According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
What! Back that up!!
When you are supposed to be investigating Russian Collusion and intentionally ignore the fact that Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton and The DNC we’re working with Russian intelligence to attack Donald Trump, impact our election, and launch a massive Espionage Operation against his campaign and his family in the midst of an election then you know Mueller is an Evil, Godless man.

There was a COUP and The White House launched it ordered it and sanctioned it all in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton elected.
Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

Where is your evidence?

For starters, let's begin with Hillary crying 'wolf' when she lost and then the still to this day unsubstantiated dossier that she paid for.
Any other questions, nimrod?
Nothing illegal about paying for dossier.
You're supposed to be proving that Obama and Hillary worked with russian intelligence to hurt Trump. The only evidence is that fusion gps hired steele.
It certainly was illegal to pay foreign spies to manufacture dirt on your political opponent. Steele was also a foreign spy, so paying him was also illegal. Doing it through your law firm is money laundering, which is also illegal.
Let’s not forget his partner Skirpal who provides Steele with Russian Propaganda from Russian Spies inside Russia, for Hillary Clinton and Obama during the 2016 election.
Youve almost got it right. Skripal was an informant for Steele. But Skripal became one of those anti-kremlin russians, and the kremlin attempted to assasinate him for that.
Skripal was a double agent, for both UK and Russia. Which means he had information the kremlin doesnt want to be known.
It appears that Mueller is nearing the head of the snake.
Accusations mean nothing if they are based on lies.
And you can lie to yourself about all of this all you want, but Mueller is only doing one thing, providing cover for Obama and Hillary by tying up the evidence. In the process he is obstructing justice and destroying evidence. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Mueller has been arrested for obstruction, tampering with witnesses, and destruction of evidence.

"Accusations mean nothing if they are based on lies."

Oh, so now you claim that James Comey lied when he said Hillary committed numerous crimes?
Comey said this, and then claimed that no prosecutor would press charges.
So do me a favor and STFU.
no, i claim that the whole trump campaign succeeded on lies about hillary. and you are wallowing in it.
Here is the real story:

Rick Wiles: The Russia Investigation Is an English Plot to Reabsorb America Into the British Monarchy | Right Wing Watch
Stone is acting like he has been assured of a pardon. But once he’s pardoned he loses all 5th amendment rights and cannot refuse to testify. If he lies during that testimony he will be sentenced to prison for that.
Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Absolutely....he intimidated congressional witnesses and was a threat to destroy evidence. So a message was sent to those who would commit this serious crime. I wonder who could have been the recipient of this message? Hmm......

Add to that the fact that this happened in Florida. The stand your ground state. Anyone can shoot and kill people and not be prosecuted for it in that state. Then add the next fact that stone is a big fan and owner semi automatic weapons. He has actually created a video of him shooting those weapons saying he's preparing for when trump is impeached and removed from office.

This is a man who can and will shoot first then figure out what the situation is later.

It's strange to see such "law and order" people having such a hard time with the FBI doing their job.
Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Absolutely....he intimidated congressional witnesses and was a threat to destroy evidence. So a message was sent to those who would commit this serious crime. I wonder who could have been the recipient of this message? Hmm......

Add to that the fact that this happened in Florida. The stand your ground state. Anyone can shoot and kill people and not be prosecuted for it in that state. Then add the next fact that stone is a big fan and owner semi automatic weapons. He has actually created a video of him shooting those weapons saying he's preparing for when trump is impeached and removed from office.

This is a man who can and will shoot first then figure out what the situation is later.

It's strange to see such "law and order" people having such a hard time with the FBI doing their job.
It's not so odd when you realize they are all putting on a little act for each other's benefit.
'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics


Once again nothing but process "crimes", absolutely nothing to do with the supposed reason for the investigation.

The Witch Hunt is out of control.
Once again nothing but process "crimes", absolutely nothing to do with the supposed reason for the investigation.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.
Hey Spock I have a news flash for you . Stone has vowed to not testify against Agent Orange. Think about that for a minute if you can. That statement is an ADMISSION that he has knowledge of the "presidents" criminal behavior!

That's very true.

It will be interesting to know what evidence the FBI collected yesterday.

