The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
He knew about Podesta before it was public information.

The key to whether the criminal collusion is criminal or not is whether the American citizens who were colluding with Wikileaks knew that Russia had stolen the emails. Since by the time the "Senior trump campaign official" asked Stone about the stolen emails....US Intel had broadcasted that Russia had indeed stolen the emails that Wikileaks was leaking

Mueller knows who the senior official was who approached Stone. It stands to reason that he also knows who "directed" the Senior Campaign Official. This has to be the most criminal regime in US history....HANDS DOWN.

Anybody dealing in the emails would have known they were stolen because of the quantity and the nature of the emails.
It's the Trump crime organization.

The Mafia in the White House.....incredible....

Married to the mob.


I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.
Sorry,trump cultist...removing a president by due process is precisely the opposite of a coup....

That was an arrest reserved for a drug kingpin. Sorry, Hillary cultist.

The arrest of a member of the Trump crime syndicate.
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.

The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
It's the Trump crime organization.

The Mafia in the White House.....incredible....

Married to the mob.


I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.

You are a total dupe. Don't adjust your MAGA hat. The problem is in your head.
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.

Married to the mob.


I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?

GRAHAM is getting ready to go after her.


Hillary has already kicked GOP anus twice. The GOP senators are a bunch of p*ssies.
Not so funny for those that are getting sent to Hell for eternity.

Mueller will be judged by God and on judgement day we will see this, so regardless of the Evil men do, ultimate justice will be executed upon the wicked and the Godless.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Frankly, I am surprised it took so long to put Stone in shackles. He has a huge mouth and got on T.V. and stated he had a backdoor into Wikileaks- I imagine through his side kick Jerome Corsi--Info War's nutcase and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Gucifer 2.0.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics
Report: Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Was In Contact with a Russian Hacker During the Election

Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime, you fucking dumbass. He didn't claim to know anything other than what was public information. Even if he did, it's still not a crime. Mueller had no probable cause to justify interrogating Stone, period.
Lol, that hateful moron harping on judgement day. Hahahahahahah

Evidently, you have experience and expertise of hell.
I totally disagree with you Denizen. When it takes over twenty agents to bring one man in who is not a danger to him or others in the middle of the night, you know someone's head is in their ass, and it isn't the president's.
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.

I take it that you are still all in on a 'soft coup'.
Well, you have alot of company as so is the FBI.
I mean, seriously, no one in the FBI of any influence, resisted the idea of arresting Stone in the manner that they did?
Has the FBI morphed into Hillarys personal KGB?
Looks like it!
And, this is alarming.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?

GRAHAM is getting ready to go after her.


Hillary has already kicked GOP anus twice. The GOP senators are a bunch of p*ssies.
Goodness! Must have missed that! She couldn't even come to the mic to thank her supporters on the night SHE LOST! She was so drunk, she had to have a gopher talk to her people instead. twice!!! LMAO!
I can see all of Meuller's grunts tying it on tonight. "We got him guys!!!! It took 23 of us and we had to wake him up, but that really really bad guy is in the clink!!! Yessummm, we did a great job...all of us brave guys! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Aren't you embarassed for MONSTER MEULLER? Shees!
I can see all of Meuller's grunts tying it on tonight. "We got him guys!!!! It took 23 of us and we had to wake him up, but that really really bad guy is in the clink!!! Yessummm, we did a great job...all of us brave guys! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Aren't you embarassed for MONSTER MEULLER? Shees!

But he...Gassssp! HE HAS A TATOO OF

When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?

GRAHAM is getting ready to go after her.


Hillary has already kicked GOP anus twice. The GOP senators are a bunch of p*ssies.
Goodness! Must have missed that! She couldn't even come to the mic to thank her supporters on the night SHE LOST! She was so drunk, she had to have a gopher talk to her people instead. twice!!! LMAO!

And her top campaign aid was seen staring
at the wall like some "brain dead buffalo". !
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Uh, you know that the charges against Stone have NOTHING to do with the charge of Russian collusion, right? Right? So far, every single charge that Mueller has filed against people has NOTHING to do with alleged Russian collusion. You know that, right? In fact, many of the charges involve things that happened before Trump even ran for president.
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know, right? Got to get rid of all those pesky whistleblowers and people that gaslight corruption. :rolleyes:

i have no sympathy for someone who helped the russians install an asset into the whitehouse.
Amoral idiots believe all manner of ridiculous fantasies.

They have talked themselves into an alternate universe. Trump is a Russian asset, Covington kids are Indian haters...
They pay no attention to actual reality if it's not what they want it to be.

The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Uh, you know that the charges against Stone have NOTHING to do with the charge of Russian collusion, right? Right? So far, every single charge that Mueller has filed against people has NOTHING to do with alleged Russian collusion. You know that, right? In fact, many of the charges involve things that happened before Trump even ran for president.

Don't waste your breath they are incapable of critical analysis. You're talking about people who still think Hillary is the actual POTUS and that Trump has been illegally installed.
These are mental children.

My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

Uh, you know that the charges against Stone have NOTHING to do with the charge of Russian collusion, right? Right? So far, every single charge that Mueller has filed against people has NOTHING to do with alleged Russian collusion. You know that, right? In fact, many of the charges involve things that happened before Trump even ran for president.

But the causes have to do with Russian collusion. He lied about details of his collusion and obstructed the investigation, and tampered with a witness.
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Note to the board: this liberals LOVES him some militarized FBI.

Read that again
My favorite part of this entire story is how the unprincipled, hypocritical liberals are all of the sudden HUGE fans of cops with military-sized weapons descending on a man's house who is simply ACCUSED of crimes.

Own it, liberals. Ooze in that hypocrisy sauce. We're watching.

They will need a fleet of buses when they storm the White House.

Suuuuuure they will .....
How many hours of research did your
Organizers put in to compile that hot button
Statement? You reading from a list puppet?


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