“Collusion-Delusion” combined with Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (aka T.A.R.D) all mixed up with stupid.
A volatile merger, to be sure.
Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaning of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Coney and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are dried the basic Civil Rifhts of seeinf the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this is. It a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights.

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

YOU & all of the OTHER Trump supporters here are DEATHLY afraid of the FACT that SC Mueller will be allowed to finish his investigation.

WHY is that? WHAT are you people afraid of?

Just be calm, calm down, wait for Mueller to finish his investigation & then you ALL can go nutz then.

And for now; why in Hell don't you drop the damn whataboutisms?
these are mostly fabricated charges such as:
saying their instead of there
stupid shit
View attachment 242227
Chris Christie ?hahahahhahahahah
Bridgegate/beachgate and fatass

Yep, He was on Team great Douche. And has turned to sell books, is it?

btw. 6 great Douche aides have been indicted for lying to start. Interesting fact they are lying.
Seems more great Douche clowns will be tagged for lying and more.

So I can compare....

Can you list all the Obama aides who lied to Congress/FBI? I want to see if Obama ahead or behind.
I prefer the DOPers to list Obama aides to be fair. Who lied to the FBI/Congress and were jailed.
these are mostly fabricated charges such as:
saying their instead of there
stupid shit
View attachment 242227
Chris Christie ?hahahahhahahahah
Bridgegate/beachgate and fatass

Yep, He was on Team great Douche. And has turned to sell books, is it?

btw. 6 great Douche aides have been indicted for lying to start. Interesting fact they are lying.
Seems more great Douche clowns will be tagged for lying and more.

So I can compare....

Can you list all the Obama aides who lied to Congress/FBI? I want to see if Obama ahead or behind.
I prefer the DOPers to list Obama aides to be fair.
they were NEVER subject to a MASSIVE witch hunt
these are mostly fabricated charges such as:
saying their instead of there
stupid shit
View attachment 242227
Chris Christie ?hahahahhahahahah
Bridgegate/beachgate and fatass

Yep, He was on Team great Douche. And has turned to sell books, is it?

btw. 6 great Douche aides have been indicted for lying to start. Interesting fact they are lying.
Seems more great Douche clowns will be tagged for lying and more.

So I can compare....

Can you list all the Obama aides who lied to Congress/FBI? I want to see if Obama ahead or behind.
I prefer the DOPers to list Obama aides to be fair.
they were NEVER subject to a MASSIVE witch hunt
That be a DOPer weak. Still hanging on the birther shit I see.
Are you one of those?
Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaking of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Comey and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are denied the basic Civil Rights of seeing the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this not a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights

But then again, you aren’t an honest and just man so you could care less about injustice and Civil Rights violations of people who have committed no crimes until Mueller manufactures them during his shady interviews..

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

Tree?? What happened to your LARGE BOLD TYPE???

Why aren't you trying to convince us that Mueller, the Princeton Student Body President, dedicated civil servant, war hero, and all around good guy, Republican and former head of the FBI, is corrupt and evil, because he's doing the job he was ASSIGNED to do and doing it well?

Even Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone's good friend and co-conspirator, says he's guilty.
Wrong. We want him to finish the fucking investigation instead of manufacturing crimes and leaking his pre dawn raids for process crimes to the press while ignoring Russian Collusion with Russian Agents by Obama, Clinton and The DNC.

It’s time to put up or shut up for the witch hunter.

Do you consider yourself a just and honest man?

If you do, you are lying to yourself.

Hillary Clinton and her staff lied to The FBI numerous times, destroyed evidence, deleted 33,000 emails under a Feseral Court order with James Comey’s Permission (that is a felony btw) and it was proven she, Obama and The DNC solicited the assistance of Russian Intelligence Agents to help her win the 2016 Election.

Never mind that though, the lies and obstruction of justice were enough to indict her 100s of times, but instead, they covered for her and exonerated her before even interviewing her, gave her entire staff immunity before interviewing them and the only person that got in any trouble at all was Anthony Weiner. They covered for Clinton to protect Barak Obama who was up to his neck in this scandal, and I could get in to his involvement with the illegal wiretaps, unmasking, leaning of classified material but that’s not where I am going.

You would go ballistic if Mueller instead of entrapping his victims were working to cover up crimes for them like he and Coney and Lynch did for Obama, and in this case the crimes are manufactured from these shady interviews where the targets are dried the basic Civil Rifhts of seeinf the evidence against them which are merely emails and texts they are being questioned about but are not allowed to have copies of.