It could turn out that stone doesn't have to say one word. The evidence in his house the FBI now has could do all the necessary talking.
'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics


Once again nothing but process "crimes", absolutely nothing to do with the supposed reason for the investigation.

The Witch Hunt is out of control.
First of all, process crimes are still crimes

Secondly, I call bullshit:

The Roger Stone charge is anything but a ‘mere process’ crime - The Washington Post

And by “this kind of shit,” you mean indicting people for lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice.

The evidence for that is nonexistent. Mueller told numerous lie in the indictment, like the claim the Assange "stole" emails from the DNC. There isn't a shred of evidence for that.

In the case of Popodopolous it meant not remembering something he said weeks earlier.

Mueller is a thug. Finding evidence of collusion is not what he's doing. His only agenda is getting the President by any means possible. When he's under Barr's thumb, his reign of terror will be over.
”like the claim the Assange "stole" emails from the DNC.”


The indictment states no such thing, ya fucking moron. It says Assange released emails “stolen by others.”


Do you ever post anything that isn’t fucking moronic?

It says the following, you piece of shit liar:

"After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails by Organization 1 (Wikileaks)."
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


Fucking moron, that means WikiLeaks released stolen emails, not that WikiLeaks stole the email.

How should you know that? It says so in the indictment...

”From in or around July 2016 through in or around November 2016, an organization (“Organization 1”), which had previously posted documents stolen by others from U.S. persons, entities, and the U.S. government, released tens of thousands of documents stolen from the DNC and the personal email account of the chairman of the U.S. presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton (“Clinton Campaign”)
That quote isn't in the indictment, you lying piece of shit.

You’re such a fucking moron, ya fucking moron....

Now after proving you’re a complete fucking moron, let’s see if you possess even a modicum of character to apologize for calling me a liar as I’ve now proven what I said came from the indictment is in fact, word for word, in the indictment.......
This pretty much sums it up:

NPC Perp Bust.jpeg
brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!

It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
Maybe the Russian translation says that but in ENGLISH it talks about collusion with Trump officials...Between Stone Banon and someone above him

Still no Russian insight.

This whole "investigation" was about "Russian Collusion" now it is about "Stone Collision".

Mueller has moved the goal post again.
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?

Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?

Who would that be?

Don Jr.? Kushner? Ivanka?


Who was above Banon
Uh, no. The indictment clearly noted that a senior level person from Trump’s campaign was “directed” to contact Stone about the email.

Now the question is ... who was high up enough in the ranks of the trump campaign to give directions to senior level campaign officials?

Who would that be?

Don Jr.? Kushner? Ivanka?


Who was above Banon
That’s a very short list of names.
Trump cultist fantasy.
Hardly. I doubt a jury will convict.
This will never get in front of a jury. If it did, Trump could be subject to be called to testify under oath. Trump will never let that happen. Like the rest, Stone will plead guilty and go to jail.
Stone said he's not going to accept a plea, which means it will go to trial. Furthermore, why would Trump be called to testify?
The trump campaign is mentioned 28 times in the indictment. If this goes to trial, every member of the campaign will be called in to testify, including, and especially, trump. So no, this will never go to trial, I don’t care how adamant Stone is about not taking a deal.
They weren't mentioned in reference to any crime. Nothing Mueller claimed Stone did is a crime.
Spits the fucking moron who claims he read the indictment but insists the highlighted text below is not in the it. :eusa_doh:

According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Who needs sense when you've got dogma?
Do you approve of the nazi storm trooper FBI tactics to arrest Roger Stone?
Absolutely....he intimidated congressional witnesses and was a threat to destroy evidence. So a message was sent to those who would commit this serious crime. I wonder who could have been the recipient of this message? Hmm......

Add to that the fact that this happened in Florida. The stand your ground state. Anyone can shoot and kill people and not be prosecuted for it in that state. Then add the next fact that stone is a big fan and owner semi automatic weapons. He has actually created a video of him shooting those weapons saying he's preparing for when trump is impeached and removed from office.

This is a man who can and will shoot first then figure out what the situation is later.

It's strange to see such "law and order" people having such a hard time with the FBI doing their job.

Stone is a stone cold idiot....the Nioxon tattoo prices it...

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