in special counsel Mueller's probe, including a 'Godfather: Part II' reference

ALSO - From the Indictment:

"After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign."

WHO is this senior Trump Campaign official and WHO directed this senior Trump Campaign official?

Was it Manafort?

Was it Trump?


ANYONE that believes SC Bob Mueller is close to being done putting the screws to Trump & his campaign; KEEP ON DREAMING BITCH.

When Trump is eventually removed from office & is NO longer POTUS, will Trump serve time in Leavenworth, or will he end up somewhere else?
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Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Federal Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaking of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Comey and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are denied the basic Civil Rights of seeing the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this not a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights

But then again, you aren’t an honest and just man so you could care less about injustice and Civil Rights violations of people who have committed no crimes until Mueller manufactures them during his shady interviews..

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.
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