How about you explain that to me and explain how The Mueller gets to break the law just to slap someone with a petty jaywalking offense over a misstatement on an email they sent someone a year or two ago but aren’t allowed a copy of it to even refresh their memory.

Please explain how this is. It a threat to our entire Democracy and ALL of OUR Civil Rights.

Stone is accused of all process crimes. There was no crime until Mueller made them. No wonder the Judge didn't ask for any money for bail.

Stone knew a year ago that Mueller was only questioning him to build a process crime.
That's why the sly fox committed process crimes. To show Mueller who is boss. Great plan.

YOU & all of the OTHER Trump supporters here are DEATHLY afraid of the FACT that SC Mueller will be allowed to finish his investigation.

WHY is that? WHAT are you people afraid of?

Just be calm, calm down, wait for Mueller to finish his investigation & then you ALL can go nutz then.

And for now; why in Hell don't you drop the damn whataboutisms?
"whats the difference between being hacked and not being hacked?

These Trump supporters don’t understand that a statement of charges can be amended.

When Mueller comes out with this first statement of charges you know that’s not all he has.

He just shows Stone this and says if you don’t cooperate we can include this and this and this.

And if he doesn’t cooperate? believe it, Mueller will file another and worst statement of charges.

That’s how you negotiate.

In the criminal justice system.

With criminals.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Actually, Mr. Stone was pinched for complaining to Tucker a few nights ago about the Mueller witchhunt.

This was Mueller's retaliation.

What I thought was most interesting was the tremendous number of FBI agents and weapons they brought in during the the predawn raid. If I were a neighbor of Mr. Stone's in Ft. Lauderdale, I would have thought that El Chapo was living in the house and that's why such an insane show of force was necessary.

This will be great for Stone if he does end up going to the Big House, the fear he stirred up in the FBI will be a signal to the other convicts that they need to respect him in the joint.
These Trump supporters don’t understand that a statement of charges can be amended.

When Mueller comes out with this first statement of charges you know that’s not all he has.

He just shows Stone this and says if you don’t cooperate we can include this and this and this.

And if he doesn’t cooperate? believe it, Mueller will file another and worst statement of charges.

That’s how you negotiate.

In the criminal justice system.

With criminals.

Again I say, I want all of us to remember the liberals now LOVE THEM some militarized FBI political raids in the middle of the night.

Who-rah, Trump second term, here we come. And we will remember.
Roger Stone is like Scarface. It took an entire army of Mueller goons with AK 47s to capture him.

Stone was deemed more dangerous than Osama Ladin, less firepower and men were used to take down OBL. If I was serving time with Stone, I would not Fuck with him at all.
Roger Stone is like Scarface. It took an entire army of Mueller goons with AK 47s to capture him.

Stone was deemed more dangerous than Osama Ladin, less firepower and men were used to take down OBL. If I was serving time with Stone, I would not Fuck with him at all.
Roger Stone is more dangerous than Al Chapo!

Mr. Stone should be out this weekend pricing an "El Heffay" tattoo to get if he gets sent up state. Also practice his Spanish, a lot of Illegals in the joint. He needs to sound authoritative when he says "Hey ese, wassup holmes"
'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics

Sounds like a pile of bullshit.

Piles of bullshit don't make a sound.

As someone who swears that Trump is telling the truth, you have no ability to discern the truth from a lie. This is something you demonstrate to everyone here on a daily basis.
When did I swear that Trump always tells the truth? Anyone who believes the media account of what's a lie and what isn't is a certifiable moron.

That you believe him at all is proof positive you can't tell the truth from a lie. Trump lies about everything - even stuff he doesn't need to lie about.
He doesn't lie 1/10th as much as you. That goes double for the fake news media.
ABC News laid it out pretty good

Read the Roger Stone indictment in special counsel Mueller's probe, including a 'Godfather: Part II' reference

ALSO - From the Indictment:

"After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1, a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign."

WHO is this senior Trump Campaign official and WHO directed this senior Trump Campaign official?

Was it Manafort?

Was it Trump?


ANYONE that believes SC Bob Mueller is close to being done putting the screws to Trump & his campaign; KEEP ON DREAMING BITCH.

When Trump is eventually removed from office & is NO longer POTUS, will Trump serve time in Leavenworth, or will he end up somewhere else?

Was that illegal? He actually told someone to get some information?


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